nées arches

nées arches
is Greek for “New Beginnings…” Over writing about the year in
review, which contains me, my bullshit, and my problem with the world, I
plan to write about “New Beginnings…” I am going to write about what
I feel I want to do, strive towards, and accomplish in 2022.
I have spent this year being respectably active in the blog circuit. Before
this, I wrote 11 blogs this year. Probably closer to 15 if you count the
mini-blogs I wrote on certain social media platforms that really weren’t
blogs, more like bulletins. This will be number 12, officially, and I am
fine with that. What I am not fine about is how many of those blogs are
more about me, for me, than my audience, my friends, family, my therapist,
and my potential writing career at some point. I spent too much time
complaining about my health, the Government, politics, medical industry
I have spent just as much time being on this MySpace clone called SpaceHey, which is exactly what you think it is. It looks like MySpace, sort
of behaves like MySpace, but it is NOT MySpace… It’s just a good tribute to that platform. There I spent a lot of
time retooling my HTML/CSS skills, interacting with strangers who are not
in the “Cancel Culture” groups or a Karen/Kevin,
who are people of any sex between an identity crisis, menopause, and
People that are not batshit-hypersensitive and require the rest of the INTERNET to follow suit.
I probably wasted more time, online, trying to better understand this
narrative of NORMAL-being groups, um, tribes, of
hypersensitive nonsense about culture change, cancel culture, Kevin/Karen
mentality of not being able to mind their own business. These tribes do not believe in prerequisites anymore. In order to
be a Doctor, one has to go to medical school. To be a lawyer one has to go
to law school and pass the bar exam. To be a musician, at some point one
needs to learn how to read/write music, practice their instrument(s) to
become said musician.
The perspective of a child is something, in general, I have been interested in exploring as well. Children are children because they have not grown to be an adult. We look at this literally, but what if we looked at this in a digital world. What would be the difference between a child in the digital world over an adult? DATA… You ever have that thought that if you could go back to grade school or high school, now, with the current level of knowledge, experience and do it all over again? Be it in a time travel situation or just poof, you are a kid again but trapped in an adult’s body. I plan to explore a little bit on what happens to that child-like perspective when you see/do something for the first time. We see things as adults much differently than a child does. A child doesn’t nearly have the level of sophistication of a filtering system than us adults do. We see through the eyes of time, what we experienced, and what we know. A child does this too but on a much thinner wavelength. If we could upload that to our children, would they be able to understand it? Hey, it’s a good question and I am looking forward to seeing how this one plays itself out…
Staying with the digital world. I want to explore ACLs – Access Control Lists and how we can think correctly following their attributes. The Simple Definition of An ACL Is; can be used to manage and filter traffic that enters a network, as well as traffic that exits a network. The primary use of ACLs is to identify the types of packets to accept or deny. It is a list of IP Addresses used to “Control Access” to a network or specific device. These can also be used to select specific traffic and/or all traffic that comes into a network device(s). Think of ACLs like a traffic cop. You get pulled over for speeding and/or other offenses. The ACL actually prevents or allows said traffic based on the rules. Allow/Deny… I plan to look into how these simple computer-based rules work in the real world, with real information that is not stored digitally… Been wanting to dive back into the dating pool since I got out of the hospital in July 2020. I realized that I do not wanna be alone anymore, but at the same time, I do not wanna be with someone just so that I am not alone. I do not function well in that situation. I am actually better off alone than being with someone for loneliness’ sake. It got me thinking about Internet Dating and how it has changed over the years and what/why/how people make assumptions about people that are on dating apps or what they believe a person “is” based on that little blip of a write-up and a few pics. People seem to make very big assumptions about other people based on the very little. That is what I plan to explore. This might even go hand and hand with my blog on The 3As of The Delusional Mind . People can be straight-up delusional on those apps!!! They must be, with some of the nonsense I have seen and experienced.
At some point, I want to discuss “What is Art in 2022” As Perceived From An Idiot… This will dive into a small delusional group of people on social media that believe themselves to be “real working artists.” These people do not really have any training in creating art or anything, but they downloaded TikTok and now claim to be a working artist. An example of this… People who do not understand song structure in music, but try to create something on some digital platform that mixes/arranges samples and putting them in a way where the creator thinks they made a song or music, but to anyone that is a real musician and gets paid to create music not by promotional ads/clickbait systems, will laugh and call it garbage because it is. Now the counterargument is pretty solid, what is art? What is good, what is bad? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hey, those are some good points. I plan to explore that deeper and come from an objective place, but yet, still stay grounded in Logic, Common Sense, Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving…
Lastly, My Goddamn Opinion… I also will discuss why it is important to make it clear and concise why we cannot let people off the hook with that fake praise and accomplishment. You know how many fake music people are out there literally trying to make money, a career out of some really untalented content they posted on IG, FB, TikTok, SC, YT, Reddit? Millions of nonsensical videos/songs out there claiming to be art. No, it’s POOP, literally poop. Would you tell someone they are pretty if you believed they were not pretty? Well, you probably would in 2022, but I would not, why? Because it isn’t true. I understand that a review or comment can harm and hurt, but if one is serious about their craft, they need to be able to handle things when people refuse to buy into it. It is the same thing as the prerequisites statement I made earlier in the blog. If people want to be artists/creators in 2022 culture, they do not go get training or go to school or even practice as they should. No, they just keep saying it regardless if it is right or wrong, true or false, until the lot, us, accepts it. If you are on these platforms then I am sure you know what the heck I am talking about. This one is probably gonna be my biggest subject to tackle. God… Well, more like, GOD, God, god… All 3 have different spelling/grammar and definition. GOD, is the creator of the Universe, Universe means everything, everything inside and outside of the Universe. The supreme entity of EVERYTHING… This isn’t a God based on religion. It’s just EVERYTHING, INFINITE…
As the year progresses I will dive back into political commentaries about our society. I want to write about people, “UNwoking” themselves. I am calling it. UNwoke Yourself… I understand the Right hijacked the word WOKE and use it to describe the extreme left. I know where WOKE came from and how it used to be used before the social justice phrase became a phrase. WOKE was officially added into the dictionary in 2017 and its definition is listed as “to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism.” However, the word and its use date back to at least a 1962 New York Times article; “phrases and words you might hear today in Harlem”. A novelist William Melvin Kelley, (Black Man), wrote the earliest known use of the word under its new definition in an article titled, “If you’re woke, you dig it”. In 1972, in a play by Barry Beckham, “Garvey Lives!” a character says he’ll “stay woke,” with the line: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk”. In the modern-day the word also was used by Conspiracy Theorists to describe they were “in the know” on a subject or theory. Other close definitions are “well-informed, up-to-date.” These two are still accepted as definitions of the word. You can see how crazy this one word’s journey through existence has been. It was used by a black writer, in a black story, other than that it has no association with racism, but here-we-are… So I will go full-on against both the Left and Right on this one. I personally, use the word to describe all the tribal people I tend to talk about here and on other blogs. I can either write Three or four sentences of words to describe them or we can keep it simple and just use one universal word that is now openly accepted as much as the words up and down mean to their respective meanings…. WOKE… UNwoke Yourself in 2022…
The last blog I have notes for is for Fact = Fact-Checking. I have talked about or at least demonstrated on most of the blogs written over the past year on what a Fact is, and how we are supposed to prove a fact to be a fact. I plan to write a blog just on this process. Not sure how much copy/paste I will do from other blogs. My other blogs that include these concepts are about other things. Proving something to be a fact usually comes in on all those subjects. This blog would be solely on what is a fact? How do we prove a fact to be a fact? How do we test it to be a fact? How do we test it to NOT be a fact? All that stuff. I should call Bill Nye the Science Goofball to explain this one…
Onto bigger projects… Before I got sick I was working on my first novel. It’s been in my head since the year 2000. I took a bunch of notes in an old Notepad.exe file from a Windows 98 machine I wrote this in back in the day and began work on it in middle 2015. With all my life issues I didn’t get back to working on it till May/June of 2020. Then I got sick and I haven’t touched it since. I plan to go get back on it. My working title as of now is “The Great Change” and it is the story of first contact. The first time humans meet an intelligence from outside the Earth. You can read the Prologue here “The Great Change.” At the moment that is all, I am willing to discuss about the project. I have some other writing projects coming up. I want to convert to spec script my interpretation/iteration of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2061: Odyssey Three. 2061 picks up after the events of 2010: Odyssey Two, where the “Big Brother” Monolith transforms Jupiter into a mini-sun to give Life on Europa a chance to develop. Man vs Monolith meet again 50 years later… I used to be Dave Bowman…. End Transmission… I want to do a second entry on my “THROUGH the Sick Mind’s, Eye” Horror Short-Story Series. I have one entry now, from 2016, “Close Encounters of the 8th Kind.” “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Alice in Wonderland. This is the story of Jack’s point of view of being abducted by ALIENS… My second entry I am calling it “The Noisy Alive.” It will deal more with ghosts, demonic possession. Could be a B-side, of sorts, to the 1999 movie “End of Days” tone. “If ever there was in the world a warranted and proven history it is that of vampires.” ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1788). I have never been one to think of myself as someone that might be able to write horror. However, with all my poor luck, health, whatever you wanna call “it,” I have felt, seen, experienced, and imagined great horrors this reality can present. With that said, if I can write about that in a productive way and scare the crap out of people while I do it for my own entertainment, even if I am commissioned to write for someone else, sign me up…
nées arches
Not these people.
They say something that they want and they just keep saying it regardless if it is right or wrong, true or false, until the lot, us, accepts it. Well… I DO NOT ACCEPT THAT… I am, and always have been, grounded in Logic, Common Sense, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving… Again, this woke, extreme left, cancel culture, poop logic, Kevin/Karen, Racist or Anti-Racist, which is racist, mentality trying to re-educate the country on social justice with their bullying/name-calling, misinformation tactics of control. I leave the bitchin’ and complaining part of the blog with this quote by John Cleese, the dude from the Monty Python… “If people cannot control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people’s behavior. When you’re around super-sensitive people you cannot relax and be spontaneous, because you have no idea what’s going to upset them next… The political correctness has been taken from being a good idea; which is, let’s not be mean, particularly, to people who are not able to look after themselves very well (mentally/emotionally). That’s a good idea… Flash-forward to now, to the point where any kind of criticism of any individual or group can be labeled cruel (domestic terrorist). The whole point of comedy/humor is that ALL comedy/humor is critical, even if you make a very inclusive joke. If we start to say, we musn’t offend them! (Whomever “them” are)… Then humor’s gone, we’re living in the book 1984.” ~John CleeseForward onto nées arches (new beginnings…)
I have a pretty long laundry list of goals I want to work on in 2022. Of course, my health is the number one concern, but I have spent all of 2021 and 4 of my 12 blogs on the subject. I am going to break down my project goals; things I want to work on that have been left alone for too long. While not working on school materials I will be focusing on more blog writing. I have a few that I had planned to write this year, but the holiday really cramped my style and time for writing blogs. I have notes I have been gathering for months on many different subjects and topics… Do Ghosts Have Mass? If so, by how would we manipulate it? This came from when I watched the 1982 Sidney J. Furie film “The Entity,” starring Barbra Hershey. This to me was one of the scariest movies I had seen. It’s on most of my top horror films. The story is based on a novel of the same name about an alleged poltergeist that happened to a single mother and her children. Where the mother reported she had been violently raped by one or more ghosts in her home on multiple occasions. The movie does a fantastic job of making it extremely unsettling to watch this in a narrative. I was far too young to be seeing this movie in 1982, I was 4, but don’t teach a 4-year-old how to use a TV then hahaha. The movie goes off the rails when the scientists involved in the case attempt to trap, verify, freeze and manipulate a ghost. This part of the movie poses the question, do Ghosts have actual physical mass in our reality? I wanted to explore that “if” Ghosts do have mass then that mass must obey the laws of physics. If it has mass, then it exists in this reality and can be manipulated under the correct circumstances. I have learned that ANYTHING that is currently impossible can be “made to be possible” if all the engineering and technical challenges preventing its possibility are overcome. So if Ghosts have mass what would it take to manipulate that mass? That is what I will be exploring there.The perspective of a child is something, in general, I have been interested in exploring as well. Children are children because they have not grown to be an adult. We look at this literally, but what if we looked at this in a digital world. What would be the difference between a child in the digital world over an adult? DATA… You ever have that thought that if you could go back to grade school or high school, now, with the current level of knowledge, experience and do it all over again? Be it in a time travel situation or just poof, you are a kid again but trapped in an adult’s body. I plan to explore a little bit on what happens to that child-like perspective when you see/do something for the first time. We see things as adults much differently than a child does. A child doesn’t nearly have the level of sophistication of a filtering system than us adults do. We see through the eyes of time, what we experienced, and what we know. A child does this too but on a much thinner wavelength. If we could upload that to our children, would they be able to understand it? Hey, it’s a good question and I am looking forward to seeing how this one plays itself out…
Staying with the digital world. I want to explore ACLs – Access Control Lists and how we can think correctly following their attributes. The Simple Definition of An ACL Is; can be used to manage and filter traffic that enters a network, as well as traffic that exits a network. The primary use of ACLs is to identify the types of packets to accept or deny. It is a list of IP Addresses used to “Control Access” to a network or specific device. These can also be used to select specific traffic and/or all traffic that comes into a network device(s). Think of ACLs like a traffic cop. You get pulled over for speeding and/or other offenses. The ACL actually prevents or allows said traffic based on the rules. Allow/Deny… I plan to look into how these simple computer-based rules work in the real world, with real information that is not stored digitally… Been wanting to dive back into the dating pool since I got out of the hospital in July 2020. I realized that I do not wanna be alone anymore, but at the same time, I do not wanna be with someone just so that I am not alone. I do not function well in that situation. I am actually better off alone than being with someone for loneliness’ sake. It got me thinking about Internet Dating and how it has changed over the years and what/why/how people make assumptions about people that are on dating apps or what they believe a person “is” based on that little blip of a write-up and a few pics. People seem to make very big assumptions about other people based on the very little. That is what I plan to explore. This might even go hand and hand with my blog on The 3As of The Delusional Mind . People can be straight-up delusional on those apps!!! They must be, with some of the nonsense I have seen and experienced.
At some point, I want to discuss “What is Art in 2022” As Perceived From An Idiot… This will dive into a small delusional group of people on social media that believe themselves to be “real working artists.” These people do not really have any training in creating art or anything, but they downloaded TikTok and now claim to be a working artist. An example of this… People who do not understand song structure in music, but try to create something on some digital platform that mixes/arranges samples and putting them in a way where the creator thinks they made a song or music, but to anyone that is a real musician and gets paid to create music not by promotional ads/clickbait systems, will laugh and call it garbage because it is. Now the counterargument is pretty solid, what is art? What is good, what is bad? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hey, those are some good points. I plan to explore that deeper and come from an objective place, but yet, still stay grounded in Logic, Common Sense, Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving…
Lastly, My Goddamn Opinion… I also will discuss why it is important to make it clear and concise why we cannot let people off the hook with that fake praise and accomplishment. You know how many fake music people are out there literally trying to make money, a career out of some really untalented content they posted on IG, FB, TikTok, SC, YT, Reddit? Millions of nonsensical videos/songs out there claiming to be art. No, it’s POOP, literally poop. Would you tell someone they are pretty if you believed they were not pretty? Well, you probably would in 2022, but I would not, why? Because it isn’t true. I understand that a review or comment can harm and hurt, but if one is serious about their craft, they need to be able to handle things when people refuse to buy into it. It is the same thing as the prerequisites statement I made earlier in the blog. If people want to be artists/creators in 2022 culture, they do not go get training or go to school or even practice as they should. No, they just keep saying it regardless if it is right or wrong, true or false, until the lot, us, accepts it. If you are on these platforms then I am sure you know what the heck I am talking about. This one is probably gonna be my biggest subject to tackle. God… Well, more like, GOD, God, god… All 3 have different spelling/grammar and definition. GOD, is the creator of the Universe, Universe means everything, everything inside and outside of the Universe. The supreme entity of EVERYTHING… This isn’t a God based on religion. It’s just EVERYTHING, INFINITE…
God, is your typical God based on whatever religion you believe in. This God is not the literal creator of the Universe. This God, if it did create this Universe, would be outside of the Universe. This God would not be able to influence our current Universe from the inside, it would be outside of it, therefore outside of physics. If something is inside our Universe then it must obey the laws of physics. The exceptions are black holes, singularities and if humanity, us, does not have a full understanding of physics, which we do not, so this God could also still be a real possibility, just no actual “physical evidence” to suggest it. This God is the God of BLIND FAITH. Blind Faith could be a blog all by itself, but I will do GOD and God justice ( smiles). Now god, god is nature. This god is the god of shape, sacred geometry. Sacred Geometry is geometric patterns that exist all around us – they are the perfect shapes and patterns that form the fundamental templates for life in the universe. Plato’s solids (platonic shapes) are said to form the basis for every design in the universe, even down to a molecular scale. Sacred Geometry tries to explain the possible shapes to the Universe as: 1) A flat Universe (Euclidean or zero curvature.) 2) A spherical or closed Universe (positive curvature.) 3) A hyperbolic or open Universe (negative curvature). Sacred Geometry also attempts to explain consciousness. Not human consciousness, per say, but the concept of consciousness itself. That nature itself is a conscious entity. I will not be stopping here with these world views of GOD, God, god, the shape of the Universe and consciousness; but I will go into the fiction world as well. One of my favorite science-fiction writers Arthur C. Clarke takes a stab at consciousness with his interpretation of the birth of the Starchild in 2001: A Space Odyssey when the monolith absorbs Dave Bowman into “unbound consciousness.” The last tie-in to the GOD Theory here will be Multiverse concepts with Telomeres. Telomeres are the end of a chromosome. They are made of repetitive sequences of non-coding DNA that protect the chromosome from damage. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become so short that the cell can no longer divide. In the conversation of the multiverse; Telomeres are the space-time/dimension number for when this will happen to you; moment of death…As the year progresses I will dive back into political commentaries about our society. I want to write about people, “UNwoking” themselves. I am calling it. UNwoke Yourself… I understand the Right hijacked the word WOKE and use it to describe the extreme left. I know where WOKE came from and how it used to be used before the social justice phrase became a phrase. WOKE was officially added into the dictionary in 2017 and its definition is listed as “to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism.” However, the word and its use date back to at least a 1962 New York Times article; “phrases and words you might hear today in Harlem”. A novelist William Melvin Kelley, (Black Man), wrote the earliest known use of the word under its new definition in an article titled, “If you’re woke, you dig it”. In 1972, in a play by Barry Beckham, “Garvey Lives!” a character says he’ll “stay woke,” with the line: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk”. In the modern-day the word also was used by Conspiracy Theorists to describe they were “in the know” on a subject or theory. Other close definitions are “well-informed, up-to-date.” These two are still accepted as definitions of the word. You can see how crazy this one word’s journey through existence has been. It was used by a black writer, in a black story, other than that it has no association with racism, but here-we-are… So I will go full-on against both the Left and Right on this one. I personally, use the word to describe all the tribal people I tend to talk about here and on other blogs. I can either write Three or four sentences of words to describe them or we can keep it simple and just use one universal word that is now openly accepted as much as the words up and down mean to their respective meanings…. WOKE… UNwoke Yourself in 2022…
The last blog I have notes for is for Fact = Fact-Checking. I have talked about or at least demonstrated on most of the blogs written over the past year on what a Fact is, and how we are supposed to prove a fact to be a fact. I plan to write a blog just on this process. Not sure how much copy/paste I will do from other blogs. My other blogs that include these concepts are about other things. Proving something to be a fact usually comes in on all those subjects. This blog would be solely on what is a fact? How do we prove a fact to be a fact? How do we test it to be a fact? How do we test it to NOT be a fact? All that stuff. I should call Bill Nye the Science Goofball to explain this one…
Onto bigger projects… Before I got sick I was working on my first novel. It’s been in my head since the year 2000. I took a bunch of notes in an old Notepad.exe file from a Windows 98 machine I wrote this in back in the day and began work on it in middle 2015. With all my life issues I didn’t get back to working on it till May/June of 2020. Then I got sick and I haven’t touched it since. I plan to go get back on it. My working title as of now is “The Great Change” and it is the story of first contact. The first time humans meet an intelligence from outside the Earth. You can read the Prologue here “The Great Change.” At the moment that is all, I am willing to discuss about the project. I have some other writing projects coming up. I want to convert to spec script my interpretation/iteration of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2061: Odyssey Three. 2061 picks up after the events of 2010: Odyssey Two, where the “Big Brother” Monolith transforms Jupiter into a mini-sun to give Life on Europa a chance to develop. Man vs Monolith meet again 50 years later… I used to be Dave Bowman…. End Transmission… I want to do a second entry on my “THROUGH the Sick Mind’s, Eye” Horror Short-Story Series. I have one entry now, from 2016, “Close Encounters of the 8th Kind.” “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Alice in Wonderland. This is the story of Jack’s point of view of being abducted by ALIENS… My second entry I am calling it “The Noisy Alive.” It will deal more with ghosts, demonic possession. Could be a B-side, of sorts, to the 1999 movie “End of Days” tone. “If ever there was in the world a warranted and proven history it is that of vampires.” ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1788). I have never been one to think of myself as someone that might be able to write horror. However, with all my poor luck, health, whatever you wanna call “it,” I have felt, seen, experienced, and imagined great horrors this reality can present. With that said, if I can write about that in a productive way and scare the crap out of people while I do it for my own entertainment, even if I am commissioned to write for someone else, sign me up…