Compromises to Freedom: IV

“Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?” ~Patrick Bateman in Bret Easton Ellis’s, American Psycho (1991).
“There is an idea of peace, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real peace, only an entity, something illusory, and though we can hide our cold gaze and we can shake our heads and feel love, hate and maybe we can even sense our lives may actually be comparable: we simply are not there. We are not listening. We do not care. We have all the characteristics of human beings—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but our tendencies to depersonalize our feelings about a thing, a person or groups of people, is so intense, had gone so deep, that our normal ability to feel compassion and empathy has been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure of humanity, life, love and then death. We are simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of human beings, but not human beings. Monsters, with only a dim corner of our minds, bodies and souls functioning like a normal person.” ~Me, inspired by American Psycho.
Israel vs Palestine - My opinion has been well documented. I have posted two previous blogs specific to this subject and another four in the “Compromises to Freedom” series that started with my blog “…Perhaps…” and “Compromises to Freedom: One.” “…Perhaps…” is a comparison to how Hitler and the Nazis gained, consolidated and executed power to how woke-progressivism is nearly the same thing, conceptually. This was during the BLM/Georg Floyd riots. “Compromises to Freedom: Two” is about the frustration with the lack of constructive logical debate that uses common sense and critical thinking surrounding nonsensical issues like the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, what the extreme-woke-left perception of minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS,’ with no debate whatsoever on the validity of that logic. "Compromises to Freedom: Three" digs into the pressing concerns surrounding the restricting of free expression on platforms such as Twitter. It has logic and insight on instances of censorship and draws striking parallels to historical events like Nazi propaganda and authoritarian regimes bent on misery for its citizens. I consistently emphasize the significant importance of raising a diverse range of perspectives and simplifying meaningful debate so we can solve problems. How can one be calm, use their mind to solve a problem, any problem, when they are heavily emotionally-compromised? I have researched heavily on the disdain both groups have for one another. If you want a full recap on this history lesson you are going to have to read those blogs. I am only going to paraphrase here. I am more focused on how some think of Hamas as some real government, that is considered by most of the world as a terrorist group, invading a sovereign country, killing its innocent citizens, kidnapping the ones they didn’t kill, murdering of young children and the raping of Israeli women; and have those acts celebrated as some sort of important claim to independence for Palestinians. Most agree this is and was a horrible act committed, but now we have a faction that feels the Palestinians of Hamas are just for executing these actions in this fashion. The blogs on the history and my feelings up to that point can be found below.
Latin for Eradication
—War of Bantha Poodoo—
—Historical Topics That Are Relevant, See—
• 1000 BC – Roman Empire rebranding the territory ‘Palestine’ as an insult.
• 1923 – Britain. When we finally get to “modern-day.”
• 1948 – "al-Nakba" – Creation of the state of Israel.
• 1967 – 6-Day War.
• 1987-1993 – The First Intifada.
• 2000-2005 – The Second Intifada.
• 2018 – The relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem.
• 2023 – 10/7/2023, the first invasion of Israeli territory since 1948.
There has not been much change in the conflict abroad. Israel continues to flatten the Gaza Strip while planning another incursion to finish off the hierarchy of Hamas, but sentiment over here in the United States has turned downright hostile as Hamas-support framed as ‘Free-Palestine-support’ becomes even more desperate as Israeli forces move toward their goal of the utter dismantling of Hamas. Colleges around the country have seen an influx of violent and anti-Semitic protests aimed at Jewish students and Jewish people altogether. The college protests started semi-peaceful; as students were protesting the war's death toll of innocent casualties of war and are calling for universities to separate themselves from any companies that are advancing Israel's military efforts in Gaza. The protest movement was sparked at New York's Columbia University on April 17th 2024 when students pitched tents in the middle of campus and began rallying in support of Palestinians in Gaza. The protests turned from semi-peaceful to downright violent and anti-Semitic when crisis-actors and ‘professional protesters/rioters’ began showing up and leading the charge. College campus encampments across the country have become synonymous to riots as anger grows ever more idiotic over their demands. Pro-Palestinian activists want their colleges to 'divest,' or deprive Jews. Divestment, for many of the protesters, means cutting those endowments' ties to Israeli companies or ones that do business with Israel. Many also want their universities to end academic relationships with Israeli institutions. Protests have spread across more than 60 university campuses in the United States, resulting in more than 2,000 arrests in two weeks. The “Compromises to Freedom” series always talks about how fiction and/or history can always either happen or happen again if we are not careful with how slowly we are giving up our freedoms to make compromises for others, sometimes, even lessor minds. No one is the same over here in America. We are not a communist country where everyone has nothing and it is that nothing that is the only thing they have in common while the governing state has everything. The “Compromises to Freedom” series was meant to be short warnings, touching on politics but not being solely about politics, but like I have been seeing over the years, overlapping conceptual understanding was inevitable. These blogs get longer and longer when they are supposed to be really short. I write these more/less to remember my feelings and how I remember things. I never want to forget how I feel about my reality around me because if we ever do we will never really believe reality is even real. If you remember something happening but it actually didn’t happen that way, did it happen at all as we remember it?
History Lesson:
“You have a large pool of people. 10%, perhaps, of them are there for the right reasons. The other 90%, perhaps, are just there to be a terrorist for their own purposes. With the umbrella of that will create change…” ~Me, 6/1/2020
Just imagine if the law worked how it works in Judge Dread. A cop has the legal right to arrest you, sentence you and execute you right there on the spot with no lawyer to defend you… Or you can try your luck in an American society was that of the show "The Man in High Castle," where the US loses World War II due to conservatives slowing down atomic bomb research. Where the Nazis develop the bomb first and destroy Washington DC. The United States is divided between a Nazi-run East and Middle and Japan occupies the West Coast. We all would be singing a different tune living under this Nazi States of America. In the show, Blacks and Jews are murdered off in Nazi America in the same fashion as they are in Poland. Gathered up, robbed, worked till they die or off to the gas chamber they go. In the West Coast Jews are murdered and Blacks are treated as if it were the year 1900. In the show this is law and society accepts it.
Point: We need change but be careful in which how we go about that change…
Compromises to Freedom: One
There are lots of reasons to be concerned about the state of society and the potential dangers of unchecked extremism. The United States is teetering on the brink of Germany 1933 territory. This could all happen, all over again, here in the US. What people are willing to accept these days without really having a conversation about it? People want change so much, but they must be careful for which how they go about that change. Gain power, consolidate power and then dictate power... That is very plausible right now. It’s been already happening slowly. The seeds planted around 2020. It takes a few year to grow. Took a decade in Germany too. We’re making more and more Compromises to Freedom, Freedom Thinking, Experiencing Freedom… The more divided we are, the weaker we are, the more desperate we become, the more we need gov’t to tell us what is safe and what is bad. Take millions of people, ruled by a few. Let the few decide everything for the millions of people. Let’s take the millions of people, herd them all together, put them in squares/rectangles, and stack them on top of one another, call’em ‘cities.’ It’s all messed up…
Compromises to Freedom: Two
1.45 years later more parallels to the rise of Nazi Germany but from the progressive mob saying they are for freedom, but really taking it away. I am extremely disappointed in the lack of unity during crises and those who resort to rhetoric (smart talk with made up facts) rather than engaging in constructive logical problem solving. The importance of relying on verifiable facts (real-stuff) rather than imaginative narratives shaped by media biases that grossly distorts logic and the facts as they are. There’s a divergence of society, both extreme left and right factions lack rational common sense, logic and resort to BS rhetoric disguised as semantics. Always question the narratives presented by media and their political agendas. The law is black and white till it’s not…
Compromises to Freedom: Three
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” ~Albert Einstein. Don’t Matters, Generation Asshole or Generation Zero. These are just labels that describe their behavior… All the triggering hateful shit these people use as their counter-argument, literally equals, ZERO. Hence, Generation Zero… The politics of both sides lack the ability to take a piece of poop, dress it up, remove the smell and then present that as food for human consumption. Either side will NEVER be able to convince me that the POOP they serve is anything other than POOP… LOL, Literally; AKA POOP Logic… Cancel Culture this, WOKE that, Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, For, Against, Moral, Immoral, Gay, Straight, Black, White, Asian, Privileged, Livin’ on the Streets, Islamophobe, anti-Semitic, FK You Already Karen…
If we change what happened before to seem lesser by rewriting history or downplaying its significance, we will absolutely repeat it and its looking that way.” ~Me, on rewriting history…
Challenging Societal Norms:
I often question societal norms and growth. 1999 seems so long ago now and it actually is. A quarter of a century now. “The Matrix” (1999) still holds up pretty good dealing with the ultimate lie we see every day, we call reality. We saw all sorts of media at the end of the century dealing with future politics, technology, social issues. All of it. “In a highly systematic Society just merely considering going against the grain will label one a traitor to said Society. One becomes ostracized; a cross-bearer with those who used to be their friends, throwing stones at them, keeping up with the religious similes. People born into religious organizations have their lives centered on these doctrines of faith and all their friends, family, and acquaintances are part of this religious-based binary information system. The person who manages to escape will be deemed a heretic. It's easier to label a non-believer a heretic than it is to explain to others why they are the heretic. It's the same thing with politics; one cannot question the actions of their political leaders. It doesn't matter if one is a firm believer in what their party claims to stand for. If one does, one will immediately be labeled as being part of the opposite party and here in lies perhaps the most lamentable fact. If one tries to free someone else from an erroneous ideology they may turn against them to defend the system. They will smear their image, belittle them, insult them, and break all ties with them. They will pretend like they never knew them. Some may even try to physically harm them, and those closest to them. They will go after their Social Circle(s) and Strong-arm them into stopping them from having any relations with those people. No matter what, they have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so hopelessly dependent on the system, but they will fight to protect it if they are not one of the believers, they are against them by default. No other option exists in this binary information system. We see this kind of human mistreatment all the time on social media. You, me, those who fight against any system of Oppression. We all run the risk of getting cancelled for our beliefs.” ~Paraphrased by YouTube Channel ‘Matrix Explained’ –
The misguided journey to acquire freedom leads some weak-minded people to realize that their lifelong beliefs are wrong. What was thought to be worth fighting for is part of a larger and evil system of control. Binary in 3D turns into 3 points of logic, not 2. Think about this for a moment. The people that make up this Woke-Mob-Rules-Mentality don't care if their struggle is real or not they simply want to live in the comforts of their BS-False-Narrative-Simulation-Bubble. Just as the Analyst said in “Matrix Resurrections” (2021): “you don't give a about facts, it's all about fiction. The only world that matters is the one in here (points at our heads/brains/minds) and you people believe the craziest shit.” Reflecting on recent events, the 2020 Presidential campaign President Biden made statements particularly regarding what has been dubbed the "fine people hoax." The deliberate misinterpretation, misquoted and/or misreported of former President Trump's remarks, falsely portraying him as sympathizing with white supremacists. The President's more recent remarks condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia highlight a similar trend. However, there's a fundamental flaw of logic to this. Islamophobia doesn’t currently exist as a forefront belief in the United States. Keyword, “currently…” It's evident that Jewish individuals have consistently faced discrimination and abuse, yet the President's inability to unequivocally denounce anti-Semitism for what it is -is concerning. Instead of addressing it head-on, it's often been contextualized within broader issues like the Free Palestine movement. Is there Islamophobia in the United Stated of America? Sure, but not nearly at the same levels as it was after 9/11/2001 and even by that standard isn’t nearly as dominant as it has been. It should be. Americans should still feel unsafe and harbor ill-will towards extreme-Islamic factions. They simply cannot be trusted. Not all but a large majority of those that follow this faith want anyone and everyone dead if they do not also believe in their religion. Any religion that mentions violence and hate as part of its faith is a false faith. That simple. If a group of Americans stepped into a time machine from 2002 to 2024 and saw even “some” Americans supporting Palestinians in 2024 they would have believed they literally entered “the Twilight Zone.”
Turning to recent terror attacks at colleges around the country, cough, I mean ‘peaceful protests.’ You know… The ones that have been on the news that involve violence and anti-Semitic sentiments, striking how little attention that receives that this is not a peaceful protest. In the Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 6, episode 11, "Chain of Command," Captain Picard says "There are four lights" to his torturer, Gul Madred. The Cardassian interrogator then asks Picard to say there are five lights, which would indicate that Picard is accepting the reality of the torture. This is based on a concept from Orwell's 1984, where another torture says that they can make someone believe 2 + 2 = 5. That is what the woke do. Try to take illogical-nonsense and spin that as normal, everyday, facts… While counter-protesters appear composed and put-together, those involved in the protests, many of them young women, often seem disheveled and lost. Hair a mess, all have a bewildered look on their face when you can see their face because they are hiding behind masks and isn’t because they are afraid to get sick. They do not want to be identified. They seem energetic but deeply unwell. Like; they have a lot of energy, but they look physically sick and weak. They almost all wear eye glasses, have no muscle tone. Have more fat jiggling around than most people. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger says, "It's simple, if it jiggles, it's FAT." You can apply that to one's inflated sense of influencer-self-belief in themselves and their faith that by the definition of faith only needs belief to make it even real... 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 I believe it is because they are physically and spiritually infected by a lack of serious self-love and love in general in their lives, because they are operating from a punishing of illogic for an ideology, any ideology. This reflects a trend in our society, where Leftist-Woke-Ideologies seem to drive young women towards a sense of purpose rooted solely in being outraged all of the time, about nothing, yet, everything, all at once. Their activism often lacks logical coherence and serves only to undermine their own futures and well-being. I mean, who is going to hire these people even at 7-Eleven? If I were a hiring manager and a resume came across my desk and this person has an arrest on their record for this protest. They would not be getting a phone call back, even to say we went with someone else. They would get met with silence, just like a member of Generation-Zero earned. They did the work. Why does hard work always get labeled with a positive outcome just because work to get there was hard? Tell that to person with lung cancer that smoked for 30+years… Do they deserve to die like this? No, of course not… However, they “earned” it… They did the hard work to get there.
Digging deeper, it becomes evident that these protests are often led by instigators rather than genuine activists caring about the misfortune of others. There is suspicions of external funding and manipulation, yet the media remains silent on these matters and more interested in trying to convict Trump of a crime that doesn’t even exist to the majority of people who actually study the law. They focus on trivial, minor issues, neglecting the larger picture of performance-outrage and its consequences. This movement, labeled as a peaceful protest, is perhaps one of the worst in American history. It will go down in the books as the worst, senseless and ineffective protest in US history. What makes it so cringe-worthy is not just the physical debris left behind, as these people are usually screaming about the environment but the underlying zombie-ideology driving it. When an ideology promotes violence and intolerance in the form of the execution of gay, non-virgin women, we can say it is bad, wrong, evil, brutal, and causes suffering. We aren't seeing people being executed, yet. The ideology behind these protests is unmistakable. It breeds a conviction of hate and blinds individuals to logic, reason, and empathy. It sows the seeds of hatred and division. Singing; “Sowing the seeds, of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds…” ~Tears for Fears
The equation of anti-Semitism with Islamophobia only serves to muddy the waters further. Their actions stem from a deep-seated hatred and confusion, reflecting the worst aspects of human nature. The protesters appear energetic yet profoundly unwell, a manifestation of both physical and spiritual decay. This decay is not limited to physical appearance but extends to the soul, their very being. Their essence… It's not about Islam or any specific religion, but rather an ideology that perverts them all. All of them are bad for human societal evolution. At its core, it's a quest for power masked as righteous indignation. Those involved in these protests are not driven by a desire to create or build but by a destructive impulse to destroy what we built here. Their ugliness reflects not just physical attributes but the darkness within humanity which has not changed since the first war ever was waged, human vs human. It’s in our divine nature to hate and kill and it not be for a real reason other than we can. The protesters are the pussification of evil. Evil intentions with NO real Power to make their evil happen, but damn, they are trying. The Nazi ideals are well and alive in 2024 within Islam and the Woke-Progressive-Ideologies. These individuals are infected by a lack of self-love, a destructive ideology, and any real love whatsoever that masquerades as righteousness. They seek to destroy rather than build, driven by a sense of perpetual misery and outrage. These protesters need booze and sex… Booze and sex fixes everything and if it doesn’t, have another beer and fuck another person till it does. That is the American way. You don’t like it, vote it out or get the FK out… The protesters and people like them; their reality is a nightmare from which they cannot awaken, and their actions only serve to perpetuate this cycle of hate, despair, and violence. More than half are not students, they are organized sure, but sloppily at that. They had to bring in outsiders to fill in the bodies. They couldn’t even get the student bodies at each college behind the cause at a high level. Some sure, but not the majority, “minority.” Remember what minority actually means. Not many, not most, not all, but some. I minor amount of the whole, which is the majority.
Protests against the Israeli-Palestinian conflict puts unwanted pressure on President Joe Biden. It is now coming out that these protests and protesters have received financial support from influential liberal figures in America, such as Bill Gates and George Soros. This money might not have been intended to go to these groups, but monies did go to these groups. Where else would they get all professionally made/printed up signs filled with hateful anti-Semitic messages and brand new, mostly the same manufacturer-tents? While Gates claims their donations are no longer active, other notable donors include Susan Pritzker and David Rockefeller. There's a push in Congress to legally define antisemitism to hold individuals legally accountable for their anti-Semitic statements. Bernie Sanders compares the situation to Vietnam, warning against abandoning support for Israel and the rest of the right media is jumping all over this. This is sticking and Bernie is right for a change, this will be a crushing blow to the Democrats chance to keep the Presidency. Last time I checked that pull out of Vietnam didn’t look so great and it still doesn’t 51 years later.
"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed. There is no vaccine against stupidity. Stupidity is a personal achievement which transcends national boundaries. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. Fear or stupidity has always been the basis of most human actions. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him." ~A series of quotes about stupidity from Albert Einstein...
Compromises to Freedom: IV
by David-Angelo Mineo
3,967 Words
Other Blogs in the Compromises to Freedom series:
Compromises to Freedom: One
Compromises to Freedom: Two
Compromises to Freedom: Three