Compromises to Freedom Three

See; this is the problem I have with these Twitter employees, cough, former Twitter employees, of all makes, models, years, colors, sexes and creeds. They see something, anything, most things, very small as a macro, one size fits all mentality. For those of us that grew up in the early 00s believing computer tech/coders where these socially awkward personalities that had short tempers and lived in their mother’s basement wearing their dirty underwear. We now are seeing what this version of that is. Kids and younger adults out of college with “progressive” ideologies that feel they are owed/entitled so much from society that they feel compelled to force their views on the population regardless if one is left or right in the binary information system. Not all humans or even Americans think in those terms. Sure, some do, but not all, not even most.
They use an example like this; “White Nazis that single out the Trans community.” Does that happen? Of course it does. Are those the only groups of people that want a voice on that topic? Not even close. Twitter took it upon themselves to say, “disagreeing with what they deem as accurate, right, truth, belief and knowledge” warrants expulsion from their platform. Even if one is not making a dig at a group and simply wants to discuss why this/that is supposed to be right/wrong/normal that cannot be allowed on the platform and is flagged as if it were some crazy Nazis propaganda. They literally treat both as one in the same…
A Little History Lesson for These Now Fired Twitter Employees.
What they are/were doing is not much different than what happened in Germany leading up to World War II. Twitter has put pressure on people to have a side and use their platform to speak out where they normally would not before all this. Twitter still bullies. They still preach idiocracy at its finest. It has been the hip thing to accept these days… Take a bad idea and try to conform others to think it’s good. Car Salesman/Sheepeople Mentality and people circum to the pressure of this philosophy in fear they might get canceled themselves. I go on social media to escape these realities not have my timelines flooded with opinions that do not make logical sense forced upon me as if they were real facts and real truth other than what they are, beliefs and opinions. If Fired-Woke-Twitter-Employees want me to respect their outcry and rage then respect my right to have an unfiltered opinion about it. That isn’t what they practice/preach. They want their voice to be the only one and you must comply, agree, obey to and with it or be removed from the platform as if you broke a real law or something. Do not give them room to poison you, your forum and what is yours that is not theirs, which equals your opinion about anything. Your opinion is not theirs. It is yours.
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” ~Albert Einstein. My opinion of those types of people; the “Don’t Matters, Generation Asshole or Generation Zero.” These labels are just descriptions by their behavior… All the triggering hateful shit these people use as their counter-argument, literally equals, ZERO. Hence, Generation Zero… THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not, by definition, a racist country. That divide is being fabricated for clicks, for power, for money, not our best interests… There are bad people out there, absolutely. There are people that break the law. There are racist people out there widely advertising that. There are homophobic people doing the same thing… Of course there are people that are all of these things; but the country as a whole is not a racist one. Stop it with that nonsense… Just because you were treated badly for being you doesn’t mean all people like you are treated badly and those few that did treat you badly do not represent the country as a whole, specifically in ideologies. However, I can see where someone hurt would think that based on the superficial bullshit presented by CNN and the Woke Left Mob. There are people of all walks of life here. Sure, some of them are bad and some are bad and in a position of power at the same time. That is evident. I am not at all debating that…
Most of what I know here is from the very few outlets I feel like speak objective truth based on actual facts of a given situation and that have healthy debates/conversations within that system. How can you have a debate about any subject for being banned on the platform for simply disagreeing with the original take and giving a detailed, well thought out explanation as to why one feels the way you feel? Kind of hard when you can only present something in what? 120-140 characters, including spaces?
There are bad people in this country in positions of power that want to divide all Americans into these little subgroup tribes that seem to use being offended as a recreational sport so they can be easily manipulated and controlled. I’m not LEFT. I’m not Right. I’m not pro-anything and I’m not against-anything. I believe in Live and Let Live, respect other people’s property that isn’t yours, respect the law, respect liberty, which are for everyone, and respect the fact that people that differ from you, your beliefs are probably just as confused and mentally insecure as you or me…
To Sum Up How I Feel About Politics…
Regardless of what is at play here both sides lack the ability to take a piece of poop, dress it up, remove the smell and then present that as food for human consumption. Either side will NEVER be able to convince me that the POOP they serve is anything other than POOP… LOL, Literally; AKA POOP Logic… Cancel Culture this, WOKE that, Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, For, Against, Moral, Immoral, Gay, Straight, Black, White, Asian, Privileged, Livin’ on the Streets, FK Karen…
Rewriting History…
If we change what happened before to seem lesser, we will absolutely repeat it. Like, when did "that" become a thing? As much as I do not wanna admit to this; people judge other people in life, be it social media or real-world applications, based on what they post on social media. That is the new normal we live in now. If you put your whole life, inner thoughts on social media, unfiltered, for EVERYONE in your personal, business and/or social networks, people will judge you based on that. One is free to post their thoughts, but have some “perceptional awareness.” Read the room or at least think of how your peers might think of you if you are the asshole in the crowd, not some of the time, but ALL of the time. The more you are supposed to know as an adult.
You cannot have the conversations/dialogs about topics without establishing the fallacies of the information system standards these concepts are based on. I keep seeing these as not based on logic, common sense, critical thinking and knowledge. They are based on belief and raw angered emotion. Belief is not a measurement of truth, knowledge and knowing, but at some point in all this we allowed the concept of belief to stand for solid grounded things, conceptually. When it is actually based on the stuff clouds are made up of and not solid matter.
The outrage culture cannot be met with our own version of that. We cannot fight their outcry with our own crying or violence. They are being loud for loud's sake. If we be loud it has to be grounded in something other than being deliberately offensive for offensive's sake. This is why I will roll my eyes when Kayne West does his little rants. He is basically Alex Jones at this point; where of the ten things he rants about, one or two of them have some merit of discussion and the rest are just the ramblings of someone that isn't mentally stable, and cannot articulate their arguments on those two things. So, they get emotionally frustrated with the process and say some crazy ass bullshit to get people paying attention again. No one is paying attention to the two things that could have been decent talking points for discussion anymore. They only notice the eight crazy things they just said. It is why both their careers are in the dumps now.
As History Sees It…
Hitler was often put on the back burner early in his political career; because he would stand for crazy ass things while some things may have had made some sense at the time. Eventually, he was able to strong-arm his way into power and then exercised those crazy things literally. This is why it is easy for the WOKE to label some noncrazy people as crazy people. They have adapted the same process. Hitler literally bullied and terrorized those that stood in his way till they gave him the absolute power he required to make the change he saw fit. Twitter’s approach was not much different than this conceptually. Not allowing counter points to be made just because “they” do not agree with them is the first step. Instead of beatings, Twitter just cancels the account so they cannot voice an opinion. What’s the difference?
History Lesson…
Shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. A young Dutch communist confessed to starting a fire in Germany's parliament Reichstag building (Berlin). Hitler used this one isolated incident to convince President Hindenburg to give Hitler emergency powers where he would then declare decree suspending many civil liberties throughout Germany. Overnight Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Expression, and the Right to Hold Public Assemblies were deemed illegal. The police were authorized to detain any and all citizens without reason. The authority usually exercised by regional governments became subject to control by Hitler’s national regime.
Let’s Put That in Today’s Terms.
You have a radical politician who was previously jailed for trying to take over the government given the Vice Presidency. Another radical activist lights the Government building on fire. The VP goes to the President, who was too old to understand what was happening to gain the power of the President to correct it all. The President grants the VP this power. The known radical starts to do radical things with no one to stand in his way and with support of the 1%’ers within the government. Freedom of the Press in today’s terms would be freedom of speech all the way around. You would not be able to go on social media and complain about it in any way without having a knock at the door from the police and a government official.
Just Image if That Really Happened?
Um, as Elon Musk just said; “Let that sink in!” Freedom of Expression. Yeah do not go outside and show your feelings out in public. That will also generate the knock at the door response. Getting the people together in town halls to discuss this? Nope, same result. In today’s terms loss of these freedoms would literally be making discourse of any kind, illegal and subject to a knock at the door.
Its Ok People. Twitter Was Only at Stage One.
History at play in 2022 can be some scary ass shit on Devil’s Night (night before Halloween). Much like the Nazis, Twitter does/did this right out in the open. Not at all hiding what it was they were up to. This goes hand and hand with the POOP LOGIC concept. They are dressing this POOP up and telling us to eat it and not question at all where this POOP came from and the irony of what it represents. People get labeled for their loud rants because people are only paying attention to the raw emotion of it. Not what they say may have merit or not. The message gets lost because of the blind emotion. How many times have we seen that? Is it not a stage act? Every concert you go to. Every great speech or monologue on TV or a movie. If you are loud and passionate. People will pay attention even if the message is a bad one. That is why I do not play the game like that. I bring my arguments to such a level of a degree of logic that someone/anyone has to spend the time and deep thinking at a level they are not used to and they realize it takes too much to argue back. So they don't or they cannot. I do not just say they shouldn’t have a countering opinion. If that opinion is nonsensical then they had their chance. I do not have to even acknowledge it or respect it, but at least give them the opportunity to.
It is that frustration in the process of meaningful communication that created Twitter to begin with and why everything is in short little bursts. The shorter you can articulate something the less real meaning it has. You have to abbreviate it to such a point the actual lesson gets lost. All discourse is now are buzz words, triggering insults or GIFs/MEMEs/emojis. They may not see the actual message and intention due to the loud distraction of the offensive part that triggered them. The WOKE do not see this. They believe themselves to be righteous, but so did the Nazis. They do not see the process on how Nazi Germany won their battles to be in a position of power to begin with. The WOKE tend to not acknowledge the Nazis at all unless when they describe ANYONE that disagrees with them and that is how we got here to begin with.
The Silencing of Counter Viewpoints.
Twitter uses one example as; it is Nazi propaganda. That saying a biological male cannot get pregnant and give birth to the child was part of this Nazi propaganda. Yes, that actually happened. To simply question the statement or challenge it scientifically was deemed Nazi propaganda. Was/is there, actual, real, Nazi propaganda out there by actual people that claim to be Nazis? Probably… Or course there is. If you can think of it, it’s probably out there. There has always been a small percentage of those types of people out there with those views on the Internet.
They have always been there online from day one. In the 2000s there were whole online communities for groups of all kinds of beliefs that most I would not agree with. Just because I have feelings for/towards/against doesn’t mean those places do not exist online in some areas of the Internet. What most people see/use of the Internet on a daily basis has been estimated at 0.004%. That means there is more than 99% of the Internet we have not seen and/or cannot access. So do not act like there are not hate groups out there on the internet. There are… The internet companies/communities have done a decent job over the decades keeping them away from most mainstream online platforms. They will always be some out there, but to use that as the main excuse to cancel all conversations on the subjects that absolutely warrant discourse on the Twitter platform under the disguise of silencing Nazi propaganda on their platform is absolute crazy talk. Yes, they should be fired, set straight and in the upcoming weeks we will be seeing this on the Twitter platform.
Intentionality to me is super important and Twitter should look at this as part of its philosophy moving forward with free speech. That is why I choose my form of communication as long-winded bursts of logic over being the crisis actor or the spirit Halloween costume of ‘Woke College Student’ of the day. The louder people get; the louder I turn my headphones on, because now it seems both binary sides do not care about right/wrong, but winner/loser. About competition, people will do anything to win if they become frustrated with the process of winning. ANYTHING...
“What you've seen with Twitter is a very WOKE Workforce, who had basically been, you know, ‘Shadow Banning’ conservative commentators from Twitter for a long time. We've all known this. They've also been almost exclusively banning people on the right without banning people on the left for similar offenses. It is to me, ridiculous, that Donald Trump; a recently serving president of the United States, is currently banned from Twitter, but the heads of the Taliban and Iran are allowed to be on that platform! That to me exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of what's been going on…”
“We saw the same hysteria and hypocrisy when Donald Trump became president in 2016 and the likes of Chelsea Handler, Snoop Dogg, Miley Cyrus and Cher all vowed to leave America in fury and despair, but then all stayed. So I confidently predict none of those currently screaming ‘I QUIT!’ will stop themselves from tweeting for long. They’re too addicted to the slavishly approving echo-chamber attention and sound of their own permanently whiny voices.” ~Piers Morgan
These two quotes from a man I have not always liked much but I like what he had to say here. I thought it was pretty accurate on what I am talking about here, but he goes in for the celebrities. I do not think my opinion on what I think of celebrities or former celebrities think about politics is relevant with free speech or at the very least counter arguments on a subject. It is utterly absurd to me to assume by default that just because a person, any person, has celebrity status that they know what FK they are talking about. In most cases these are performance artists and they literally give you a different experience for your entertainment as their career choice. These people may leave the platform for a time but as Morgan says they cannot help themselves. Celebrities need this stuff more than it needs them. When you have discussions and one or many isn’t really well educated on the subject but yet they want a voice that usually comes out. It does not paint that celebrity in a positive light.
Celebrities cannot handle that. They cannot handle being wrong like that. There are plenty of smart celebrities out there that do not get involved in this. They keep it about their craft and that is it. Some will throw some personal stuff on there, their personal passions and such. However, when it comes to a lot of topics they stay neutral, as they should. I would if I were a celebrity, especially if I made my money on ALL walks of peoples. I take a stance on something and I just alienated all that do not agree with that. In a binary information system someone is always right and someone is always wrong. You make a choice in that system you have about 50/50 chance of getting praise for your choice or trolled with possible cancelation. We can take that a step farther because not all people will be 50/50. If you are in an area that tends to be 60/40 or 85/15 on that subject. Now you have that to contend with. So, yeah, if one is a celebrity and still wants to be a celebrity for their art why would they even get involved?
Why Would Anyone Just Believe Them Because They Are A Celebrity?
Just because I love this guy in this movie or loved her in that. Doesn’t mean her thoughts on free speech is accurate. It is still a belief either way. Why do they get so much praise for a stance? Most of the time they do not do anything for anyone. If they do; it is because they have to write some money off. They’re publicist tells them what to say and they just say it. Some of the major celebrities do not even do most of their social media. They have companies that post on their behalf and most people just swallow this shit up. The lesson here is do not allow POOP logic to keep creeping into our society the way it has in the past decade or so. It’s been there since the inception of the Internet, chat rooms and then later social media. We have allowed and rewarded irrational bad human behavior. This is breaking one of the very first lessons one would learn in Psychology 101. Do not reward bad behavior. Yet… Here-We-Are…
“All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.” – Originally by novelist and playwright J.M. Barrie’s line from “Peter Pan.” It was also used many times in the “Battlestar Galactica Reimagined” TV Show from 2004-2010. The message is: human kind is destined to change into something new after the fall of human kind. This Great Change is Enviable. The more we push back. The more we try to control this. The more it will hurt. We must be sadists…