
A WARNING… Not a POLITICAL take… I am all about the “perhaps...” Perhaps we need change. Perhaps we need more from our leaders… Perhaps we need more than we can actually handle… Perhaps… Just imagine if Judge Dread-life was real. A cop could arrest you, sentence you and execute you on the spot with no lawyer to defend you… Or if American society was that of the show "The Man in High Castle," where the US loses WW2 and is divided between a Nazi-run East and Middle and Japan occupies the West Coast of the former United States. We all would be singing a different tune then. In the show, Blacks and Jews are murdered off in Nazi America in the same fashion as they are in Poland. Gathered up, robbed, work until they die or off to the gas chamber they go. In the West Coast Jews are murdered and Blacks are treated as if it were the year 1900. In the show this is law and society accepts it.
My point is.
We need change but be careful in which how we go about that change…
It’s a WARNING… Not a POLITICAL take…
It’s not about black lives, it never was.
We need to do a better job.
However, I am not gonna be guilt-tripped into having to pick a side.
Regardless if it is right or wrong…
Everyone is trying to make people choose…
Bully and Guilt Trip them into a narrative that few actually want to be involved in.
Some actually cannot be vocal. One’s take is gonna piss off someone anyways. It always does… Does this suck? YES… However, I personally have 30-things in a day that directly affects my wellness. This subject isn’t one of them. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I cannot care for the state of my own well-being and sanity. Yet, I am considered part of the problem because I choose me first above all, What the FK??? I get the issue, but because I choose not to contribute I am the asshole, FK this, FK you… I am just trying to stay sane, not blow my brains out, overdose, and try to function at some semblance of normalcy. It’s not like I make great money doing easy IG/OnlyFans-Influencer-Bullshit and wait for the free money to come in. I have to struggle every day. I don’t have time or energy for this, but yet I am part of the problem???
FK this, FK you…
The short version is others are putting pressure on people to have a side and use their platform(s) to speak out where they normally would not. That’s my issue with all this. It’s still bullying. It’s still idiocracy at its finest. It has been the hip thing to accept these days… Take a bad idea and try to conform others to think it’s good. Car Salesman / Sheepeople Mentality and people succumb to the pressure of this philosophy in fear they might lose out. If others do not understand that then they really do not understand what personal-struggle really means. When you have literally nothing, nothing, and more nothing. Use all of your mental energy to try to figure out how you’re going to survive the day, sleep and do it all over again, come talk to me about how much your life sucks…
I go on social media to escape these realities not have my timelines flooded with opinions or people playing devil’s advocate. Doing something just so they do not get ripped on social media for it. Come on… Some Social Media content creators (made up phrase) are so afraid they are going to lose their meal ticket they will have a say in something they either do not want to contribute to or do not fully believe in just so they do not lose followers/money, under the umbrella of “You do not want to be on the wrong side of history.” Equals More Bullying… I am not saying what happened is right. I am pissed as well and even if I had a dog in this fight I would be worrying about me and my own first over being another body in the crowd either putting others in danger or myself.
Peacefully protests…
Go for it. You have the right to do that.
Just like I have the right to stay away from this and protect and respect my own life and the people/things in it. If you want me to respect your outcry and rage then respect my right to protect what is mine. This includes my mental well-being. Seeing all this negative stuff affects me. The only way I can stay clear of it is staying clear of it and removing those people that I do not believe to be sincere with their posts on the subject. Again, not saying that people shouldn’t protest, post and voice opinions. I am just saying you want me to respect what you are doing then respect what I am doing or choose not to do. I know few will read this but this will be my only, REAL, statement on the matter. I am not going to defend my words.
Everything I want to say and promote is here…
You have a large pool of people. 10%, perhaps, of them are there for the right reasons. The other 90%, perhaps, are just there to be a terrorist for their own purposes. With the umbrella of that will create change… Now I saw a video of Killer Mike, a black rapper, make one hell of a speech in the right direction. I loved what he said…
“And now is the time to plot, plan, strategize, organize, and mobilize…” ~Killer Mike
I’m also seeing a lot of fake celebrities talking stupid, not doing anything or giving money to causes that actually help…
No, they just throw a bunch of videos and posts in their social media talking about humanity and change, but do not actually do anything and bully everyone else that, “white silence is violence…” They usually never have a take but now all of a sudden, do, and try to make you feel bad because you elect to stay silent so you do not wanna piss off either side and alienate people. They are actors and models just doing enough to look like they care. Some do, but cannot relate. Some relate but don’t care. Some think just because they post that they are doing their part. Under the umbrella of change and “bring awareness.”
People have heard… People know… People are “Aware...” Their actions clearly State they really do not care. They really don’t care and the ones that do cannot really do enough to make change. A big middle finger to those that only bully or shame the ones that try to protect what is theirs which is not others or yours but theirs. Don’t feel like you have to post or make statements about this. We all do not have to play to the narrative… Play to the beat of your own playlist. If someone calls you out. Just remove the comment. Block them if you must. Do not give them room to poison you, your forum and what is yours, that is not theirs.