
This message, this blog is going to sound very cynical and most of it is a sarcastic joke to my friends and audience, surrounded in some logical truths, but do not take this writing too seriously. I saw a post about blind positivity, inner peace and getting joy by helping others. It made me want to vomit with all its multiple layers of both MLM (Multilevel Marketing), and ‘manifestation,’ which is more pseudoscience than a real thing one can practice, then execute like an app on your phone and poof, your life is now amazing and full of riches, full of friends, and love.


I've observed an alarming trend where people are becoming excessively, annoyingly optimistic, positive and have misunderstood the concept of ‘manifestation.’ It's baffling. I mean, seriously, why are some individuals so unrealistically positive? What's with all this constant talk about kindness, helping others, and spreading love? Then turn around and demonstrate the polar opposite of these things as your “real” personality. How am I to believe one or many are kind, always helping and spreading love, when they themselves do not practice what they preach? They only do it when people are watching or they have something to gain. Granted, I do not have an issue with people doing this. Most people are like this. I have a problem with the false bubble of bullshit that is projected onto me after it has already been stated as ‘nonsense-talk,’ part.


Honestly, in the larger scheme of things, I do not really care, but care a little bit to play devil’s advocate on the topic to write about this. I really just do not want to write about Left/Right politics anymore. The more I see, the more fired up I get at both sides. I have found, that when I do not pay much attention to the political arena I am a much better, happier and a hornier Mother-Fucker. Thumbs up to those. The Right, figure heads, keep imploding on themselves and the left is laughably dumb. I've got my own life to live, with time shortening every day. I'm not here to be anyone's savior or role model. Helping people? Volunteering? Giving money, I already do not have, to someone else and whatever GoFundMe page they have setup for it. Doing things for others for the sake of not appearing opportunistic?


No thanks. I've got better things to do.

If someone's struggling and are constantly on the social media bragging about it for attention, likes, support, financial support. Hey, that's their problem. I'm not stopping what I am doing. Why bother? It's not my responsibility. I didn’t sign up, apply or ask to be that for anyone. I am single by choice. I am kid-less by choice. I know a lot of people, but call very few of them “real-friends.” I certainly don't love random people or much care about what they do or how they struggle. I just don’t. I wasn’t raised that way. However, life prepared me for that reality. Who am I? Who are all of you to defy causality? Causality is the universal relationship between cause and effect, where one event (the cause) brings about another event (the effect). This is a universal law in the Universe. Something, anything, cannot happen without a chain of causality setting the stage for its occurrence. The effect can never come before the cause. To do so is against reality, is against physics, is against science. I ask why I or anyone should really, modify their behavior or their intentions, which doesn’t bother anyone really, just so the weaker, lazier, daydreamer, people can have a better hand than they were given? That's just absurd.


Life is hard, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Being cynical and detached, just like faith, optimism and to love things are taught to people through real life experiences. Not false ones. Why waste time, energy, patience, resources on all these feel-good actions? Let people be angry; it's their natural state anyway. Let people suffer, many, but not all, but many chose ‘causes’ that resulted in those ‘effects.’ Love and prosperity of the Universe? Please... I'm not going to wish that on anyone. You want it. Go out and FK’n make it happen for yourself. Don’t just sit by and daydream about it and then misinterpret what ‘manifest’ means, change the definition countless times, just so you and your followers find meaning in the pain and suffering you absorb in life.


Your life sucks for two reasons:

1) Because you won’t do what needs to be done, notice I didn’t say, want, but needs to be done. 2) You just SUCK, period…

A want is something you subjectively believe is a need, but really it is just a want. A need is something you require and cannot move forward or survive without it in the literal sense. A want is a desire or preference for something that is not essential for survival (a need), but adds comfort, pleasure, or satisfaction to life (a want).



‘Manifestation’ is the art of pretending that your thoughts have magical powers, capable of shaping the Universe. All you have to do is just think really, really hard about something, believe it is real and voila, the Universe supposedly rearranges itself to make it real just for you. Forget logic, evidence, or any semblance of scientific backing. Who needs that when you can just wish for a yacht and expect it to appear in your backyard? Apparently, the Universe is on standby, eagerly awaiting your mental command. Like, you, personally, are God or a God, and everything in the Universe revolves around you. Cough, narcissistic-sociopathy anyone? It's as if gravity, physics, and common sense take a backseat to the mighty force of positive thinking. Just think positively, and your dream job, dream partner, and dream toast that strangely looks like Jesus Christ, aka Jesus-Toast, will materialize before your eyes.


Forget about the countless factors that actually influence life events; it's all about channeling your inner wizard and pretending you're some sort of cosmic influencer meditating to BS ambient sounds that are supposed to be binaural beats in the Delta (1-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-14 Hz), Beta (14-30 Hz), and Gamma (30-100 Hz), ranges, respectfully. It's not like there's any need for hard work, planning, or realistic goal-setting. Why bother with practicality when you can just daydream your way to success? Manifestation deserves a standing ovation. After all, who needs evidence when you have the power of wishful thinking? Keep manifesting, my friends, and maybe, just maybe, you'll manifest a sense of humor with this sarcastic telling of this tale. Good luck with that! If someone wants to call me names, lie to me, or wish bad things upon me, go ahead. It doesn't affect me. I'm not here to spread rainbows and sunshine. My peace? It's in not caring about random others of the 7.9 billion human O2 wasters currently on Earth. Have a ‘whatever’ day, I guess.


Now after all that, the truth is the original idea of manifestation comes from the often misinterpretation and oversimplification of quantum principles within the realm of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, and some proponents of manifestation latch onto the uncertainty and observer effects within quantum physics. The misinterpretation and oversimplification come from the act of observation or intention at the quantum level can influence reality at a macroscopic scale. This is simply not based on fact. The only real proof of this is at the quantum and microscopic levels. Not the macroscopic scales that we see and interact with in our everyday reality. It's crucial to note that these quantum effects are not applicable or significant in the context of the current configuration of the human consciousness that shape our everyday experiences. Manifestation enthusiasts often draw parallels without a solid scientific basis, leading to a speculative and misguided connection between manifestation and quantum mechanics. In essence, it's a misappropriation of scientific concepts to lend an air of legitimacy to a pseudoscientific belief. Where the word ‘pseudo’ literally means “made-up.”


Now most of this tale was a sarcastic joke. I am not really this cynical towards people and life in general. However, I do share many of these ideas that I have sarcastically written here. I do not believe in anything that people cannot show real tangible proof for. When it comes to unprovable concepts I take more liberties, but those liberties are always based on and grounded in logic, common sense, critical thinking, problem-solving, science and tangible proof. Not on belief, faith, God, and/or good will towards other humans. It’s just not, so stop it with that shit already… 


“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” ~George Bernard Shaw

by David-Angelo Mineo
1,479 Words