The “Asshole Movement” aka Generation Asshole

This BLOG is mostly random thoughts from the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018. Granted its June now and I do not really engage in much political talk on social media anymore. I still wanted to voice my opinion about what I call, “The Asshole Movement.” The A-Hole Movement or AHM for short, are basically those Millennials, Feminists, Far Left Extremists, BLM (Black Lives Matter) and MeeToo Groups. By Far Left; I mean the extreme peoples’ that “sort of” have things in common with Democrats/Left, but are so FAR extreme with their beliefs that even the Dem’s/Lefts do not support them. They are literally on an island by themselves.

Now just because I am not a Dem or Rep (Left of Right) Does not mean I am one over another. You cannot call me racist because I loathe EVERYONE equally. I care not for the world or causes or movements. I care for my little circle of family/friends and that is about it.

The “Asshole” Movement is in full effect…

“These” People who get butthurt over everything and want to change everything. People who disrespect our country, go on social media daily to bitch about the issues while they sit at home and pretend to be a parent, living on / off all the benefits that this country offers, taking all the handouts they can muster. Your typical Democrat, from what I can see, on the Facebook as of late on the outside, but really have sinister/dark thoughts about how we all should live. People who call everything racist or sexist. People who want to change logos for no real reason. People who believe the Earth is FLAT… People who hate on you because you eat meat, like most humans have done for 100,000 years.

You……….Know……….. “Those People…

They offer no way to fix their troubles just want people to blindly believe in their whacky ways and if you argue, even with real science/math facts, do nothing but name call you/social media troll/bully you to death. I will keep this short because you cannot change how these people think they are very much happy with what/how they are doing their business. They just want to get as many people on board with these ideals and use numbers to say they are right and everyone else is wrong and should be shot, but wait, cannot do that either because, they want to take your guns because they cannot agree on a way to keep guns out of crazy people’s hands.

News Flash… We’re all crazy…. Another News Flash… You cannot disarm EVIL… Evil will always find a way because Good over Evil can only triumph if Good fights Evil with Evil. One will not be able to stop Evil Crazy People from getting guns. More or Less, Good Sane People will have to learn, love, respect and arm themselves with guns to stop them. One can already see this in real news stories that do not make it on the Fake News TV stations and newspapers. The facts are there. The Asshole Movement does its best to keep it off the TV’s and out of the Newspapers. You see, these people are everywhere. Be careful who you call associate. They may be setting you up for future brainwashing conventions on “How To Be An Uptight Asshole.” You know how crazy people on YouTube say that “Back to the Future,” predicts a lot. Well, check this one out…

“Doc what happens to us in the future do we become assholes or something?” Marty McFly Correct response… Great Scott’s Marty; Yes… People go batshit crazy in the future and become Assholes and get offended by anything and everything. They protest everything, but cannot explain why or what they are actually protesting. Its Insane Marty… We should have never used Time Travel…

The “Asshole Movement” aka Generation Asshole
By David-Angelo Mineo
1/2018 to 6/2018, posted on 6/13/2018…
640 Words