Expergiscimini provocare

Challenges, in
general, are designed to bring your weaknesses to the surface. Most challenges
are intended for you to fail. Not to pick on you, your weaknesses but to bring
you face to face with your weaknesses and fear of failure so that you may face
them and deal with them.
If you skip that lesson, you will fail and at that point, the challenge will
have exposed your inflated self-belief in yourself, which is based on the very
little, conceptually.
You accepted the challenge because you sought CHANGE...
The thing about change is, it sucks, it’s uncomfortable, it’s painful AF and
it's HARD. Even with all the good intentions, others may not
share that. They have their own intentions. Be it to love or be loved, to live
and let live or live alone w/ nothing. Change is never easily embraced.
Change is always these things. If you can accept change you have already begun
moving forward.
“It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.” ~Claude
Intention isn’t enough if one does nothing about it. If one seeks
change and does nothing to make said change happen then nothing will happen and
nothing will change.
People tend to take things at face value and have faith that everything will
work out. Well, to me, that is lazy thinking. I cannot share myself with people
that believe, that simply believing in something and having faith in something
makes it work by default. I do not deal in imagination/fantasy as reality.
You want something real, make it FK’n real then.
Stop talking about it or projecting it onto other people because you want it to
be real so bad but lack any of the actual attributes to make it real and
tangible. That is actually what delusional means...
The question of your existence isn't solely about what you are. It is about who
you are. Even if you do not agree with the process. Think of it as gaining a
new perspective on your life. Things must change in order for you to get better
at managing life stresses, whatever they may be. That is why you took the
challenge or take challenges. To get and be better…
Religious Faith/Belief, doesn’t directly translate/transition to
knowing and knowledge, but it gets treated as it is. Believing and not knowing,
that is faith, faith is not knowing for sure but believing anyways.
Faith doesn’t require factual data to be real. However, a real thing in the
real world does. So which is it? Fact or Faith? Both do not
play well together in the sandbox at the playground. Like faith and religious
faith they are not one in the same, but often get that treatment of the same.
Just another thing that is overlapping, conceptually. Not just here, but
Most blur what things actually mean and/or straight up change its definition to
fit their own agendas and/or ideologies. Not ours, yours, mine, but theirs…
They have some things in common on the surface, like faith is the belief that
this is a real thing without actually having to know if the thing is actually
real or not.
It doesn’t require that science aspect for it to be a real concept. Which
by, ALL concepts require it to be real with the
exception of faith. It is both its flaw and its greatest attribute at the same
time. People can defend religion as fair points in their information systems,
but how many people has the religious faith straight up murdered ALL that
doesn’t practice or follow their beliefs?