Emendatione ad Infantes Mortuos

After a few days and gaining even more perspective on this abortion ruling I have decided to amend my thoughts a little bit. All I ever do with these BLOGS is to gain a better perspective on what it is I am seeing in the world. My perspective doesn’t come from Left Brain or Democrat logic or Right Brain or Republican logic. I literally will not change how I feel about both sides of this old and out of touch two sided coin we call American Politics.
While a lot of people are losing their goddamn minds over this. I am seeing a lot of hate on both sides and very little actual support. People wanna support the Constitution and that is fine. However, it is 235 years old, outdated on many topics and told from a perspective that isn’t exactly a separation of state and religion. Granted this country wasn’t founded a purist Christian country, it is based on Christian values. Nothing wrong with that, but in 2022 religion of any kind is no longer looked at as the “Be-All-End-All” of how to be and how to live in any society.
Now, I am not saying Christianity doesn’t have its place in modern society, ha, modern, we are far from modern. I am just saying it is no longer the only way to be, live and think. If people wanna be that way, that is ok, but when it becomes forced upon everyone just because. That isn’t justifiable in a free society or at least it’s not supposed to be.
Notice I say free society and not the United States of America… Do people wanna live in the USA or a free society? These 2 things are not the same thing in 2022. If people want to live in the USA then do nothing. Let other’s you vote in under false pretenses fight for your laws/rights, but really just only stand up for their personal beliefs and the beliefs of others that financially fund those people. If you want to live in a real, free, society. Stand up for change that benefits all mankind along with allowing people to live free and make their own decisions about things that should only concern them and not the country. I wrote about this at length in my last BLOG, Mortui Infantes (Latin for Dead Babies.) If anyone wants to know the drawn-out reasoning, go there.
This BLOG is more about the open ended discussion of whether this two sided coin needs to be either wiped out from the face of the Earth or modified to such a degree it is no longer two sided, only. As much as I love this country and the Constitution; I no longer believe in the Constitution as doctrine. Religion and Government should not be one in the same or even based on one another. I am fine with the process. How they came up with overturning Roe, from a legality point of view, but just because I agree in the process, the legal process of it all, doesn't mean I agree with abortion outright or this decision. It doesn't matter what I feel about abortion actually and everything to do with choice inside an alleged free society.
I agree with the choice that a woman has with her own body. Regardless if I agree or not with abortion as a whole, at any level of deep spiritual thinking. I agree that Government should not interfere in the choice that any one person makes with their own body including the life inside it. It isn't for anyone or any one to decide for them. That is where my logic is. However, to allow anyone to abort a baby at full term that is just insanity, beyond insanity. It is a “what the fuck” kind of moment. On the outside chance there is something wrong with the child or mother, medically, there absolutely should be some sort of cap, time limit on that. I am hearing 15-weeks thrown out there a lot and that seems reasonable to me as far putting a timestamp on something like that. We will come back to this. I want to go over a few quotes and things I saw on the news, paraphrasing and putting them into my own words.
Personally, I do not wanna give these talking heads credit, but I will if I use a full quote because of the sheer fact they are not my words. “Remember what the Supreme Court did. The Supreme Court moved it back to the states. They looked at the Constitution. What the American public don’t understand quite yet is, the radical position the democrats have. Democrats aren’t just for abortion, every single one in congress voted to have abortion up to the moment of birth. America does not support that. Now what most people would want is to have their own opinion to be able to have input in it within each state. That is what will go forward.” ~ Kevin McCarthy
Because I am not one to fully understand how politics works I see this as not an impossible situation. This could work and it also has the potential to be a goddamn train wreck, not that we are already there and all. Abortion isn’t illegal. They are just leaving it up to the states to decide. In some states after the 15-week cap these states already have in place. After that, then the state has to decide. However, we know how long legalities take, even at the state level, each week that passes, the baby grows and the likelihood an abortion will be granted gets smaller and smaller.
Again, my opinions based on what I know, what I have seen, interpreted using common sense, critical thinking theory, logic, problem-solving and non-classical philosophy. I have seen a few things that were ideas of quality on how to entice women that already want to choose to have their child go to term and bring some of these stresses that may impede that decision.
What if we saw the same legality, emotional and financial support that we see on other highly charged political topics? A good portion of these women don’t have the means to have a baby. Put them in a position so that may give them the choice to choose life not the latter. I know we already have programs for this, but we can do more, we can do better. We should be doing more, we should be doing better with this. We should be doing more of this to support women who want to choose life, right? In the 1990s Bill Clinton said “abortion should be safe, legal and rare.” One of the few things the man said that made any goddamn sense between jogs to McDonalds and doing oral suckery in the Oval Office…
Most people are against these late term abortions. Hell, as much as harp about free choice on this topic, unless there is some real health risk to either the child or mother or both there should not be a valid reason to terminate a pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Gonna be really tough to pseudoscience sell me on that one. I am all about the choice to choose, that is what sparked this for me. Taking choice out of the woman’s hands one might as well be a woman in the show “The Handmaid's Tale.” Granted that is the most extreme version, but look at where we are heading as a society.
We’re seeing and have seen so much violence on pregnancy crisis centers, safe havens for low income women that have had serious sexual trauma. Some are just poor. Some are sex workers. As a society we try to help, but we need to make this a priority. How the fuck does rioting against and even for represent pro-choice and/or pro-life? It has been awful, terrible, and it seems to me like there is a heavy dose of moral decay that has set in -in our society. Where are we you may ask? Get an abortion or be a target ad for violence. All because this mob over that mob believes one is wrong for having a choice that best suits their situation, which is theirs, not yours, not even close. So why are you, I, anyone, weighing in on this again, Government, both sides?
That word “belief,” and/or “believe…”
Knowing and Believing are not one in the same, but they are displayed and treated as such. Knowledge starts with belief, but only becomes knowledge when the belief is proven to exist in reality, literally. Now apply that to some of these concepts. What do you believe, and what do you actually know?
It's okay to believe in God and the Bible. It is ok, I suppose, to be a Democrat/Republican. I have issues with both as a fundamental building block for a civilized society. It isn't ok for those beliefs to creep into the decision making process for everyone, PERIOD.
It isn't about LIFE... It is about choice. The freedom of choice. That is all I have been harping about is the freedom to choose what is best for you. Not what is best for you from another’s perspective that may or may not even be on your level or close to it.
You can believe in Pro-life or Pro-choice if you wish. That is the beauty of this country. However, the Constitution protects our "American" rights from the Government, but it doesn't cover Human rights, just American rights. We cannot evolve as a society till we figure out that the Constitution is a great starting point, but it isn't the Be-All-End-All of how ALL people should live. We have grown in 235 years, enough that we should be looking at ways to “Evolve” the Constitution, not change what is already there, or change the wording to fit this group or that group. If you want equal rights for all, then make it so, stop the division.
Not all who wrote the Constitution were Christians, but many of them were. This country wasn’t founded on Christianity per-say, but there is a lot of it in there. As a starting point. It needs to be based on the respect of the land. Based on: critical thinking theory, problem-solving, logic and real science derived from the scientific method and real philosophy, not the Greek bullshit. That is just more politics.
I think we should use some respect for the Bible, the basic stuff, and the same with the concepts of the Constitution and create something new that is separate from dividing people into tribes. Shit, using the word tribe in and of itself is racist/sexist. Every group that stamps a label on it is just adding to this separation. We are not Black People, White People, Hispanics or Asian. We are PEOPLE.
Sure there are women and there are men. If that is confusing for some, I get that. Go take a college-level biology course and learn the right way, not via social media where the opinion comes from emotional baggage, pseudoscience and not scientific knowledge.
As my knowledge gains even more perspective the more I think about that. Some laws have changed, but many have not. One can still go and do these things, granted there are more roadblocks than there were and the fear they could change more is a real one. Just be mindful and if you all want real change. Go and vote for a side. I do not like the coin, so I choose not to choose based on Left/Right, Democrat/Republican serves the source. Both sides serve the same master, it's just a different perspective and both are bad for Human Evolution.
The Supreme Court did not ban abortion rights in this country. Your state legislature, if you live in one of those states that no longer supports this, banned abortion. “I believe in abortion as a medical decision, and I believe that -that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman and in consultation with her family.” ~ Stacey Abrams – How very generic a statement this is just to get votes and not rock the boat. These people, Left or Right, do not support you. They support themselves and it is becoming even more evident. These people are sooooooooo out of touch with reality and will say/back anything they believe, there is that word again, that will get them the votes they need to backtrack everything they said they were gonna do. This has been at play since after World War II, probably even before that.
President Trump set this all in motion. He fought to put three Constitutional conservative judges on the court that set this all in motion. Most of the country hates Biden, while the majority voted for him because those same people hated Trump based on the Woke media and his goddamn Twitter feed, talking like a frat boy, just rambling to piss people off and look what happened. It is because of the justices that Donald Trump nominated to the Supreme Court that this decision was reached.
It doesn’t matter which side you vote for. That is what I have been trying to convey to my audience. You get Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, pick one, they are both frauds, but at least one of them kept the economy going in a respectable direction. It should be noted that when one or a group moves forward that is what progression means. When you literally go backward, one or the group cannot say they are being progressive. That isn’t progressive. Going backward is not progressive, there, fine, I said it…
Republic (dictionary definition) - 1) a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president. 2) a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.
My take is; an elected President from the people to make decisions that their legislators represent. We delegate that power to them. That’s why this country works well, not mob rule but mob rule seems even more likely now than it ever did before. Even before the Civil War, which in the 1920s, the historian Charles A. Beard used the term "Second American Revolution" to emphasize the changes brought on by the Union's victor.
A reason why the politics of the Civil War fascinate me is during the writing of this BLOG I am currently listening to the audiobook version of Harry Turtledove’s alternate history/science fiction novel; “The Guns of the South.”
The book on the surface is the retelling of how the Civil War ended when a hypothetical “radical,” very racist group, called “America Will Break,” (AWB,) steal a time machine in 2014 and go back to the winter of 1864 to introduce and supply General Robert E. Lee and the CSA military with a nearly unlimited supply of AK-47’s, ammunition and freeze dried foods, which helps the CSA win the war outright the following year after they successfully invade and take Washington City (USA capital).
Only the first leg of the book talks about the actual war. The final two-thirds of the book covers the aftermath and the politics, which is fascinating to say the least. It actually sparked a bigger interest in the subject of politics. In the book Lincoln is voted out before his second term. Lee begins to run for President of the CSA and wants to slowly but surely abolish slavery in the CSA himself. It covers heavily on the tension of the extreme racism of “America Will Break,” who have come back in time because the freeing of the slaves in this alternate timeline wind up shattering the superiority of the White Man across the planet in this version of a 2014 as told from a 1990 point of view of the author when this book was published.
It’s very heavy on the race tensions from the sympathetic points of view of the southern white, now independent Confederate States of America. It begins to paint a very interesting picture at how all of us were taught about the Civil War. That as bad as our impression of slavery is and was, that there actually was a large contingent of Southern White folk that didn’t favor for slavery and treated blacks as well as they could without getting into trouble themselves. Not saying all or anything but more than pop culture will lead on.
This is a work of fiction, but I find it interesting, because one can explore different themes with these rules set in. Think of it like a video game where you play and get to make choices. The old RPG games with the text scrollers; where you could choose and pending on the choices it would trigger different concepts within the confines of the story. In this situation, as the reader, I find myself pulling for General Lee because he clearly stands for the right reasons, after the war, in this story.
I am not saying I support the South, the Civil War or the CSA. Just saying it is a very interesting way to have a conversation about politics under those circumstances… “Several historians have noted over the years what they consider the contradictory nature of Lee's beliefs and actions concerning race and slavery. While Lee protested he had sympathetic feelings for blacks, they were subordinate to his own racial identity. While Lee held slavery to be an evil institution, he also saw some benefit to blacks held in slavery. While Lee helped assist individual slaves to freedom in Liberia, and provided for their emancipation in his own will, he believed the enslaved should be eventually freed in a general way only at some unspecified future date as a part of God's purpose. Slavery for Lee was a moral and religious issue, and not one that would yield to political solutions.” ~from Lee’s Wiki Entry…
So saying the South is/was inherently racist isn’t entirely accurate; but accurate enough that most believe it to be true down the board. They even talk about women not being able to vote in the novel. It is a very interesting read and pretty neat seeing these people of history seen in different contexts. Back to rambling…
If you look at the Constitution, abortion is not a right guaranteed within the Constitution, and that was what was at play, legally. It was sent back to the states so, we, the people, can argue, vote and hold the people’s opinion. It was about the original concept of the Constitution and, therefore it’s going to be delivered to the states. So it is much more legal than it is political and moral. The Supreme Court is saying specifically let states be states, and if there is a problem and you disagree with your state’s laws, it is now back in your hands, and you can vote these people in and/or out.
One of my mantras is… Do not get upset over which you cannot control. STOP and think about that for a second. What do you actually control? Not what you believe you control, but what you know you can control... It should be noted here that belief doesn't mean FACT or KNOWLEDGE.
It's just a belief. I believe this to be... However, that statement doesn't actually mean, this is what I know. Often belief and knowing get used together in definition and that actually is not true or a fact, at all. The Bible is not fact. It's not based on factual anything, but belief. It is a guide for us, by God or whatever. The Bible isn’t bad, but it isn’t perfect and it is supposed to be perfect because it is said to be the word of God and God is supposed to be infallible. We as a species have not discovered any shred of actual evidence that the Christian God even exists. Not saying “it” doesn’t exist just that we have no “proof of life” in any respect. We believe and belief is not concrete, yet the Constitution is and even that isn’t perfect and requires us, as a society, to amend it every so often. How we get there seems more complicated and double-talk than it should be, but I suppose that makes some sense. I mean, we cannot edit the Bible, I am sure people have, quite literally.
Typically a Democrat stands for: “this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules.” Not everyone gets a fair shot, which is pretty clear. Not everyone does their fair share either and still somehow seems to have unlimited resources while others suffer. Certainly, not all democrats play by the same rules, that one is laughable. Another belief Democrats hold is that people are greater together than alone. I absolutely beg to differ. Actually when I read this definition for a democrat I feel like I am reading about communism. Am I wrong? If so, how? Why, exactly... Not in some double-talk. Democrats only like “FACTS” when they are the ones saying, these are, air quotes, “FACTS.”
What Do Republicans Believe In Then?
Government is not the solution to domestic social problems. State control should trump federal control. The free market should control all financial decisions. Religion and the belief in God is vital to a strong nation. Lowering taxes in general. A strong military. Privatize everything. Homosexuals do not deserve equal rights. Gun control violates the 2nd Amendment. Abortion is murder. Global warming is not a thing. Evolution is not a legitimate theory. America should deport illegal immigrants. Poverty must solve itself. Capital punishment is good.
After looking at these closer I do not know how the Republicans ever got voted in, ever? When I said in my last blog that: The RIGHT is ignorant. Yet, the LEFT, the LEFT is just stupid. Ignorant, I can work with. Stupid, isn't worth the time it will take to make them un-stupid; and time is the most precious thing on the planet. More than oil, more than gold, more than life, more than sex, more than God and therein lies the problem.
Religion of any kind should never creep its way into governing the masses and it seems the Republican Party as a whole has a real hard-on for God, you know, that make believe friend for grown-ups. I will give them this. It is enticing. Some of the things they stand for make sense while others will keep the human race in the Stone Age forever.
The thing about the Bible and the Constitution is they are nearly 100% static. They do not grow, they do not evolve. Humans, we do grow, we do evolve. I look at some of these attributes for a Republican and they lack any real common sense about science. Now I have met some that do and they are only Republicans because they believe they MUST choose a side. When you look at the lessor of two evils, here at least, the Republicans stand for some things that actually contribute to our societal growth. Where the Democrats just keep taking and taking for themselves while taking our freedoms away one by one.
I am not here to bash Republicans or Democrats, but both of them at the same time are the very evils we wish to eradicate in the world. A hideous fashion show of themselves, it is actually laughable we got this far with these kinds of people trying to demand we follow this and do that.
The Republicans do not even know the difference between Global Warming and Climate Change. Just like the Democrats do not know the different between a rifle and an assault weapon or the difference between semi-automatic and automatic. It has to be spelled out for them like one teaches a first grader how to add/subtract. They do not believe in most science stuff that is a definitive fact to such a degree of accuracy that it is considered common sense now. Like Evolution for example. I just cannot believe this is the reality in which we live.
A definitive fact is a thing that cannot be argued to any level of confidence to suggest said fact isn’t real or true. Yet that is what we face and fight about on social media and in politics every goddamn day...
As a sequel to a blog I just wrote about choice, what choice do we have here? You really cannot pick either one without giving them something and that isn’t what a free society is… If we cannot create something new with the power of the Constitution of the United States of America then we should at least have a proper hierarchy within our own belief structure.
What Would That Look Like?
Well, human rights first… No matter what one believes. Our inherent human rights should be the very first thing that comes to mind. True free will and decision making over our bodies. Be it sexual orientation, pregnancy and eventually our technology will grow to a point that people will be able to change their skin color. That isn’t science fiction. It may be a real thing in the not too distant future. Stop segregating different peoples. The more we do it the more we backtrack with how we look and treat race. By stating this person is black/white/green/pink, that in and of itself is racist and it just contributes to it. Human Rights come first, before the Constitution of the United States and especially before the Bible.
Next can be the Constitution if we actually need one after ALL human rights have been taken care of, would we actually need a Constitution? Remember what it is there for. It is there to protect, us, the people, from the Government. Last should be the Bible, not first or second but last. Till we have some more real world applicational data about the validity of the Christian God we should not make laws for man/woman/non-binary to be Govern by, in thy word. We, who do not believe, which probably outweighs those that do believe in 2022 should not have to be Govern by rules/laws that are older than the foundation of this society and even that is in question…
Our current Politics does not United us, it separates us. A woman or anyone has the right to take their own well-being into their hands. This is an inherent birthright for all humanity. It is a human right, not an American right. Not a Constitutional right or a Biblical one. No person or group should ever get to choose for us, not ever. That is what all this is about. It has nothing to do with LIFE… People cannot cherry pick what/when it is ok to care about this or that. Especially when it isn’t their business to do such a thing.
“Regardless of where you stand on the abortion issue, understand that the timing of this is not accident. This was absolutely intentional to wreak more havoc, create division, incite more violence, and create a situation that requires more centralized authority to step in.” ~Daniel Alexander
The LEFT/RIGHT both tend to take poop, redress it up, change the small to sweet candy, and tell people it is good for human consumption with the expectation all the sheepeople will accept that blindly because it comes from people we either voted in or trust with our well-being, our freedom. Anyone who actually eats the poop without question is the idiot. You cannot blame the politician for being a politician, which is what they do. But at the end of the day, dude, you just ate poop. No doubt about it, you’re a poop-eater. Is that progressive? Is that being progressive? What direction are you going? What direction are we going?
Just stop and smell the flowers for a second. It is in the air. Viene una tormenta… There’s a storm coming…