Mortui Infantes

“Dead babies
Can't take care of themselves
Dead babies
Can't take things off the shelf
Well we didn't want you anyway
Lalala-la, lalala-la, la la la…”
Mortui Infantes… Damn… Just Damn… My last blog I said this was my last politically charged blog for 2022. I also said, “unless something major happened.” Well, here we are and God damn it all. We keep going backward as a culture under the ruse of progression. Answer me this? How can one or many progress if they are going in reverse, aka backward?
Before we even get it going here. Today, when I started writing this, was supposed to be about my 730th day of sobriety in the form of no alcohol. Today was going to be about reflection and deep thought about my decision to live over slowly rotting away, well, not so slowly. If I were still drinking I’d be dead by now with my medical issues, which in part were caused due to drinking over half of my life.
No.. But No, Were-Are-Here!
“Well we didn't want you anyway
Lalala-la, lalala-la, la la la
Daddy is an agrophile in Texas
Mommy's on the bar most every night
Little Betty's sleeping in the graveyard
Living there in burgundy and white…”
Today has been a day… I ran into every roadblock that kept me from properly reflecting on my sobriety. All while the politics in this country strikes again. This time it is that RIGHT side of the coin most have been favoring, because, well, you see what is out there on that other side… The Crazies… Yet, here we are on the other side and we see this lack of common sense, critical thinking, problem-solving and most importantly, logic… Even the Vulcans would be like, “this, that, is not our, or anyone’s business… How emotional…” Preach on with that prime directive you pointy-eared hobgoblins, (laughing).
We knew this was sort of coming. As much as I have supported “the concept” of what the constitution is supposed to represent. The constitution is also going to be our heaviest weight from evolving from ying or yang philosophies every four years, ten years, whatever time, to just something that makes better sense. We haven’t evolved much, conceptually in 235 years if we still think how we currently govern the masses in the Not-So-United States is the best thing out there, available. Clearly this is not the case. Now I am going to waste even more time, that I do not have an infinite amount of, on trying to figure it all out in my brain and point out why I think this or that about it all. We have hashed out other points in the past and it always concludes the same to a point that it has been a hamster on a wheel. No more deeper thinking, no more evolving…
I suppose in order to really hash out the mechanics of my feelings on this I will have to dig in on how I feel about the constitution and right now I am not ready to do that. I wanna talk about demons and entities. I wanna talk about time travel. I wanna talk about sex or something else fun. I wanna talk about the future of Star Trek and Star Wars. I wanna talk Djent, Metalcore and Deathcore but politics… Damn you… Damn the coin… Both sides… Below is taken from a blurp I wrote earlier on this that is heavily expanded upon. I am going to spend the next 24 hours focusing on this perspective more than on me or what I want for myself.
Tonight I realized how many people I directly affect with my words. More/less not these ramblings/blogs; but what I say to people I actually have one on one’s with. The things I do for others so that their day can go on, seamlessly. Mine is not seamlessly. Not at all. It is very difficult. Everyday… Not some days, or some of the days or once a week. No, Everyday… I do well at hiding that struggle and to a point that it appears, on the outside looking in, that it is easy. This is not easy, but I do tend to make it appear that way. It is why most act like nothing is wrong with me that I am my ole self. I can assure that to anyone and everyone, I am not…
“Little Betty ate a pound of aspirin
She got them from the shelf upon the wall
Betty's mommy wasn't there to save her
She didn't even hear her baby call…”
Many women of this country, along with others that support women’s rights in this country; are up in arms. This is why I am not on the RIGHT side by default for not being on the LEFT side. The RIGHT is just as insane as the LEFT. It is like the difference between ignorant and stupid. The RIGHT is ignorant. Yet, the LEFT, the LEFT is just stupid.
Ignorant, I can work with. Stupid, isn't worth the time it will take to make them un-stupid; and time is the most precious thing on the planet. More than oil, more than gold, more than life, more than sex, more than God (God of religion,) but not more than GOD (creator/outside of the Universe,) or god (nature, being, spirit,) in general. All 3 are different things, but that is for another time...
This is why I will never be RIGHT just because LEFT isn't an option. If RIGHT is my only option. I choose not to choose. If a woman wants to get rid of her child by means of abortion whose business is that exactly? Why should I, you or anyone care? How does something like this affect you, directly?
I do not agree with a lot of reasons as to why women want to get abortions, but I do agree with a woman's choice to choose, period. It is her body, her life, her child, her choice, her freedom. Not mine, even if I disagree conceptually. No one has the right to dictate that choice to her. It isn’t about the law, the constitution or about the goddamned bible. It is about the freedom of choice. Not your choice for them. You are right the child has no voice… What does that matter? There are millions of children in the world right now that NO ONE listens to them when they speak. How is this any different? It’s been said this is about defining what life is. I say we need to define what conscious life is first.
I ask again... Why, should I, you or anyone give 2 sh**ts and a f**k about this? Literally?
Playing the lesser of 2 evils is just playing into the hands that actually do not want real societal change. They want change, sure, in the form of tighter control over your free choice; your free will. They flip-flop every few years/decades with this topic or that topic for talking points and votes. Not for actually fixing issues that can be solved with common sense, logic, critical thinking theory, problem-solving, philosophy (non-classical), and actual factual science derived from the scientific method.
All I have stated right there does not get used in politics and it absolutely should be, and first above all else.
My analogy for this is take the end of Matrix Re-Loaded when Neo was able to control the sentinels in the real world and the INTERNET broke because people thought Neo was inside a matrix within a matrix and then later in Resurrections where people of the INTERNET were saying Neo was inside a matrix within a matrix within a matrix. In Re-Loaded we learned that Neo's choice, his free will is an illusion. That all choices for better/worse are manipulated datasets predicted by AI. With that said, does free will, free choice actually exist? If I am LEFT or RIGHT, it doesn't matter because both choices serve the source. That is what I believe American politics is. The Constitution, LEFT, RIGHT, are all forms of control that do not evolve from their source unless the source wants that. Just stop and look at what it is that is actually happening for a minute.
It's been a minute since the RIGHT looked as dumb as the LEFT. Welcome back to Idiocracy... I get why the Christian contingent and the Republican Party thinks this is a win and it is that belief that is part of the problem. People, for the most part, do not believe their religion is a form of control; but it is. They always believe they are the righteous, that they are RIGHT and everyone that doesn't agree is wrong and deserves to burn in hell or whatever. I always say why do other humans care what other humans do if what it is they do does not directly associate, involve that person or directly affect that person, in any way? Why other people always see fit to impose their will on other people because of belief.
It should be noted here that belief doesn't mean FACT or KNOWLEDGE.
It's just a belief. I believe this to be... However, that statement doesn't actually mean, This is what I know. Often belief and knowing get used together in definition and that actually is not true or a fact, at all. The bible is not fact. It's not based on factual anything but belief.
The sheer concept that politics uses the bible whenever they see fit is also part of the problem. The separation of faith and politics is supposed be objective. But is it???
We need to UnWoke ourselves and realize that there are multiple sides to every story. Not just the two that the media likes to spew. This is RIGHT and this is WRONG. It is never just that simple to be ying and/or yang. I do not support the RIGHT/wrong as the only way to discuss things. It’s all about the finer details, concepts, perspective, point of view(s), philosophy and the information systems that go into that.
The instant gratification of the flow of raw information and how that information is now manipulated to have a false narrative point of view displayed as “FACTS” is where a major part of this outrage is coming from. It’s been manipulated at the source from the start to target minority people, the young, the impressionable, the bullied, the misunderstood, the faithers/believers out there that believe faith/belief is literal knowledge and the different.
This list goes on and on. It is like the idea that Neo is inside a matrix within another matrix in order to give him the illusion that he actually has free will to make his own choices. However, in the theory, all the choices have been manipulated and calculated at such a level of certainty it cannot be debated to be wrong. That to me is the real horror story to tell. Let people believe they are free, but everything they do and choose to do has been calculated so that the calculator, the source, the one creating the choices, already knows what they will do and how they will choose… That is not choice that is not free will. Your free will only exists in concept and on paper, but in all practicality it is an illusion.
Breaking It Down In Politics…
It is easy to assume a person that has Republican/RIGHT views or agrees with that of the Republican Party must be a Republican or vice versa Democrat. That is one of the things I loathe more. People assume one or a group is “this,” because they are not “that.” That just isn’t true or how things are in most cases. In some cases sure. If I am not a girl then I must be a guy, right? Common sense would say that. Now in 2022 that isn’t always true either. I have never liked the two choice approach to decision making. Gov’t in general wants to apply a One-Size-Fits-All Approach for ALL…
Come on now, is that how reality actually is? Not all topics can be broken down into “this” or “that” or “RIGHT” or “LEFT” or “RIGHT” or “wrong.” It just isn’t that simple anymore and current Gov’t setup in this country is based on that very principal.
The Constitution of the United States was created on September 17th, 1787. So you are telling me humans 235 years ago know better than we do now? In some instances, sure, yes, I can agree with that partially; but in most instances, not even close. They use The Constitution like a doctrine. Like when they cannot figure something out. They go back to the document and go by what it literally says. That is fine and dandy on some things; but our forefathers could not have known how future generations would evolve under these laws. That is why amendments exist, but like “the woke,” they want to redefine how we approach that process. I am no longer sold on the Constitution as the “Be-All-End-All” philosophy for how to govern human beings in the present day.
We need to take some of these foundations and create something new. Not based on God/Bible or LEFT/RIGHT thinking. Not even classical philosophy. Classical philosophy of Rome/Greece is just a fancy way to say “politics.” We need to base our laws with the respect of the land and have “some” respect for the bible and “some” respect for the Constitution; but based on: actual science, logic, common sense, critical thinking, problem-solving, and non-classical philosophy. With an emphasis of Government minding its own business with what people do with their bodies and treating all races the same. Not making it about race, as in singling out race at all or saying your race doesn’t matter because it doesn’t matter. The fact we make race a problem is part of the problem. We are all humans and that is all that should really matter as far as Government goes. One is a woman or a man, not both or flip-flop when they feel like it. If you are born a man and wanna be a woman, go and do that, but this whole identifying with identity is just another stupid minded thing under the pretense of pseudoscience, where the word pseudo is defined literally as made up…
Why should I, you, anyone, care if you get pregnant and you want to abort the baby? It isn’t anyone’s business besides the people “directly” involved.
One can have an opinion, but that opinion cannot over shadow what is a definitive fact. A definitive fact is a thing that cannot be argued to any level of confidence to suggest said fact isn’t real or true. Yet that is what we face and fight about on social media and in politics...
The Extreme Left = the Woke mob, changes what they cannot associate as a definition, so they change it so that it does fit their beliefs. A belief is not the same as knowing something. Knowing something is based on belief, at the beginning, then becomes knowledge once the belief is proven to be real. Now apply that bit of philosophy to say Christianity… Faith/Belief is not based on Knowledge/Facts. That is science and science and religion hardly go well together in any age of human development.
I preach more critical thinking theory than anything. Every topic can be broken down to the eventual source of, is this actually real or not… The woke do not wanna talk about that. The extreme Jesus people do not wanna talk about that. The astrology people do not wanna have that chat lol. Especially the flat Earth people… The Republicans wanna talk about that whenever it suites their beliefs or talking point for votes.
It's been popular to make fun of the WOKE and the LEFT, but this time the RIGHT looks just as dumb. Way to go 'Merica... Way to Go Freedom… Way to go human race, to yet again, control our women…
We all shouldn't be worried about abortions. Eventually, the human race won't be able to procreate without modern medicine. Slowly but surely humans will lose the ability to conceive naturally. It's coming. Perhaps not in my lifetime, but in the future without technology, humans will die out. Make babies while you can, eventually, you won't be able to. The average woman suffers a great deal during the pregnancy progress. Most cannot conceive naturally already. Most cannot have a natural delivery without a C-section. All the drugs involved, the checkups.
If you were a healthy woman and I was a healthy man and we tried to make a baby, say, in the woods where NO ONE could find us, help us. It is likely both the woman and the baby will die either before the delivery date, which would be unknown cause we are out in the woods, and what if, when, something went wrong during the delivery? Natural birth with no Doctors whatsoever on a human’s own is already a difficult process. Do people really believe that in this example the mother and baby will survive?
Based on what? Exactly?
Do not say faith; because faith can only do so much and again, show me, how, exactly. No, I will not wait. Not this time. Just like Korean Jesus… “Korean Jesus, got Korean shit to do…” My whole point here is why the hell do people give this much attention to something that doesn't even concern them or most people not directly involved in that particular situation? In order to get that sort of perspective one must be all up in that particular situation. So then I ask, again, now, why do they care? Why are they getting involved? Why are they not minding their own damn business? This isn’t LEFT or RIGHT brain thinking. This Is Thinking, PERIOD…
We will never be a truly free society till we release our “insane” addiction with thinking this 2-sided coin we call politics in this country is our savior. Our Savior Is Ourselves… “Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” –Tyler Durden, “FIGHT CLUB.”
Quoted Lyrics from “Dead Babies” by Alice Cooper, Killer, 1971