Compromises to Freedom Two

“I thought the pandemic was going to bring people together, I really did. I thought it was going to be like 9/11, and that people are going to recognize like, “Hey, this is a threat to all of us. Let’s all try to work together and figure this out.” – Joe Rogan – 11/10/2021…

Will this trigger some people??? Probably… While I do not have a problem with that. My mission or intent is not to offend, but what I have a problem with is people who do not agree with said take do not counter the take…

They only come at me with buzzwords and name-calling, never once actually presenting a well-thought-out counterargument. Look; I do not mind if you do not agree with my takes on subjects. Especially ones that tend to trigger some folk. Actually, I embrace it. You are allowed to not agree and have your own take. Keywords; Your-Own-Take…

However, if you cannot match my effort, intellectually, with maturity; I will not apologize for that. I cannot even respond to your nonsense of a response. Show me your point of view. Make it make sense to me, over just running your “social justice fake tough personal persona of shit talking.” If all you wanna do is throw stones at me. I will not give you any respect back and I will just block you. I won’t call you out, I won’t even respond. You will not get “a reaction” out of me.

My opinion of those types of people; the “Don’t Matters, Generation Asshole or Generation Zero.” These labels are just descriptions of behavior… All the triggering hateful shit these people use as their counter-argument, literally equals, ZERO. Hence, Generation Zero…

Their Opinion Does Not Matter…

It doesn’t matter because, all the sums equal zero and have little to no substance or value. Not because, they do not have the right to an opinion. They certainly do, it is just the quality of said opinion that would be in question, and in more cases than not, people are left even more confused. I attempt to be bring substance where there is only nonsensical poop logic…

“Its Quality versus Quantity, but Quantity has a Quality all on its own… ~Thomas A. Callaghan

America won a little battle on Friday, 11/19/2021, in the court room against:

• The Cancel Culture Groups.
• The Kevin’s and Karen’s of the country.
• The WOKE people and WOKE Nation.

• Or any other person of any sex/gender, creed, color, background; that’s between an identity crisis, menopause and retardation.

• The people that are BatShit hypersensitive and require the rest of the INTERNET to follow suit.
• CNN, The Left Wing Media & The Powers That Be That Represent Them…

The prosecution’s case against Kyle Rittenhouse had no case from the start. Kyle was charged with 5 felony charges: Each a single count of first-degree reckless homicide and first-degree intentional homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, and a single count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide.

A sixth criminal count, possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under the age of 18; later dropped by the Judge when the Rittenhouse Defense lawyers successfully argued state law allowed for someone under 18 to possess the firearm, which is within the law.

One of the other key issues people seem to have about the case; was the weapon brought across state lines by Rittenhouse or not? The weapon used in the shootings was already in Wisconsin, according to court testimony and police interviews. Between this and the state law that allows for someone under 18 to possess the firearm which is within the law was mis-information supplied by the Left Wing Media, CNN, the prosecution and just about anyone else that wanted to see this kid burn.

All of the prosecution’s evidence was either tampered with in some way or was based on complete hearsay. That is not how the law works and we all saw it live in the court room unfold.

I understand that people are upset about the decision, but look at the facts.

First we need to rehash what a FACT actually is… I know… Again, this is becoming tiresome…

A fact is something that can be proven to exist in reality, not a fabricated story, concept, idea, want, need or doctored video. Just because a group of people want something to be true doesn’t make it true. That isn’t how FACTS are generated…

“We must remember that we do not observe nature as it actually exists, but nature exposed to our methods of perception. The theories determine what we can or cannot observe…Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” ~Albert Einstein

If you cannot show that something actually happened then it’s not a fact and it didn’t happen. There are not BUTTs in this. The law is black or white, yes or no, on or off, zero or a one.There are no BUTTs or grey areas. There isn’t a “meet me in the middle protocol” for the law. There shouldn’t even be lawyers, but because the law isn’t written for the everyday person to comprehend we need an intermediary to help us understand it when either being defended by the Law or prosecuted against the Law.

If people cannot see that. I cannot comfort them. I cannot be friends with them. It is because I cannot trust them. If the very foundation of what is real or not real is a major conflict within them, on now it seems, a daily basis. They are far more dangerous to our way of life than our way of life to them. They are dangerous people that will get you into shit you are not prepared for and/or not willing to contribute to.

While ALL LIFE MATTERS; how the extreme left and the CNN left wing media portrays reality is a very serious problem. There are bad people out there, absolutely. There are people that break the law. There are racist people. There are homophobic people…

However, all of these things are not against the law. One cannot be jailed or executed by the law for being these things. Not even close… Immoral, unethical, absolutely, but not against the law. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not, by definition, a racist country. That divide is being fabricated for clicks, for power, for money, not our best interests…

Of course there are people that are all of these things; but the country as a whole is not a racist one. Stop it with that nonsense… Just because you were treated badly doesn’t mean all people like you are treated badly; but I can see where someone hurt would think that based on the superficial bullshit presented by CNN and the Left Wingers. There are people of all walks of life here. Sure, some of them are bad and some are bad and in a position of power. That is evident. I am not at all debating that…

You don’t get a pass in life because you are different and the rest of the world doesn’t get you and does you durty. News flash… It does EVERYONE DURTY… Stop making excuses why you can’t or wont.

If you want to live free, you can, but what you cannot do is destroy property, threaten people and attempt to do bodily harm; because you’re frustrated with those aspects of society. You can only control you… You can register to vote. You can do your research and vote for people that fix issues over dividing us. You control you, how you feel about things and how you react to them. Not any one else. My God Karen/Kevin get a FK’n grip on reality already. Just stop it…

You just got done spending 4-5 years trolling Trump; and now the other guy is killing this country with his buffoon of a Vice, but you’re more focused on making dead criminals, heroes and trying to make what is just and the law seem unimportant. What’s the matter with you? You should feel ashamed, very ashamed. Or at the very least scared that you will be next to get ghosted…

If/when the shit really hits the fan in this country you’re gonna be target number 1. When the food runs out. When there are no more resources for you to consume it will be you that is consumed. Just think about that 👍 and it will be so goddamn easy to take from you because; you won’t have the means to defend yourselves with the expectation that the people you pissed off will play by some sort of “good-human” rules. That won’t happen. If you are perceived as weak, have resources be it materials or yourselves, you will be weighed, tested and you will lose… You will be consumed…


“It’s a strange time; because I don’t know why people are behaving the way they are? Why they are not just actively engaging in conflict, but encouraging it with nonsensical conflict while people have gotten so tribal, that they branched off into these, “these groups” that; you know; our group can do no wrong; and that group can do no right. We’ve abandoned this idea that we’re supposed to be all in this together.” – Joe Rogan – 11/10/2021…

Now I only followed portions of the case. I am by no means an expert here. However, I can read. I can distinguish what words/phrases mean over changing the meaning of the words/phrases because it doesn’t fit the narrative I want.

Most of what I know about the case here is from the very few outlets I feel like speak objective truth based on actual facts of a given situation and that have healthy debates within that system.

With that said, I can only trust what I can verify to be accurate or at least appear accurate. Rittenhouse’s defense attorneys said, prosecutors gave them a 3.6mb version of the drone video, while the version the prosecution kept for themselves had amounted to 11.2 MB. The defense said the resolution of the file they received came in at 480 x 212, compared to 1920 x 844 (HD) of the prosecution’s file. The defense argued that the prosecution did this two days before closing arguments began and after the time to turn over evidence had closed. This was done deliberately with intent which is illegal and grounds for a mistrial, which the defense started to argue.

The prosecution tried to paint this kid as a cold-blooded, racist, killer with testimony and the prosecution’s take on the video. That was it. There was absolutely no actual evidence that was presented or even suggested Rittenhouse was any of these things, and the drone video wasn’t helpful to their case.

This whole trial has been politically motivated and had nothing to do with murder, racism and improper gun laws. This case had everything to do with posturing and blaming somebody for the tragedy rather than the people that are actually responsible for the tragedy, which are people that are out there destroying property, causing bodily harm and threatening people with violence. The people in power that empowered these people to riot should be just as accountable.

I get people are upset; especially with race and how things are playing out right now in the media with race. There are bad people in this country in positions of power that want to divide all Americans into these little subgroups so they can be easily manipulated and controlled.

Simply saying this kid is a cold and calculated gun happy racist killer doesn’t make it true. The prosecution tried to prove that, that was their whole case and they failed miserably.

I’m not LEFT. I’m not Right. I’m not pro-anything and I’m not against-anything. I believe in Live And Let Live, respect other people’s property, respect the law, respect liberty and respect the fact that people that differ from you, your beliefs are probably just as confused as you or me…

Regardless of what is at play here both sides lack the ability to take a piece of poop, dress it up, remove the smell and then present that as food for human consumption. Either side will NEVER be able to convince me that the POOP they serve is anything other than POOP…. LOL, Literally; AKA POOP Logic…

“The amount of hatred for Aaron Rodgers, so far, outweighs the amount of upset over a member of the Las Vegas Raiders allegedly running a person over at 150 miles an hour. The amount of public outrage is kind of insane. I think this goes to something deeper, I used to think there are two types of people with regard to what they thought of human nature. Some people think human nature is good. Some people think human nature is kind of sinful. I think that’s still true, but I think there’s another distinction that the pandemic really exposed, that there are two kinds of people, people who are okay with living with a certain level of risk, and people who just are not, and think that if they delegate all their power to people to make decisions for them, that all risk can be mitigated. If that means controlling all the people around them, that’s totally fine.” – Ben Shapiro – 11/10/2021…

Compromises to Freedom Two
Compromises to Freedom One
by David-Angelo Mineo
2,218 Words