NV4 Me

Numbers... These statistics are estimates. After going on a few websites dedicated to keeping stats on the Covid-19 Pandemic, now approaching Epidemic Status, I have elected to use these stats as my starting point.
Are these numbers 100% accurate? Of course not. I got them from the CDC, NBC, Google. There is no way I can trust that data. It’s all goddamn political these days. Numbers are never going to be 100% when we use pseudo-science to base our facts on in 2021. Pseudo, literally means “made up, make believe.”
However, I feel these numbers represent what most think to be accurate as a generalized basis. They say, numbers don’t lie. I agree with that. It’s not the numbers I am worried about lying. It’s who put the numbers there to begin with that makes me wonder.
80% - Estimated number of people who get COVID-19, “may” experience mild symptoms.
10% - Ages 65+ estimates suggest there’s at least a 10 percent chance they could die from contacting Covid-19.
98% - Estimated Rate of ALL People in the USA that contract Covid-19 will survive.
I will not be getting the Vaccine for Covid-19, even if it becomes mandatory, shit, especially, if it becomes mandatory. Before you decide if I am right, wrong or downright against God; read and understand what it is I am presenting here. If you truly believe in the Left/Right way of thinking as a way “to be,” this probably will be hard for you to grasp.
It would be like trying to explain FTL (Faster Than Light) Space Travel to a 3 year old. If you are not going to be open minded and/or see things for what they are based on, actual real truth/proof, or at the very least what appears to be truth/proof then I cannot help you to understand my words and what is presented here.
This stuff isn’t for people like you… Move Along…
I am not Hesitant, I am downright defiant about it. However, my reasoning for this decision has merit, logic, and critical thinking directly attached to it. I simply will not get the Vaccine. No reason to… (Almost) everyone that gets Covid-19, survives it. Yes, people have died from it. Yes, people have suffered from it. People are still suffering from it… People are still dying from it…
That 98% survival rate is a hard number to look past. Granted it isn't entirely accurate but even if it was 90% or 80%.
90% of a few billion people is a huge number of surviving. If 3 out of 4 died then that is a different story. However, we are not even seeing 1 out of 4 die. We are seeing 2 out of 100 if you follow the 98% stat that keeps popping up as the universal survival number. That isn't enough justification to get a shot.
Plus, it isn't even the chemical I am worried about. It’s the injection sickness one gets from the shot itself.
People in general and even medical professionals do not know how the body's nervous system really works. I see this when I go in and talk to Doctors about me and my situation and I feel I know more about the nervous system then they do.
Any physical stress to the body causes the nervous system to either fight it off or flight, caving in on itself, shutting down.
With my very sensitive and aggressive diabetic state my nervous system is shot. A few weeks ago I got 2 injections into both my eyes to treat my Diabetic Retinopathy. I was fine for a few hours and by the evening I needed to sleep, oh, about 18 hours to feel, "somewhat" normal again.
My face hurt nearly a week later. Now the vaccine shot is supposed to be even harder to handle. When I compare it to the eye injections it’s about 3 orders of magnitude harder on the body.
So, let’s play this scenario out. I get the shot. Almost immediately or a few hours later; my blood sugar will begin to spike, drastically, regardless if I eat, eat sugarless-based foods or take my insulin, my sugar will go up.
If it is anything even close to what I have already experienced I am looking at a blood sugar level of near 500. Mind you at 600 that is when one could fall into a diabetic coma.
When I was in the ER July 2020 with Covid-19 my blood sugar was at 519. I had to go to the ER not because of Covid-19 directly, granted it played its part on why I was there.
I have written about this in past blogs… Covid-19 got me pretty sick with Mono type symptoms for about 2 weeks and then I got even sicker. Started blacking out, couldn’t walk, throwing up black slim, which was a mixture of blood and bile. I went to the ER and they were treating me for Diabetic Ketoacidosis & Pancreatitis.
When I got my DUI in 2016, my blood sugar was at 520. When my middle finger got infected it was at 515. It was 550 when I originally checked myself into the ER in 2014 before I was actually diagnosed.
So, I get the shot and it is likely I will be taking a visit to the ER. So, based on all that…
It isn't "If" I get the shot will my blood sugar rise, no. Its "by how much" will it rise and whether or not I need to go to the ER to get treatment before my body relapses back into that Ketoshock I was in.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis & Pancreatitis are not curable. They just lie dormant as long as my blood sugar stays "reasonable." Which it will not if I get the vaccine. This isn't "if" it’s "when" and by "how much."
It is already a full time job to keep my blood sugar “marginally” out of the red. By no means is my blood sugar normal on a daily basis. It’s usually always very high. We have tried several different sliding scales for insulin, but I either always take too much insulin or not enough. That is the problem.
Another Animal is the media has been really bad as to what it labels a fact these days. Not just with this but EVERYTHING...
A fact by definition is a theory, (an unproven fact, and educated guess without verified testing), that is later tested to be NOT FALSE. That is what a FACT is.
I use the basic 1+1=2 analogy.
Theory... 1 of something + 1 of something, = 2 of something.
Go and test that theory in all the ways you can ADD a 1 of something to another 1 of something, the answer is?
Well, in this case its easy math. So say we test it 10,000 times. In 10,000 tests we get the same answer, 2.
By that process, the scientific method, this theory is now a FACT.
Granted, as more complicated theories come forth more complex testing, variables and such come into the equation. So it isn't always this simple. It’s almost always never this simple...
The media is making stories/claims based on theories and not actual FACTS. Nor have they for quite a few years.
Even the people of science that get on the news are talking about guesses, theories, and opinions; over actual fact-checking and theory testing. Yet, are delivering this news as "scientific fact." It’s not, not always, not even some of the time.
So the mass media believes we are all that stupid. No… Well, maybe some of the Walmart people, the TikTok’ers and SnapChatters. Whatever popular clique you want to put in these places is fine by me.
Great lies, always sprinkle a little truth into them to make their lie seem more believable. The Gov't wants everyone to get vaccinated, why? So the 2% of the sick, weak, old (including me) are saved? SAVED from what? I am a diabetic that is losing. I am on borrowed time. Dead…Man…Livin’…
Some will say I am crazy or just crazy selfish. I do not see how. Selfish would mean I care not for other people. I do. Just not the 2% and I am one of them. I might have 20-30 good years left. I just want to live them in peace.
I am not interested in the world too much anymore, like when I was a kid in elementary school and we would go outside for every shuttle launch. I no longer look at existence in awe and wonder. Now, I just want peace, I want calm. I want serenity. I want to spend more time smiling than frowning.
The concessions that are being “expected” of me at this point in my life with everything that has happened to me do not give me that peace and serenity that I seek more than extra time on my “good years.”
I have always questioned things that do not make sense to me. I ask myself in my inner voice, that isn’t so quiet. If “a thing” doesn’t make sense. Why doesn’t it make sense? How can we make it make sense? How can we translate the data into a format for easier human consumption?
Oh, that is right. The mass media… Not being on our side. I wonder what it would take to get them to stop this, down the board. All news/media outlets follow a code. I know, they are supposed to, but do they???
I do not really get into conspiracy theories too much. I love my fiction and all, but when people are trying to have real discussions and all they can come at you with is fictional, hypothetical, possibilities that hardly make sense.
That is when I have checked out. I really won’t listen to what they are saying after that. It is like the Mother from the Peanuts when she speaks, waaaaa wwaaaa wa wa wa…
I will say, is it possible? Sure, it’s possible, anything is possible, it’s all about how they solve the technical issues to make the impossible, possible.
Testing theories to be facts. Is it probable? Probably not... So that is where my rationale is on that.
At the end of the day more people do not care about the 2% that this Virus actually affects if they live or die. They just don't. If they did, they would follow protocols like wearing masks. I wear one in "some" places only to not get people fixated on me and make them feel uncomfortable. I do this for my benefit just as much as theirs.
A totally, NON-selfish move. I do my best to stay away from most, but yet, I still have to live my life. I am a 2%'r that doesn't care about the 2%. I also claim to be a self-loathing empath. An empathic person who hates that they are an empath and does everything they can to ignore that they are one.
If people want to go get Vaccinated, they should be able to and not be harassed for it, but you know what?
So should the NON-Vaxxer… If it were 60/40, 60% chance you get Covid-19 and you’re dead. We all would be singing a different tune about this, but no, it is 2 out of 100.
People can die from the average flu. What is the percentage of people that get struck by lightning and die from it? I don’t know either and I am not going to look it up; but I am just saying this whole thing doesn’t make sense to me.
I have laid out my why’s as to why I feel it doesn’t make sense. Simply telling me “what about other people?” My response is, what about, other people? I do enough to protect myself, protect myself from other people. I do not feel I need to add more layers on top of this.
I should also ad that I am one of the 2% of people that could likely die from this and I still feel this way about it. “This is the school in which we learn.”
NV4 Me
By David-Angelo Mineo
2,041 Words