
Maleficent, Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” portrayed by Angelina Jolie in Disney’s 2014 “Maleficent” & 2019’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.” The 2 movies paint a very different picture than the original “Sleeping Beauty” cartoon of 1959… 



We see Maleficent as an Anti-Hero… We were always shown that she was Evil or a portrait of Disney’s version of what Evil should be, look like, act like. The movies give us a very different perspective.


If Maleficent is evil then how did she become evil? She wasn’t born that way and the 2014 film shows us this and carries over to the 2019 sequel.


Maleficent becomes evil based on an enduring pain of learning to LOVE and have that Love and Trust be betrayed in a metaphorical RAPE of having her wings taken from her by a man that was supposed to be her match emotionally/mentally/spiritually in a selfish act so he may become KING…


Over the years this pain turns to a dark rage. She seeks revenge by cursing the King’s daughter and you have the tale of Sleeping Beauty…


Maleficent is a pretty good metaphor for the different perceptions of how we can see things differently, “from a certain point of view.”


As hate-filled as Maleficent is deep down all she wants to do is Love and be Loved… This pops in and out over the course of the 2 films.


More specifically the 1st film where she is going back and forth with dealing with her pain and the pain she is causing Aurora (Sleeping Beauty). The character shifts with being the protector for Aurora as she grows into a young woman. Maleficent relearns what love is and releases Aurora from the curse by the end of the 1st film.


In the 2nd film, Aurora is all grown up and wants to marry a prince from a neighboring human kingdom. Maleficent once again has to learn the lesson of how hard love can be and not just love but also what a parent has to go through. To NOT live through them. Eventually, the parent has to let go and allow the child to grow at their own pace.


That to me was the whole theme of the 2nd film. More betrayal, more love and more looking outside one’s self.


Maleficent at heart is like many women and even men nowadays. We have all felt Betrayed by loved ones, be it mates, friends, family. It sucks and it hurts. If one allows themselves to harp on these betrayals they just get dark inside. Negativity will run away with one’s soul…


Maleficent & I share a lot of the same character arcs here. All she ever wanted to do was to be one with Nature (The Universe), LOVE and be LOVed. Maleficent goes through a real dark patch in her life and has to overcome this through experience rather than knowing how to overcome the adversity naturally… For all her powers this lesson she doesn’t at 1st understand…


Maleficent started as innocent as any child, her innocence was taken/stripped from her. With no other guidance she was left alone to her mechanisms; her feelings and thoughts.


This is all too common with people in our current Human Mode of Thinking/Feeling/Experiencing…


I know I have gone through this, going through this, it seems I will continue to go through this. In the end, LOVE was the key to releasing not just the curse on Aurora but the blackness of hate/rage inside Maleficent’s spirit.


I always say one cannot fix broken because broken is considered, by definition, to be “UNfixable…”


Damaged is something that is slightly not working and can be corrected with the correct formula of knowledge/patience/love.


So to say Maleficent and I are broken would not be appropriate to say or think. Broken doesn’t return from the darkness. Once one is caught in a Black Hole not even Light can escape. If one wants to leave a Black Hole, one is going to have to be outside the normal parameters of this Universe. Is LOVE part of our Natural Physics of this Universe or is it beyond?


Isn’t that what we all strive to be? Something more? Most cannot attain this by themselves. Nature created man/woman/partnership because they/us/me/you/Maleficent cannot go on alone. We were not designed to go that way, we were not meant to be alone.


As much as I love “some” of my isolation, I wish I had a partner to not just take on parts of the load but for me take on some of her ills as well. I feel the one’s/humans that have a HUGE conviction about being in love and having a long-lasting relationship hurt the most when things do not pan out as they should. Why they hurt so much and go to dark places inside themselves that sometimes come out in the physical reality they have built is because their convictions are hardcore AF… ABOUT EVERYTHING… We take everything PERSONAL AF…


I can say from my own experiences that my convictions, with not just partner searching, but selflove, that I have had to deal with for nearly 35 years of things not going right after working so very hard towards those goals. It is like a tick in the back of my mind, it just gets louder and louder and louder and my head wants to explode.


I see no light at the end, only darkness. However, I do believe the light exists. Something in my deep thoughts in the back just says continue to pound. Continue the journey. When I see the light, run towards it. If I cannot fit into the light, force it open… I keep this close to me. I keep pushing for it and towards it.


Knock me down. I get back up. However, it is getting harder and harder to pop back up. It is a daily struggle with me and that STRUGGLE IS REAL AF…


To the people that understand and support me and yourselves thank you. To the people that always judge or have half-thoughts on what I should or should not do. All I can say is I understand that you are trying to be supportive but here is the reality.


(Takes off my Shoes and THROWS them at you)… Try putting on those puppies for a day and get back to me…


“Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.”

― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club 

by David-Angelo Mineo
1,103 Words