The Try-less Taste of Empathy…

I could write a whole 5000-word blog about “giving zero FK’s,” perhaps maybe I should. It’s both a blessing and a curse. A curse, cause it can still cause you and other’s pain. Pain that might not make any sense and hold value at the time.

Empathy is a word I know what it means, but only because of books/movies and such. I actually haven’t experienced empathy myself in its real/raw form in nearly 6 years. Real Empathy, I mean…

Something that always stuck with me since I was a little kid. The word “TRY.” Its actual meaning is, to accept failure or defeat. When we say, we will “try something” we have already told our perception, our subconscious, that it is alright to fail.

And it is, “from a certain point of view.” You cannot conquer until you have tasted defeat. That is how building is done. That is how winning is done… However, you should never tell yourself it is ok to fail.

Yoda says it best. “Try not, do… Do or do not there is no try.” This one line carries so much weight. You can apply this to just about anything. Yoda is saying that when you do something; do it with the intention that you will conquer, you will win, you will learn. That does not accept a failure without giving said thing 111% of your attention and effort. Only after that, if you fail at it, get back up, dust yourself off, learn from the mistake(s) and “DO” it again…

One can apply this to even their outlook on perception of how they look in the mirror, at themselves…

At 41… I still wear my Buffalo Bills Swag, cargo shorts, a combination of heavy metal/WWE T-shirts. I have only a few dress-up clothes and maybe 3 pairs of pants that actually fit my frame.

I have turned down $60,000/yr jobs because I wouldn’t wear a suit, a button-up long-sleeved shirt and dress shoes.

You have to wear what is comfortable. What makes you happy and what makes you feel like you are the boss of your life. Other people’s perceptions of that can go kick rocks…

“I Am A Leaf On The Wind, Watch How I Soar…” Serenity 2005… 

The Try-less Taste of Empathy
By David-Angelo Mineo
375 Words