Hello Darkness, My Ole Friend…

Hello Darkness, my ole friend…
You touch me, you taste me.
You shape me, you shun me.
You fuck me in more ways than one.
You haunt me, you punch me. You make sure I am none…
I lie here numb, drunk and stoned just so that I may sleep.
You slap me, you spit at me so that I may weep.
My pain isn’t even mine. It’s yours.
You caused it and want no accountability for it…
All I want to know, to do is Sleep…
Love me, not hate me.
Cherish me, respect me by leaving me be.
I am sure I will see you soon and will not be doomed…
Goodbye, hello, fuck you…

…came to me in a strip club bar…

Hello Darkness, My Ole Friend…
125 Words