So He Says, So He Says...

Forwarding off other peoples' projections of how I should be, what I should do,
and how I am supposed to feel about all that in relation to how I spend my
time, the remainder of that time,
the remainder of my health, the remainder of
my mental health and what I want for myself,
by which, by all accounts is mine
and no one else's.
So he says, so he says...
No one else’s not even God's, so he says...
Yet, I am the one that must suffer. Not the people who are projecting to me onto me, but me, so he says.
No... I am the one dealing with stuff. Not you and not them, not anyone. So he says...
No one was invited to deal with me.
So he says the nonconformist. So he says...
It has been said too many times now. So he says... Here here... So he says...
It has been weighed, it has been measured, and they have been found wanting. So he says, so he says…
Come back and try again if anyone believes they are worthy.
So he said, the nonconformist…