Word Porn #8

Your Happiness Is The Greatest Revenge Against Those Who Bring You Down…

In Order To Be Successful Your Focus Has To Be So Intense People Think You’re CRAZY & They Do…

Haust They Do…

So Take A Picture & Think Hard At What You Want From Life…

I’m Strong Because I’ve Been Weak. I’m Brave Because I’ve Been Afraid… I’m Wise Because I’ve Been Foolish…

Never Apologize For What You Feel…

It’s Like Saying Sorry For Being Real, Sorry Not Sorry…

“It’s Only After We’ve Lost Everything That We’re Free To Do Anything…” ~Tyler Durden, FIGHT CLUB

People Who Are Spiritually Minded Tend To Suffer From Anxiety And Depression More, But This Is Because Their Eyes Are Open To A World That Is In Need Of Repair. They Literally Have An Increased Ability To Feel The Emotions Of People Around Them.

I Ask Questions I Already Know The Answers To Because I Like Multiple Perspectives And To See Who Is Full Of Shit…

I Do Not Require Someone Who Only Sees The Good In Me. I Need Someone Who Sees That Evil Shit As Well And Still Wants Me…

Strong People Will Automatically Stop Trying And Doing If They Feel Unwanted And Appreciated. They Will Not Fix It Or Beg. They Will Just Walk Away…

I Will Not Apologize For You Being Mentally Weak…

“There’s Something Fundamentally Wrong With The Wiring Of Our Brains, Which Makes Human Beings Incapable Of Consistent Logical Thinking. To Make Matters Worse, Though All Creatures Need A Certain Amount Of Aggressiveness To Survive, We Seem To Have Far More Than Is Absolutely Necessary. And No Other Animal On Earth Tortures Its Fellows As Human Beings Do… There Is A Cult Of Ignorance In The United States Today, And There Always Has Been. The Strain Of Anti-Intellectualism Has Been A Constant Thread Winding Its Way Through Our Political, Cultural & Social Lives, Nurtured By The False Notion That Democracy Means That My Ignorance Is Just As Good As Your Knowledge…” ~Isaac Asimov

Truth Is Something Someone Says And Can Show Real Evidence Of Its Existence In The Real World, Not Just The Potential For It And Not Here In A Virtual One.

Word Port #8
David-Angelo Mineo
366 Words