Ascende tuum...

“Alright You Alien Assholes… In the Words of My Generation! UP YOURS!!!”

~Russell Casse (Randy Quaid), “Independence Day” (1996)


A somber Independence Day…

Craziness is all I see…


I live in South West, Florida. A little port-stain called Port Charlotte. Most here tend to be Red/Right/Republican/Trump supporters. So anything Blue/Left/Democrat or against its binary opposite is not ultra-rare among the locals but significantly less than Red/Right/Republican. There are some. They do exist here. I have friends on both sides. I myself identify as NPA, which stands for “No Party Affiliation.” I am not even labeled as an Independent, as they are labeled a political party as well. Independents still believe in this current system but want more choices than two. Me… Yeah. No. It’s broken. Broken is defined as ‘unfixable…’ So what in the hell are we doing??? I took a real serious look at why people are so crazy about these binary choices or at least the one side that is losing this battle. I tried to think like them. I do not think I can actually do that but I did try. I went through the motions. I’d throw on MSNBC/CNN to see and I am just blown away people outright believe this crap. It’s fiction-fear-generating at its worst.


Not that FOX is much better.

They do the same damn thing.


They just happen to frame it a way that makes it look ‘less’ crazy-talk than the other side. We cannot get the President, alone, live, to answer any serious questions without a minion or three to come save him. The other side, we have a rich college frat boy that most will vote for because most agree that Biden cannot do the job, but not only cannot do the job. He never did the job to begin with. His age and his inability to form coherent sentences, right now, did not create this situation. What created this situation was a poor four-year performance, which he still continues to blame the other side for, or flat-out says is not the case, which is now seriously laughable and is a logical fallacy. Probably all of them…


I look at this binary debate about the two-party system as this:


“Welcome to America. Your air is free here. You can breathe as much as you can but every four years we strongly urge you to vote on what odor the air smells and tastes like. You can choose Piss… Or you can choose Pooh… No other viable choices exist. Thank you for your obedience, Citizen…”


Both, piss and poop, smells/tastes are bad for your health, suck and will make you miserable, but you have to choose one so you can have your free air citizens. If you do not choose you will be labeled as a domestic terrorist against Freedom, a fascist, racist, some kind of gender/sexual phobe, choose one, there are too many to list. You will be advertised by the media and social media alike as “part of the problem” why people won’t accept the free air our Freedom-giving Government gives to you all. We cannot ad anymore choices because it’s a problem we cannot solve but act like we got it all figured out and can do no wrong. The other side is always bad, wrong, evil and we are always good, right, and just. Groups of people getting angry at each other because they’d prefer a different odor where almost half but not really half will accept that as normal for us all, is your fault for not picking the correct side of history.


Should be noted that only the winners of wars write history. Not the losers. There shouldn’t even be war, yet, here we are… Happy Independence Day, 2024.


That is how I see this. I lean right, sure, but only because if I must choose between the two, (piss and poop), I choose piss over pooh. I have serious digestive issues so I know what one is like on the worst of days and I am not doing that as my free choice for, ‘free breathable air.’ Where we all tend to be fixated on is our definitions of which side is pooh and which side is piss.


That point is, does it even FK’n matter?


So I choose piss over pooh, red over blue but that doesn’t mean I love red, want red, and freely choose red. No. I made a calculated, logical decision based on my own experience with both. I have a very concrete definition of what words mean, what they are at the conceptual level. That is what semantics is… When I step out to walk in the dark that ground is solid. It isn’t solid because I believe it to be solid or have faith that it is. No. It is solid because it is concrete and concrete is solid. Air, clouds, fog, water, no matter how much belief one has or faith that they can, when they take a step out on the dark bottom, it is not solid and one’s foot goes right through. The only time that ever happened in recorded history was the bible and the bible as a conceptual tool for documenting the real story of human history is as follows:


“Back when the Bible was written,

then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten,

then re-edited, then translated from dead languages,

then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten,

then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts,

then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again,

then given to the pope for him to approve,

then rewritten, then edited again, then re-re-re-re-rewritten again…

all based on stories that were told, orally, 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.

to people who didn’t know how to write…

so…” David Cross


With that said, if you want to believe a person that said that he was the grand creator’s son and walked on water. Go for it. I don’t have to. Just like a lot of beliefs. Nothing is required by my life to believe anything but what I feel is believable to me. Granted people do this all the time. Most do not do it to the level that I do. Everything to me is about intentionality. What do you or anyone intend to do? Your actions are what one is judged for. What they do is real. What they say is supposed to be real but often never comes into play because they never did the hard work to make it happen.


Back to politics; people should vote for the person they can relate to and support. I seriously doubt most people can look at what we have to choose from, piss or pooh and call that, “that is what I want and that is what I want to support for the betterment of all of us.” Right…


And Winny the Pooh isn’t a homicidal killer…


Only in fiction where the fictional character can be anything it needs to be to drive the story and characters through their journey. The almighty, MacGuffin…


339.5 million People in this country and this is our two best? People need to wake up. I know RFK has no chance to win, but what if he did? What if in some “Twilight Zone” logic the people vote RFK to be president? I think that would be a statement of the common person in our country. Whatever, they are or identify as. Ultimately most people want the same freedoms. We only really disagree on the smallest of things that have been exacerbated by mainstream media and influencers alike. It’s not even a clear half either. Each side cannot even gain 50% or better. If it was 75-25, I’d get it, but what we have is closer to 47-42 with a carryover of the independents. No, these numbers are not exact but you get the point right?


When diving into any topic or philosophy on our politics, stick to the facts. What is a fact? That is up for you to decide… I know what a fact is to me. What a fact is to you may not align with mine. I have accepted that. There is truth and there is accepted truth. The only difference is truth must have its criteria met by the truth happening whether an accepted truth believes that or not. If it still happens independently of this person’s accepted truth, it’s still a truth. It is all about what happens independently of whether a person will accept that concept as real or not. Avoid letting personal biases or desired outcomes influence your understanding. Focus solely on the truth. “Morally, it’s simple: love is wise, and hatred is foolish. In our increasingly interconnected world, we must tolerate differing opinions and learn to coexist.” A quote by philosopher Bertrand Russell at the BBC in 1959. This version of progressivism twists minority issues into mainstream crises, declaring them untouchable facts with no room for debate. The media’s role in this? Massive… They spin imaginative narratives, completely detached from reality, just like propaganda machines of old. It’s all about control, and it’s been creeping in since 2008, folks. Perhaps even sooner. And let’s talk about censorship. Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit. I don’t know who else to mention here. Its ilk are the new wasteland-battleground for free speech. These platforms stifle necessary debates and diverse viewpoints, reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. Free expression is dying, and with it, our ability to solve real problems. When dissent is silenced, society crumbles into a one-sided echo chamber. We need change, but we must be cautious about how we pursue it. Emotional compromise clouds our judgment. We need to highlight diverse perspectives and foster open dialogue to address complex issues. Think logically like Mister Spock. Without this, we’re just wrapping the same mistakes in a new package, called “choose your odor of free air, piss or poop,” doomed to repeat history.


The hypocrisy of the “so-called intellectual elite and their obsession with identity politics.” Eleanor Roosevelt nailed it when she said, “Great minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people.”


Your average middle-class American is curious, asks questions, and listens to different viewpoints. They aim to make sense of the nonsensical. Visit any major city—New York, Chicago, Seattle—and what do you see? A bunch of supposedly smart folks who can’t apply their “intelligence” beyond their college credentials. They’re stuck in their bitter, boxy apartments, envious of those living freely outside, eating fresh food and getting all the air and daylight, free of charge. The Woke Progressives try to look intellectual but fail spectacularly with dumb decisions and statements. They can’t even define what a woman is or condemn blatant anti-Semitism on campuses. Their logical fallacies are as bright as our Sun but these people wear those goggles that can make one stare directly into a nuclear blast. The disconnect between this extreme faction and everyday citizens is blunt. They push bad ideas, use poor reverse psychology, and brand dissenters as “anti-intellectual.” But being an intellectual requires actual intellect, not just a degree from a fancy school or even being a bartender turned politician.


This brings us to the concept of controlled dissidence—believing you’re free while being more oppressed than those still plugged into “The Matrix.” Both use red-pill/blue-pill-logic of lies mixed in with some facts; that choice is an illusion. We must recognize logical fallacies and avoid presentism—the tendency to judge the past by today’s standards. Life’s tough. I’m not going to sugarcoat that. This feel-good positivity and manifestation nonsense are just distractions. People need to wake up, take action, and stop dreaming about magical solutions. Your life sucks because you either don’t do what’s needed, or you just suck, period. Want real change? Work for it. Stop waiting for the Universe to hand it to you on a silver platter because it won’t. The idea that not voting for Trump means you’re automatically endorsing Biden or vice versa? Give me a break. This binary thinking—if you’re not LEFT, then you must be RIGHT—is pure nonsense. It’s a forced dichotomy that doesn’t reflect real life, but we’re all supposed to play along. Biden and Trump are terrible choices. Neither understands the common person. This whole system is a mess, pushing narratives most people don’t even believe. The constant blame game between Biden and Trump is exhausting. Biden’s accusations against Trump? It’s just projecting his own administration’s failures. No wonder people are disillusioned. None of these candidates inspire any confidence. The political landscape is a joke, with narratives that don’t match reality and a binary system that oversimplifies everything. Until we break free from this mess, it’s hard to see a positive way forward. But let’s ignore that inconvenient truth for a moment and dive into the fascinating world of guilt by association. Just because someone knows another or even took pictures with them ten, fifteen, twenty-plus years ago doesn’t mean they’re guilty of any crimes. The media and conspiracy theorists might want you to believe that the mere appearance of a name equals villainy, but that’s just lazy, binary thinking. It’s like saying if you’re in the same room as a criminal, you’re automatically a criminal too—ridiculous, right? We should take a step back and recognize the difference between suspicion and evidence. The media sensationalizes and social media spreads unverified claims, but real justice demands solid proof and fair investigation, not just chasing shadows that cannot even agree what a real, fact is, let alone proving it.


More fantasy, and fiction than real life.


Logical fallacies plague political discourse. From ad hominem attacks to false dichotomies, recognizing these fallacies is crucial for sound arguments. My writings often challenge conventional views, sparking discomfort but promoting critical thinking. Remember, I’m not here to please everyone; I’m here to provoke thought. My nihilistic, cynical, and objective outlook keeps me detached from mainstream politics. I write for me, not for validation. Don’t agree? Fine, don’t. If you are reading this, you chose to do that.


“The essence of America, that which really unites us, is not ethnicity, or nationality, or religion. It is an idea — and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.” — Carl Sagan



Ascende tuum…

(Latin for “Up Yours…”)

by David-Angelo Mineo


2,387 Words