Political Discourse on Perspective

“Great Minds Talk About Ideas.
Average Minds Talk About Events.
Small Minds Talk About People…”
~Eleanor Roosevelt
The Extreme-Progressive-Woke-Left collectively
talk a lot about other people and/or groups of other people, usually pertaining
to Donald Trump, whom I am not a direct supporter of. I am probably going
Independent if I vote at all. Just so it is known. I have just as many issues
with the right than I do the left.
Your everyday average-middle-class American are thinking more, they are talking up more, they are curious, they ask questions and then ask more questions. They are humble, they will and often do listen to multiple angles of a conversation. They try to make the illogical, logical. They try to make all the things that do not make sense, make sense. Your average-middle-class person is attracted to these things. Go to New York City, Chicago, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. What do you see besides the obvious? Lots and lots of bitterness. I see a lot of, ‘alleged,’ smart people who do not have the sense to use that, ‘alleged,’ intelligence and who do not have it mentally, emotionally, and intellectually together. What I see is a lot of people who say they are smart by default based on where they went to school. When I say school, I mean college. None of these people would ever attempt to say they are smart and not be from a fancy college. I see these same people, bitter, living in interconnected boxed right angles, stacked onto one another, like how one would organize the useless things they own and then sit back and be proud of that. Working dead-end jobs, being jealous of others that live free, outside in the sunlight, eating fresh non-processed food. We see the people in the Mainstream-Progressive-Woke-Left-Establishment trying to appear to be intellectuals, but what they are really doing, in doing so, making stupid decisions or saying illogical things, like not being able to properly define what a woman is or that "kill the Jews," is not harassment on college campuses. They won’t condemn “Death to America” chants in public. What we are seeing now isn’t just illogical, it is just really dumb. Extreme-Progressive-Woke-Left collectively attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS...’” They keep telling us everything is great and the country has never been better.
We all look outside for ourselves, check our bank accounts, go to the grocery store and that is not the reality that is being projected onto us by them.
The disconnect of the Extreme-Progressive-Woke-Left with your average everyday citizen that identifies as left and/or right is becoming a real problem. It has been a real problem since this movement has attempted to make what are obviously bad ideas appear good and use very poorly executed reverse psychology to tell us we are all wrong, bad, evil and stupid for questioning anything this point of view labels as normal, news and/or facts... As previously stated; I am not even a Trump-guy and can see through all this bullshit. Basically, anyone that doesn't agree with their 'class' is an ‘anti-intellectualist.’ First it needs to be stated that in order to be an intellectual, one has to be, you know, 'intellectual.' Simply going on TV and pulling a Vice President-Second in Command-Dumb-Dumb-of the Year-Kamala Harris-Word-Salad of nonsensical rhetoric does not make what anyone has to say right by default. That is why more people are looking / scoffing at the left. Not because they are left or democrat by default but rather they have had power and look what they did with it. They undid Trump's work out of spite, regardless of right/wrong for the country. It was literally like 15-yr-old high school TikTok drama and then they turn around and tell us, it is all our fault too. That to me is crazy. It would be ok if the left was; “hey, we FK'd up, we'll do better if we win.” No. They say we're better now with Biden than we were with Trump and here is the proof. What proof? The reality is we are not better. They keep on telling us bad is good and we need to accept it. We try to vote, talk, say things that make sense and they turn around and use more language that logically makes no sense.
What in the hell are they talking about?
After “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003) came out. I first thought that both the red and blue pills did the exact same thing. If you take the blue pill or the red pill that one would still wake up in a pod fighting the good fight. That is what I thought back then. I used to joke that if it were me I would give Morpheus the finger, take both pills and jump out the window yelling “wild card,” like Charlie from “Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” Nowadays; I see Red/Blue, in both political terms and philosophical terms, that each ‘choice’ may have a different road, but all roads lead to the same destination. The Red/Blue pill itself is like seeing reality in 2D, flat, a straight line, no depth, while those that control the flow of both pills/colors, see reality in 3D and/or 4D depending on what level of control we have here. 2D beings will never be able to understand and/or perceive 3D, let alone 4D. Even how we perceive 4D, from the 3D perspective is very tough to see/interact with/understand. You take red, you go right. You take blue, you go left. Both roads are curved, but they seem straight to us. Eventually, because they are curved both roads lead to the same destination. The majority of humanity follows the curve, thinking they are going in a straight line away from the opposing color never conceiving that they are playing right into the system's hands.
• Control Dissidence – is when a person believes that they are free, but they do not know that they are more oppressed than those who are still stuck in “The Matrix.” Both pills are a lie. The choice was always an illusion. “Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without. You see there is only one constant. One universal. It is the only real truth.” ~Merovingian, “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003).
A logical fallacy is a flaw or error in reasoning that undermines the validity of an argument. It involves deceptive or incorrect reasoning that may lead to an unsound conclusion. Logical fallacies can be categorized into various types, and they often manifest in the form of faulty patterns of thinking, misleading evidence, or irrelevant reasoning. These flaws can occur in coherent or probabilistic reasoning and may be intentional or unintentional.
Common Types of Logical Fallacies Include:
• Ad Hominem – Instead of dealing with someone's argument, you attack the person who's making the argument.
• Straw Man – Making someone else's argument look weaker than it really is, so it's easier to criticize. (Over simplification).
• False Cause – Thinking one thing caused another just because they happened together, without enough proof.
• Circular Reasoning – Using the conclusion of your argument as one of the reasons your argument is true, but it doesn't actually prove anything. (Most popular and currently in play most days of the 2020s).
• Appeal to Authority – Believing something is true just because an important person or source said so, without looking at the actual argument. (Very common in the political landscape).
• False Dichotomy –
Making it seem like there are only two options when there could be more.
(Most binary information systems, like the two-party system).
• Hasty Generalization – Jumping to a conclusion based on too little or biased evidence.
• Appeal to Ignorance – Saying something is true just because it hasn't been proven false, or vice versa.
• Red Herring – Bringing up something irrelevant to distract from the main point.
• Honorable Mentions –
Pseudo – Pseudo-logic – Pseudo-intellect – Pseudoscience. Pseudo literally
means ‘made-up.’
Let’s not forget, ‘anti-intellectualism.’
Recognizing and avoiding logical fallacies is essential for constructing sound and persuasive arguments, as they can undermine the credibility and effectiveness of reasoning. Critical thinking skills, common sense and logic practitioning are crucial for identifying and addressing logical fallacies in both everyday discourse and more formal debates.
Presentism – uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.
Presentism is a WOKE and/or Progressive attribute of belief. WOKE is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS...’ Keyword semantic concepts, 'minority...' Minority means, minor, not many, not all, not most, but “some.” Minority can never be mistaken for majority, which is most, much more than minority. These concepts are not one in the same. Presentism refers to a common tendency to judge historical events, people, or ideas by today's standards and values. Instead of understanding the context of a particular time period, presentism applies current beliefs and attitudes to past situations. For example, it's like saying someone from the past was wrong because they didn't act according to today's morals, even though the norms and values back then were much different than present day society. This approach overlooks the complexities of history and fails to appreciate the unique circumstances of each era. Presentism can distort our understanding of the past and prevent us from learning valuable lessons from history. In simpler terms, it's like trying to fit square pegs into round holes—forcing current ideas onto past events without considering the differences in time and context. So, being aware of presentism helps us approach history with a more open mind and understand it in its proper context.
Rhetoric as Semantics:
Rhetoric is the art of being a master bullshiter…
In semantics the meanings in the words would require logical, real, facts and not pseudo-facts where ‘pseudo’ literally means ‘made-up.’ The one part of this that I have always challenged is this all comes down to what a real, true, fact is and what isn't. Facts are obtained by the scientific method, not faith or a/the belief of it (whatever 'it' is). Belief in something doesn't necessarily always mean it is both real and/or true. Belief is just that, a belief, a thought that something ‘could be’ real/true. One believes this, whatever this is, to be true. A fact is taking that belief and proving it is actually real and/or true in the real world… I look deep into most of the things that are being spewed as semantics, but really are just rhetoric, where semantics is the study of real and true meanings of words and phrases and are based on credible facts. Where rhetoric only has to appear it is based on credible facts, but doesn’t actually have to include anything real, true or fact, merely that it only sounds plausible.
For some very odd reason our society has allowed far too much nonsensical thinking to become part of our everyday mental processes. Our attention spans are so limited now. We can blame the internet and/or social media, but the internet was not always like that. People used to spend hours behind their computer screens. I still do, very much so. Things used to be long format. Things used to take time. Now anything over a few sentences on social media via a smartphone or a video up on YouTube is longer than 8-minutes people skip it and move onto something else that is over-simplified.
It is us.
We did this.
We are doing this.
We are allowing this.
It is a real shame that people who are not very intelligent, in general, should become people who lead us. It really does boggle my mind sometimes that some, ok, most, of the people who lead us are of less intelligence than a majority of the very many that make up our everyday average-middle-class American. In a world where presentism reigns supreme, the past becomes a battleground for contemporary ideologies that don’t even make logical sense. History is and is always both complex and written by those that won the wars. To judge it through the narrow lens of today's hypersensitivity of narcissistic-sociopathy that is now our ‘new normal’ misses its richness entirely. As we attempt logical discourse, let's strive for fuller depth of context, recognizing that the past is not a mirror of the present, but a window into how we used to be and where we should go from here. So, let's approach history with humility and curiosity, embracing its diversity and learning from its lessons and/or mistakes. The 80’s were better than the 90s. The 90s were better than the 2000s. It’s always been that way. All of the above, all at once, never ending.