Word Porn One

Do it… Love’it… Kill’it… Try’it… Love one another…
Why fight? Dance off…
Effort… Love… Think… Play… Never Lie… Be Honest… Build… Play to Win… Embrace Change, Do Not Fear It… Philosophy… Needs Over Wants… Focus… Do It Regardless… SuperFocus… Think Outside The Box…
Do, Try Not, Do or Do Not, There is No Try…
Discover… Because Greatness Calls… Love Thy Self 1st… Make Your Own Reality… Push The Limits… Get Knocked Down, Build Yourself Back Up… You Have The Power… Light Our Darkest Hour… Reach for The Stars…. Because Bacon… This is My Church… My Fortress of Solitude… Take Chances… The Juice is Worth the Squeeze…
Don’t Be FAKE or Phony….
“There’s Something Fundamentally Wrong with the Wiring of Our Brains, Which Makes Human Beings Incapable of Consistent Logical Thinking…” ~Sir Arthur C. Clarke, 3001 The Final Odyssey
Your Happiness Is The Greatest Revenge Against Those Who Bring You Down… People who can’t or won’t will always judge/hate people who can and will…