tantibus politicis, 1/5/2024

So President Biden just gave a speech today (1/5/2024). His first on his bid for his second presidency. It was probably one of the better speeches, as far as quality of the words that were chosen, he has done in recent memory. I certainly cannot remember if/when he actually had a speech worth talking about. At least on my end of it. Like every great villain or liar they mix some truth in with their BS. Here is no exception. While I do happen to agree on ‘some’ of his takes about Trump, I certainly do not believe that by default. That by not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden. No, I think not. Sure, most will live by that mentality of the two-sided-coin. This is just another example of that ‘binary by default’ mentality. That if I am not LEFT then I must be RIGHT by default. Those statements are inherently NOT TRUE. However, by the rules of binary, that is exactly what that means, but when applying that to the real world, it doesn’t work, it never did, but we are to play pretend that it did work; and that we should all consume, obey, procreate based on those assumptions. We have other opinions, but they tend to be ignored due to the rules of the binary mechanisms. While that isn’t necessarily 100% accurate most will follow that logic. It is all they know. Do not expect to get someone that can only think in points understand what a line is when you connect those points. Evolving from one dimension to two dimensions. They will never get it. One will always have to slow it down too much or spend too much time, while dummying it down for them, for them to grasp the concept. The more we push devices in their faces with abbreviated concepts and context to those concepts, the stupider our civilization will become.
While I agree that Trump isn’t the best candidate; we have no one really stepping up either. Sure there are a few names in the hat, but they spend so much of their efforts trashing everything, everyone, in their own party, bickering over favor, over being that person that walks the walk on the hot coals in the pit over just talking about it. One of the things that tends to rile me up about the LEFT is how they tend to frame their words. They say it is Trump/MAGA but what I believe they are really talking about is themselves. During Biden’s speech/trashing of Trump he listed several topics claiming it is the RIGHT/MAGA-sided people that are the cause of this and they are dangerous for freedom. While the reality is this is what the LEFT has been doing for nearing a decade now.
The LEFT keep telling us January 6th was this big attack on American Freedom, but when we see all the video footage we see nothing but non-hostile groups of people walking around that are guilty of trespassing and perhaps disturbing the peace, at best. Yet, somehow, people are getting lengthy punishments for what is largely a non-violent, over-exaggerated trespassing violation. Was there some violence going on? Of course there was, there is always going to be a few people in a group that has their own agenda. The sheer lack of common sense, logic and problem-solving skills demonstrated by the LEFT and their media sources just shows, only in part, why following the LEFT ideology isn’t the best of long-term plans.
Granted the RIGHT isn’t much better. They tend to try to play the same games as the LEFT but the LEFT are much much better at it than the RIGHT. The RIGHT always comes off as Idiotic-Jesus-Karens, hiding behind the Bible and Christianity over trusting in science, common sense, logic and problem-solving skills. If we left the RIGHT to their vices the constitution would be no more and replaced by the Bible. No one wants a theocracy, that is why we do not live in one. As much as I will show respect for those like Ben Shaprio, for his witty and intellectual prowess, the man always comes prepared to debate, but tends to look silly when he tries to combat actual logic with the Sky Daddy logic. It would be difficult and frustrating trying to have philosophical conversations about logic with someone that puts faith above all other knowledge. I have always felt from the beginning between Biden and Trump that both are terrible choices for this country right now. Both talk from a place where they understand nothing from the common person, which makes up most of the people in this country. I certainly do not trust Biden, but that apple of trust does not get handed over to Trump because of that. However, that is how the system currently operates.
Anyone else see/feel like this is NOT the way to move forward in our society?
While Biden gave a great speech, most of what he had to say is about a narrative both sides keep pushing and the bulk of America doesn’t believe is real. Most do not even know what the FK Biden is even talking about; because said narrative doesn’t actually FK’n exist to begin with. Where exactly, and how exactly can we label January 6th an insurrection? When we think of what an insurrection is and they flip over to what actually happened it is very hard for me to see what the LEFT is saying about that day. I am not saying the RIGHT here is right, as in correct. There should have been resources in place so a hoard of people couldn’t push passed security without shots being fired upon the crowd in defense. I am not saying who/what right/wrong here. Only that this country tries to play the moral high-ground in the public eye, but behind closed doors they act like a bunch of kid-touchers that do not wanna get caught touching kids. Granted I am not saying ‘kid-touchers’ literally. Merely that I am using that as an example of doing a terrible terrible wrong to the people of this country and either hide it or place the blame on someone else, like Trump. Trump can undo all the Biden madness and I suppose based on that, that is a good thing, but Trump being the best person for the job? Yeah, I think not. Most of the things Biden was pointing the finger at in his speech that Trump has done (allegedly), is really what Biden’s been doing for three years now. They just removed Biden’s name and inserted Trump’s name. Where most of the people that watch a little or a lot cannot even keep up with the he said/she said BS. Most people cannot even tell the difference anymore it is so goddamn convoluted. At the time of this writing I am probably not going to vote. There isn’t anyone I want to vote for, (again). I come to this conclusion pretty much every time I feel pressured by social media to cast my vote and have a voice, but the voice in which I speak breaks the abnormal normal of what today’s normal is supposed to be; if we continue to listen to these talking heads on the dailydaily. We haven’t even gotten into the Hunter Biden stuff yet that may or may not get the President into trouble about the legalities of his ability to be President moving forward. We are seeing more of Biden’s appointed people being called into courts and in front of committees trying to find out why the border is overrun. Why Hunter Biden is on, or was on, the payroll for foreign nuclear power programs that directly have inappropriate connections to the President. Biden makes statements about violence in our political establishments. Well, what about our colleges full of Presidents in those environments that allow Jews and American-Jews to be harassed and threatened by violence in our colleges? Navigating the current political landscape, (Whoa)ke Cult-Lure, gender-mad and two old idiots running for President feels like choosing between two imperfect options. President Biden's recent speech, while well-delivered, appears to perpetuate narratives that many find disconnected from reality. The binary mentality in politics oversimplifies complex issues, overshadowing nuanced opinions that don't fit neatly into LEFT or RIGHT categories. I question the effectiveness of the modern-day political system and expresses skepticism about casting a vote in its current state.