meditatio in idocratia

Going through my writings for the past year when I kept coming across instances where things just do not make sense. Not the words I write or topics I talk about, but rather ‘some’ of the takes’ of these topics by the minorities of INTERNET TROLLS, Internet Subcultures, and others. The problem in general with Internet Subcultures are Internet Subcultures. The media and a significant portion of the general public, are not familiar with or understand Internet Subcultures. To them it’s a word that has no contextual meaning. The divide in perception between those who are immersed in Internet Subcultures and those who are not are treated as social pariahs by the lot. The lot is mostly passive users, which tend to outnumber those immersed. The memes, the butt of the jokes, the sarcasm, and being closely associated to the WOKE subculture.
Being Labeled Liked This Infuriates These People.
WOKE, Progressivism, Influencers are Internet Subcultures and are also one massive subculture encompassing all three. It is really “(Whoa)ke Cult-Lure.” I can also do a play on words. It is WHOA man, whoa… It is also cult-like and a culture of lure… So I feel this spelling categorizes it very well. Everyone wants to be important. Everyone wants to belong to some group, any group, as long as they accept them. It’s golden... It really isn’t that hard when we shove devices in our kid’s faces for nearly three decades now and only a very small percentage of people properly shielded those same kids from the nonsense insanities of reality displayed through the INTERNET.
Is It Really A Surprise We Are Here?
(Whoa)ke Cult-Lure Activists go to extreme lengths to try to challenge what is actually being said. I tend to call this “tunnel vision,” but in reality is it known as "hasty generalization" or "jumping to conclusions." When an opinion is formed, based on a very limited or small sample of data and makes assumptions to generalize their viewpoint. A lot of the time these assumptions are based on subjective feelings. They are simply pissed off and making all their assumptions on those “hurt feelings,” and them “wanting to be right for the sake of being correct, without engaging in logical argumentation.” There is a tendency to attack the character of individuals who challenge their semantics, which isn’t semantics, but rather rhetoric disguised as semantics, than addressing the substance of their arguments. They just want to be right all the time, to make you look bad for challenging their pseudo-logic, and now they are pissed off on top of the needy desire to be correct about their assumption. You must comply or be the target of their anger. Sounds like a child doesn’t it? In most cases it is a child. Granted I feel adulating has now regressed to a point I consider under 25 child-like…
I have recently attempted to redefine (Whoa)ke Cult-Lure into a smaller phrase that, could say, fit on X (formally known as Twitter), which is as follows... “WOKE is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS...’”
Internet Subcultures are just that; minorities of the Internet. There are just a bunch of them out there, but at the end of the day. They are small, micro, mini when compared to all the people that use social media, that use the Internet, in general. Most people do not know what some of them even are, let alone most of them. Each group acts entitled as if their group warrants equality and respect by default without the majority of us even knowing what they stand for and are about. Their expectations from the rest of the lot, "us," do not even make logical sense in most cases. When you have some of the smartest people in the world going from respected scientist to all of a sudden saying one day; “I can wake up feeling like a female, one day I can wake up feeling like a male, and why do you care?” How does that actually work in the 0’s and 1’s, X’s and O’s, exactly?
What has been getting under my skin lately is the CLICHÉ of the (Whoa)ke Cult-Lure.
Of course these people are now calling themselves “content creators” or “influencers” on YouTube. Of course they say triggering shit. Of course they stand on one side of the fence while trashing the other side. Of course they are experts on making money and picking up sexual partners, bling blang this/that. If they were so successful at these things why are they spending hours of their days on YouTube and TikTok talking about it? If I went from broke to bling one or many probably would never see me on the social media, ever lol... How much more cliché can these self-proclaimed professionals get these days? As someone who follows the arts, (film, music and multimedia), studied the arts, contributed to the arts, worked my ass off to be part of the arts. Why exactly am I supposed to care about non-trained, nonprofessional "creators," losing their meal ticket so they do not have to go into the world, deal with real people and get a real job? Let us not forget the word 'creator' was made up to give NON-Professionals a title. It was ok in the early days but now this has become the (Whoa)ke Cult-Lure’s meal ticket. I want to ad, I say Non-Professional because do these channels have legal representation, a manager, an agent, are they in a Union for what they do, do they possess any educational degrees in psychology, fitness, finance, film, photography or any other subject where they are acting like a real counselor? Again, why would I want to get help on life's challenges from people that literally decided one day they were an ‘influencer’ or a ‘life-coach.’ If they are consoling people talking about the real world. In the real world... You have to go to school, get degrees, get certifications, pass board exams to be a life coach, which is just a fancy word for a personalized psychiatrist that takes even more time on you than the one to two hours a week you go to your everyday psychiatrist for.
Come on mannnnnnn...
Who the FK you BS'n' here?
I know people fall for this shit. I
have a group of friends that also do this and they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Everything they do is another sale's
pitch. Is it a life-scam, well, not really, but it also sort of is.
Crazy That The FK'n Internet Melts for
These People...
Of course, it's a pronoun thing over a biology thing. Of course, they put down anything that discredits their logic of non-facts displayed as FACTS. Of course, they use phrases like "fact of the matter,” or “matter of fact." Of course, they say air quotes FACTS a lot, but when you look at their facts and what they are built upon one or many cannot find anything fact-building but belief and opinion solely...
If I am Anti-Anything it is Anti-Cliché...
Even this Pop-Metal artist. Kim Dracula, who I like. The music is good, its heavy and catchy. Hell of a voice and can scream with the best of metal vocalists, is a walking, talking, FK'n cliché of what he represents. It is now cool to be a 40-year-old scene kid, with a (whoa)ke personality acting Goth? If anything, I just want people to stop being a walking, talking FK'n cliché of what they represent and be original with their own original thoughts on a subject, any subject, other than regurgitating someone else’s opinion as their own (Two-Step Flow Theory)... They talk and talk……and talk. Monologues/Reaction videos from other two-step flow-theory practitioners.
The More We ALL Are Supposed To Know...
My thoughts and feelings have not changed on the concepts on the subject of binary information systems. I have also written quite a bit on the issue of minorities in 2023, specifically the LGBTQIAA+/- or whatever they are calling themselves now, I really do not know anymore. The simple response is I support real people that are LGBT but do not support the QIAA+/-. It isn’t the topic of sexuality that bugs me here, I could care less about gay people, what they represent and all that. Great for them. If they want to be gay or trans. It doesn’t bug me like it bugs others, but it is the same thing I always argue about: rhetoric being labeled as semantics. Where rhetoric, by definition, does not require facts to be in the argument, only that it merely sounds like they are. Semantics deals with the actual meanings of words, phrases, sentences, and larger units of language. The meanings in the words would require logical, real, facts and not pseudo-facts where ‘pseudo’ literally means ‘made-up.’ The one part of this that I have always challenged is this all comes down to what a real, true, fact is and what isn't. Facts are obtained by the scientific method, not faith or a/the belief of it. Belief is just that, a belief, a thought that something is real/true. One believes this, whatever this is, to be true. A fact is taking that belief and proving it is actually real and/or true in the real world.
Belief Cannot Do That...
We as a species do not share a collective agreement that these two very separate things, beliefs and facts, are not one in the same. They are not. They do work together, but they are also very independent of one another. Facts cannot be solely based on belief and opinion alone. Fact requires real proof the concept is real. When the two-sided coin is broken down; both sides spew facts that are really based on opinion and belief solely and have no real tangible factual data to support it. Hence you see both sides melting the FK down, constantly.
I truly believe peoples of ALL walks of life should be able to exist, be free and live how they want to live. Most people stand for this. However, simply disagreeing with LGBTQIAA+/-‘s comments where I support normal LGBT peoples’ and tend to not agree/support the QIAA+/-‘ers doesn't make a person a LGBT-phobe. That is a big part of the problem. Most really do not care about LGBT people, in general. Hell, even the abbreviation LGBT is sadly misleading. They are such a small minority that they are lumped into one massive subculture group called LGBTQIAA+/- where most people that are "real" LGBT do not care about all this stuff. It is the QIAA+/- that gives the LGBT a bad rap just like BLM give Black Americans a bad rap. I say it all the time:
“Don't be a walking, talking, acting cliché of the very things one will stand for, believe in, support and claim to be.” That right there will gain people nothing but hate and contempt. One or many cannot argue pseudo-facts with logic and real FACTS obtained by the scientific method.
They Will Lose Every Time.
Not Some of the Time or Once in a While, but
Just because a person or group want something to be real and true actually doesn't make it real and/or true. Its ok to be Gay, both sexes, silly there is a word for each gender to describe what gay is. That just adds to the logical fallacy of it all. It’s ok to be trans. It’s not ok to flip flop logic, science, common sense and critical thinking because one day a person and/or a minority of people choose to be this/that. Using children to gain support for behavior that is clearly not acceptable by the masses, aka the majority, is not ok. It is NOT NORMAL… Reality doesn't work that way, but a lot of mental illnesses do. To me, this is more of that attention seeking stuff that other people need to acknowledge their struggle. They are wrong. They’re ALL wrong. You know why? EVERYONE STRUGGLES, Including LGBT, blacks, whites, me. Everyone does. No group or single person is a special unique little snowflake that requires special treatment because they are gay/trans, whatever. Most people do not care. However, we all care when they force it on everyone as normal behavior and it isn't normal. Normal by definition is what the majority is and what the minority is not, but wants the label of normal to be associated to them. That is the big main difference between the word normal and how it is associated to a majority group and to a minority group. It literally means different things to each group. The definition has not changed, but how minorities look at all definitions has. The only way they can justify changing the definition of normal is to change every definition of every word that shatters their very small logic-bubble of; ‘this is only real because they believe it is real. No other tangible information exists on the subject.’
The main reason why is one word... Minority... In the United States, that isn’t so united anymore, it is widely accepted that only 5% of all people are LGBT. For trans only, it is 0.6%. These numbers are not exact but they are accepted by most statisticians. Not only is LGBT a minority but they are so small they have to be lumped into one acronym. “(Whoa)ke Cult-Lure is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’” If we disagree, or combat this with logic, real facts, common sense we are called “phobes” of some sort or called a bigot or racist. During all this the logic is never challenged by these people. They spend all their time trying to defame you; while never even bothering to tackle the subject matter at hand. Never, do (Whoa)ke Cult-Lure practitioners ever attempt to combat this with real logic, common sense or FACTS, other than the ones they believe to be true, but cannot actually prove to be true, or just made up, which is why the word ‘pseudo’ keeps popping up.
‘Pseudo’ Literally Means “Made Up…”
This victim mentality we deal with over here in the United States about race and gender is a big problem. We have to use some common sense, some logic here. One or many cannot assume because they were treated badly in one place for a thing like skin color, would be the same in other places. One cannot logically say Norway is the same as the USA in that respect. Like you couldn’t say the same thing about China and Norway. That really would be a stupid assumption. However, people do not get a pass because they look at their skin color and feel they are entitled to something more than everyone else and/or the flipside of that where they are being punished more than anyone else.
That is what Racism is.
Treating someone different in either direction of positive or negative based on the color of their skin.
If it is a miscommunication then, yeah, they should just say something about it and be like "our bad." I get it… It is super cringe and embarrassing to make a generalized assumption about someone or a situation and then be corrected and have to deal with that, on the spot, in front of the very people you just hastily judged and insulted. However, this situation was of your creation. Be humble. Admit you are wrong and apologize and just move on with your life. However, what tends to happen is they will double down on that judgement and attempt to force their judgement to be right or correct anyways, even though they are clearly wrong. I will not support or stick up for people that tend to:
1) Play the victim card if a
situation doesn't go their way. —AND — 2) Using race/gender/sexual
orientation as the underlying issue where it clearly had nothing to do with the
Ego to self is just as damaging as
fear is the mindkiller to Paul Atreides from DUNE...
If one or many make religion/faith about them, internally, and not about empathy, love and support for others then the message they believe in and support is the wrong one. You have missed the point if you ever think this is all about you… The second you do that, the battles and wars you wage in the name of that faith are perverted, fundamentally and logically wrong. If you believe in hell, you are more than likely already on that “one-way ticket to midnight, call it, Heavy Metal…”
When someone thinks their religious beliefs are all about them and that God is talking directly to them personally, it's like they're making it all about themselves. Sounds egotistical doesn’t it? Sounds like narcissistic-sociopathy doesn’t it? This self-centered view distorts the real message of religion, which is about being humble and caring for others. True inner peace comes from understanding and connecting with others, not from thinking you're special or the chosen one. If someone twists religion to boost their ego, they miss the point and lose the peace that comes from being part of a bigger, more caring community. It's like missing the forest for the trees in a spiritual sense.
And this is coming from an agnostic who isn’t right or left… Just something to think about. The more we ALL are supposed to know… Something to think on with how you defend your opinions on the social media from people who challenge them, but do not actually challenge them, it is you they challenge, passive-aggressively. I am not intimidating… Others are just the intimidated. There is a difference. I am not mean, hostile or aggressive. I am direct, honest, logical and assertive. That makes weaker minds uncomfortable. It is not ME that makes them uncomfortable, my LOGIC challenges their comfort.
“In the status quo of trial by
social media; the facts have nothing to do with anything.
No matter what you do, no matter
what you prove, no matter what you dismiss, logical approach or common sense
thought or thoughts about a topic, there is always going to be people on a
keyboard that will project the reality that they would like, that most fits
with what they want to believe and have that all based on hurt feelings and
sentimental opinion on every issue. Every issue is split in half or binary
nowadays. There are no winners in this and the lives that are directly affected
by it will never be the same.”
~David-Angelo Mineo 9/21/2023
There is always going to be racist people out there. There are always going to be sexist people out there. There is always going to be gender-mad people out there. There is always going to be binary thinkers out there. The more we point to a person, any person, and either take away or give them a better quality of life, due to their skin color, sexual orientation, gender and even creed that in and of itself is what racism is. Granted there may be times when it rears itself, but not all of the time, and not even most of the time.
You Know Who Does That?
You Know Who Are Like That?
People in large cities, people that play the victim card as their main argument and the national media. They are the only very large groups of people that show outright racist tendencies. You cannot blame the individual human or extremely small group, (minorities), that has the predisposition on skin color, gender and creed. They are gonna believe what they believe. It is all our jobs to show people this isn’t a thing over trying to find something, anything, anywhere, that one could say: “Oh, this is racist.” I don’t know. Is it racist if the assumption is correct and has factual data to back that assumption up? I myself am a minority… Minority means, minor, not many, not all, not most, but “some.” Racists, Anti-Semitic groups and sentiment are the minority…
In the age of old wisdom, where our minds become fortresses, much like the Matrix itself. As we age, it's as if our beliefs are coded into the very fabric of the Matrix. Resistant to change is futile, just like the lines of code running through the digital world, all at once, everywhere. Trying to challenge those hardcoded mental algorithms is like attempting to cheat code their way through and outside the Matrix. Imagine This: You've spent your life devoted to a religion, any religion, it doesn’t matter, not unlike Neo discovering the truth about the Matrix. Now, envision reaching your twilight years and contemplating a religious about-face. It's not just a conversion; it's a full-on Matrix glitch that shakes the very foundation of your miniscule existence. You'd have to reassess your relationships, daily rituals, and maybe even your own identity – it's like waking up from a simulated reality designed to make you feel comfortable, but just enough to keep you believing this is all real. Let's not forget the thrill of political loyalty, something akin to being a red or blue pill devotee for three decades. Admitting you were wrong? That's not just a change of political allegiance; it's an existential revelation that shatters your entire worldview. Your entire belief structure crumbles. Your personalized system is shutting down. The thought of reconsidering your understanding of the world, faith, belief, reality, your moral compass, and your sense of community. It's like experiencing the black cat glitch, where you see the same black cat over and over, defying practical logic, leaving you questioning the very fabric of your reality.
Now, compare this with the malleable minds of the youth in the 2020s. They're like the newbies entering the Matrix, devoid of the baggage of decades worth of habits and relationships. Their beliefs are more open to new inputs and ready for programming. It's so much easier to sway them because, let's face it, they don't have the baggage of a lifetime supply of Matrix cheat codes shaping their worldview. It's like introducing a young person to sexual gratification for the first time and they never even knew what sex was, what sexual gratification was, let alone a phrase that describes it. To the wonders of the Matrix using a red pill - they're wide-eyed and open to the experience. The philosophical idea that adult humans already have their own firmly held ideals and beliefs. Plato's philosophy of the cave. The prisoners in the cave only knew their reality as shadows cast in front of them. Plato argued that if you freed one of those prisoners and forced them to look into the real world, they at first, refuse and resist this reality. They would have trouble accepting that what they always believed was real, was really just a very clever and intelligent illusion to manipulate them and their acceptance of the simulated reality. Good luck convincing someone who's been plugged into a Matrix-like reality for a lifetime. That there's a whole real world out there. They'll resist, deny, and probably start questioning your sanity for suggesting such a thing in the first place. Most delusional people will project their own truths onto other people. It is up to every individual to see this projection and not accept it till you yourself have been able to look into the validity of those projections. Changing core beliefs for them is like realizing they've been living in a Matrix simulation all along, and who wants to feel like their whole life has been a digital construct?
A dream?
A false reality?
Completely Meaningless and Purposeless…
There is an idea of love and peace, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real love, no real peace, only a false sense of discourse, a construct of something illusionary, and though we can hide our cold hatred and we can shake our heads and feel love, hate, peace, life, death and maybe we can even sense our lives may actually be comparable in some small, but yet, insignificant way: we simply are not there. We are not listening. We are not paying attention. We ignore the fake cries, the real cries. We roll our eyes, jump on the social media to share our thoughts and feelings and be bullied because we will not concede that backward is now the new forwards under the ruse that is “progressivism.” We have all the characteristics of human beings—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but our tendencies to depersonalize is so intense, had gone so deep, that our normal ability to feel compassion and empathy had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure of the human spirit, life, love and then death. We are simply imitating a reality, not creating one. There is a rough resemblance of human beings in us all, with only a dim corner of our minds, bodies and souls functioning at a high enough level to even notice where the on/off switch is. If time is the fire in which we burn then it must be our basic human ego that fuels ALL TIME...
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. It's only after we've lost EVERYTHING that we're FREE to do ANYTHING. You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." "The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide." "Self-improvement is masturbation. Maybe self-destruction is the answer." — Chuck Palahniuk, "FIGHT CLUB"