
“Back when the Bible was written,
then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten,
then re-edited, then translated from dead languages,
then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten,
then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts,
then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again,
then given to the pope for him to approve,
then rewritten, then edited again, then re-re-re-re-rewritten again…
all based on stories that were told, orally, 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.
to people who didn’t know how to write..
so…” ― David Cross
On October 7th, 2023 the Palestinian political and military organization known as Hamas, executed a sneak attack, from the Hamas controlled, Gaza Strip into Israel. Hamas is considered a terrorist group by most democratic countries, including the United States and Israel. Hamas has a long-standing conflict with Israel and is known for its militant activities and calls for the destruction of Israel.
The ongoing military conflict started off with Hamas’s announcement of "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood", a rocket barrage of at least 3,000+ rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel within a span of 20 minutes. Simultaneously, approximately 2,500 Palestinian Hamas militants breached the Gaza–Israel barrier via paragliders, attacked a music festival from three sides, trapping civilians and pursuing those that fled. The attack also included Israeli military bases and massacring civilians in neighboring Israeli communities. The number of casualties are said to be at least 1,300 Israelis were killed including 260 people who were massacred at the music festival. Unarmed civilian hostages and captured Israeli soldiers were also taken to the Gaza Strip, including women and children. Explosions were reported in areas surrounding the Strip and in cities in the Sharon Plain including Gedera, Herzliyya, Tel Aviv, and Ashkelon. Air raid sirens were also activated in Beer Sheva, Jerusalem, Rehovot, Rishon Lezion, and Palmachim Airbase. Hamas issued a call to arms, with senior military commander Mohammad Deif calling on "Muslims everywhere to launch an attack."
So, let's dive into the thrilling saga of the Israel-Palestine conflict, a narrative so complex and lengthy it could give "Inception" a run for its money. It's like a never-ending reality TV show, except with more rockets, way less romance and a “My God’s Dick is bigger than your God’s Dick” contest. Lately, the Palestinian side, more specifically, Hamas, has waged a brutal sneak attack into Israel controlled territory killing and capturing peoples of all makes, models, sizes, colors, creeds, ages and sexes. That’s right... Hamas killed hundreds at a music festival, capturing whomever they could and killing the rest. There are stories coming out of the gang raping of Israeli captured women and the butchering of Israeli children. Babies burned and their heads chopped off. This is the narrative that most are seeing and labeling that as the truth.
As always truth tends to have multiple personalities and different versions or variations of what truth actually is. In the early chapters, we find ourselves transported back to ancient times, around 1000 BC, when the Israelite monarchy was established. The region was hopping with various conquerors, each trying to stake their claim. Of course, it didn't help that the Roman Empire decided to rebrand the place as "Palestine" just to insult the Jewish connection to the land of Israel. Soon, Christianity became the dominant religion, and the Arab conquest was in full swing, spreading Islam faster than you can say "not it, NOT IT." Oh, but hold onto your lamb skin rubbers folks, because here comes the Christian crusades! Spreading death, chaos and famine, all in the name of Jesus Christ… They were like the original tourists, determined to take back the holy city from the "wrong" religious group. Meanwhile, more Jews were jumping on board with a little movement called Zionism. Their dream? To create a Jewish national state in their ancient homeland. Fast forward to 1923 when the British, feeling a bit generous, decided to make it official with the Balfour Declaration. That led to some awkward family dynamics, with Jews and Arabs both claiming the same piece of land like it was the last piece of pizza at a party that was serving literal shit, from the toilet, for pizza.
Now, let's flip to the action-packed scenes of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Five Arab nations suddenly swooped in, like that unexpected friend of a friend, party crasher, aiming to create a unified Arab Palestine. The result? Over 750,000 Palestinians were forced to pack their bags and leave, a drama known as "al-Nakba" or "the catastrophe." As we zoom through the years, we encounter the 6-Day War in 1967, where Israel grabbed control of the Golan Heights from Syria, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem got an occupation makeover. With more Israeli settlers moving into Palestinian territories, the PLO, (Palestine Liberation Organization), emerged and started throwing punches at Israel. Then came the first intifada, which is just a fancy word for violent Palestinian uprisings against Israeli military occupation. The peace process decided to make an appearance, with Israel and the PLO signing the Oslo Accords. However, that did not last long, and we soon found ourselves in the middle of the second intifada, with debates about Jerusalem, refugee rights, and those pesky Jewish settlements fueling the fire.
Fast forward to more recent seasons of this show. In 2018, the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem was like a plot twist that nobody saw coming, causing the Palestinians to feel like America was picking sides. And don't even get us started on the events of 2021. East Jerusalem became a “powder keg,” leading to a series of violent showdowns until they finally decided to hit the pause button with a ceasefire agreement in May. But make no mistake; this story is far from over. If you want a more detailed account of this history I highly recommend this video here, (History of Israel-Palestine Conflict) from the YouTube Channel – History on Maps -
This video was pretty solid with the information it presents and the tone at which it delivers it. To me, it does not seem biased over which side is right/wrong/bad/good/evil. It just states what each side has done to one another. This video is also two years old so this point of view is before the attacks of 10/7/2023. I have tried to be extremely objective on this subject and other stuff like this. I try to listen to both sides. I try to find what works and what does not work. What makes sense and what does not make sense, which is very little that actually makes logical sense with this specific topic. That is what I do. I look at things a lot deeper than the Flat Earther, conspiracy pirates that look at Twitter/X as NEWS that requires no validity and/or look at CNN/FOX/NBC/NewsMax as the only places to get news. Only a portion of this information is being covered by legacy news media networks, all at the same time, at the time of this writing. If you want to know what/where/how/why… People… You have to actually do real research. You have to look deeply into things to have a real and/or better understanding as to how they work and more importantly why they work the way they do. This is probably gonna be the easiest way to get this kind of data on this specific subject, fast and simple. Most of the other stuff I am seeing is overly biased or straight up exaggeration.
The YouTube video is an interesting non-biased breakdown of the facts and events that has led up to this moment. There is only one error I could find and that was probably due to the AI-generated voice. The error I am referring to here is the audio in the video that says sixty day war rather than the 6-day war. This video being two years old, those older AIs might not be as accurate as the ones generating audio now, but that is beside the point. I thought I’d make mention of it though in the case anyone wants to watch the video on the history between these groups. I am not saying this is 100% fact either. However, if you want a more generalized understanding of why these two groups hate one another, at this level of hatred, this isn't a bad start in that direction. The video just saves you time, which is the most valuable resource any one of us has.
I am not here to debate each side either with this blog. Since I am not a religious personality I tend to put a warning in my writings that, in my opinion, ALL religion, is by MOST humans, interpreted incorrectly, used for their own personal vices or you get people that are hubris. Hubris, in all its glory, is the cringe cocktail of delusion and granger, where one believes they're a divine gift to humanity, they are God, and their wisdom and actions are beyond reproach. It's the epitome of arrogance in human spirituality. Any religion that promotes violence for simply NOT believing in that religion isn’t just wrong. It’s as fundamentally wrong as Earth being a flat disc on the back of a giant space Turtle. Any argument of self-defense and any part of that self-defense is to plot, kill and/or capture innocent concert goers, women and children, rape and behead them and then take video of those acts and promote it on the INTERNET as justice.
Yeah… No One is Going to Listen to that Argument.
Israel is the only true democratic state/country in the region and it is their sovereignty that is being attacked. What if Mexico sneak attacked the USA and bombed some cities along the border. How would the USA respond? Ok, perhaps, we should said it like, How would the USA respond with Regan as President? Mexico City would be something out of T2 or Mad Max, there simply would not be a Mexico City anymore. That is what Israel has intended to do with Hamas. There were hopes that economic engagement and peace agreements, like the Abraham Accords, would lead to a better future for the region. However, Hamas has never shown any interest in peaceful coexistence with Israel. They have walked away from negotiation talks several times and has consistently expressed a desire to destroy Israel and Jews where ever they can. Some individuals and pseudo-intellectuals here in the United States support Hamas or criticize Israel, even when Hamas openly advocates violence and the destruction of Israel. I actually saw some pro-Hamas protesters say the kidnaps, rapes and beheading of children were all lies and not true, even though most of the world believes this to be an accurate account of what has been happening.
There has always been a need for Israel to protect itself from Hamas, as the group poses an existential threat. It also calls for a change in the perception of Israel and a more critical view of those who support or apologize for Hamas. The more that I look at this stuff the more this looks like how the Nazis were able to gain sympathy during the years where it was very small but was gaining traction. Well, it was a cute idea, really, that maybe we could turn over a new leaf and bring about some prosperity and peace in the region. I mean, who doesn't love a good Disney-style ending? But, of course, what we've got flashing across our screens, folks, is nothing short of a carnival of horrors courtesy of Hamas – Lo and behold, our beloved mainstream media, the champions of misinformation, are telling us that we're just not getting the full picture. Well, aren't they generous? The "context" they're feeding us? Let me tell you, it's like a buffet of bantha-poohdoo. I am trying very hard to not just dismiss Palestinian complaints here, but I cannot hear their arguments when this is their resolve. Violence, crimes against women and children, open murder. Yeah, if this is what that God preaches, keep that shit in the desert, buried in the sand man… That is where this ends… Hamas lives in the sand and will be buried in it… That is how this ends… It’s already being written that way.
This whole conjured up pseudo-sophisticated narrative trying to find some wiggle room where these atrocities are acceptable is just that, pseudo-sophisticated – oh, how fancy! But guess what? "Pseudo" is just a fancy word for "made up." It's their ticket to justify the annihilation of Jews, plain and simple. It's a masterclass in sleight of hand. They want you to think that all these rants about territories are sincere, that the Palestinian Authority, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas are just fighting over real estate. But here's the kicker: Hamas isn't exactly shy about its true agenda. They're screaming it from the rooftops, folks – they want every Jew in the vicinity to meet a grim fate. No, it's not a dinner invitation; it's a call for bloodshed.
We keep looking at this from some sort of “sophisticated,” there goes that word again, miss communication in politics with some religious land claims sprinkled in there like parmesan cheese. This whole blog stems from a hypothetical thought I had that if Iran gets involved what would be the likely hood that Israel uses nuclear weapons against them? Israel has been labeling this their “Pearl Harbor,” their “9/11.” So if this is how they are seeing this and treating this, I feel a nuclear response isn’t some hypothetical thought, but rather more of a likelihood. Now, the question, does Israel actually have nuclear weapons or not? Israel has not officially confirmed nor denied the possession of nuclear weapons. However, it is widely believed that Israel does possess nuclear weapons, although the Israeli government maintains a policy of ambiguity regarding its nuclear capabilities.
Israel has adhered to a stance known as "nuclear opacity" or the "nuclear ambiguity policy," which means that it neither confirms nor denies having nuclear weapons. This policy has been in place for many years, and Israel has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which would require it to openly declare its nuclear arsenal. While Israel's nuclear capabilities are not openly discussed or confirmed by the government, it is widely believed that the country has developed a nuclear arsenal. Several reports, experts, and intelligence assessments suggest that Israel possesses a significant number of nuclear warheads. The main points of this conflict revolve around competing national identities, religious ideologies and territorial claims in a relatively small geographical area. Both Israelis and Palestinians have deep religious, historical and emotional ties to the land, particularly Jerusalem, which holds immense religious significance for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. Let’s not forget that Palestinians systemically hate the Jews…
Historical events, including the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, creating a refugee crisis that persists to this day. This has not been fixed. This is still affecting the region today, 75 years later. This displacement, known as the Nakba, remains a deeply ingrained trauma in Palestinian collective memory. Israel is on the books on trying to find solutions to these issues. However, the Palestinian contingent cannot agree with one another or unify, to sit, and have these sorts of talks. Israel will work with and talk with a Palestinian group and a new one pops up in its place with voices of disgust. The conflict has been marked by cycles of violence, with both sides having experienced loss, suffering, and grievances. Attempts at peace agreements have faltered due to issues like borders, security, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem. Where deviations in each other’s religion just fuel this outrage. Additionally, the rise of extremist groups on both sides has further fueled animosity.
Both sides paint the other side as inhuman, evil, wrong, bad. The involvement of regional and international actors has also complicated the situation. Geopolitical interests, religious considerations, and international support have added layers of complexity to the conflict. The only people that are paying this heavy toll are the regular, normal, everyday people that are just trying to live their lives to the fullest. Regardless if they practice a religion or not is irrelevant. Targeting and killing people not directly involved in the arena of war, where many of them are women and children is wrong. Both sides are guilty of treating the other poorly and both sides cry foul when the other does something to the other and want the world governments to do something about it. Under those circumstances, there is no good or evil side. There are no victims and there are no terrorists. Under these circumstances, ALL involved pay the price. There will not be a resolution here till one or both sides wipe the other out. This is sort of how it has been with these groups of people during the entire run of human history.
There has been a considerable effort to paint the Palestinians as bad/evil and the Israelis as the peace loving innocent victim in the media. As I stated before I am not here to really do that, but it is hard to battle that outrage at the senseless loss of innocent life perpetrated by the Hamas sneak attack of 10/7/2023. The horror stories coming out are still coming. I do understand what the “Real Estate” argument is, but that isn’t a good enough excuse, hell, it is NO excuse at all. If the Palestinians never acted out in violent acts as its response to their injustices, perhaps there would be more people out there willing to listen. Now… Right Now, no one will listen. Hamas really stirred something up in people and not just Israelis, Americans too. Many Americans immediately remembered how we felt during 9/11. There was much anti-Muslim sentiment over here from the everyday people and there still is. I, like many, not only wouldn’t listen to pro Muslim sentiment whatsoever, we wouldn’t even open our hearts to listen. This just ads to that. Veterans over here are raising their eyebrow and saying: “Told ya so, told you ALL so…”
I Tend To Treat All Faiths the Same.
I Look At Them All the Same.
I have always had a hard time having really deep-thought conversations about consciousness, life, the Universe, emergence, entropy, the beginning, the end and infinity. The essence of my logic is what can one prove to be real and what one can only speculate with belief and faith that a thing, “any-thing,” is true and real? I have talked about this so many times in the past and that is;
“What is a Fact?”
“What is Truth?”
If a thing advertised as truth and facts when it’s really just opinion and belief, which can be part of truth and facts, but is not solely depended upon it as merit. If a person makes a statement and they say this is a true statement. That what is in this statement is true. It is a fact. What this is –is real and their evidence is only based on opinion and belief than fundamentally that cannot be a fact or truth. What we see on the social media is advertised as real, truth and that this is real. This is one of those subjects where every person’s individual perspective is based on their own personal experience. I understand that in a technical way, that isn't clearly understood, that we control what we see on Social Media. However, most, if not all, those settings are so buried, most, if not the majority, that use social media, do not even know they even exist. I work, fairly hard, to tailor what I see and how I see it as best as I know how, based on the settings I see. It’s very possible all of us see very different things through our personalized social media experience. Be it something interesting to dive into person to person or person to person over far enough distances. Most of my thoughts here stems from X (formally known as Twitter) going all weird with pushing news stories that some are legit and others are just nonsense, all while displayed as legit news stories. I had to mute around 100 accounts before I started noticing less and less of that. Granted I may miss a real story that is actually a big story, but that is the kind of crap that would get under my skin. I have gotten rid of most of the people that would post about something happening in the world and it be the most useless trashy take on the subject and they would post like this about serious stuff all the time and it always is something crazy and trashy like that.
In the ever-complicated reality TV of the Israel-Palestine saga, we've touched on the history, the geography, the present day conflicts, and the real-world impact of recent events. We really didn’t dive too far into the religious points of view here between the two different groups of people. While I understand how important faith is to both groups I cannot directly relate to it. I wrote a blog on my feelings on religion and faith back in March (2023) and this blog is written under the assumption whomever is reading this, has read that one. I will link it below… In short: The main points discussed include the potential threat of religious beliefs to government control, the distinction between religious "facts" and scientific evidence, the possibility of alternative explanations for religious experiences, the differences between atheists and agnostics, and the pitfalls of binary thinking. It also touches on the consequences of faith in decision-making, changing language definitions (war on language), the influence of faith on group identity, and recent gender identity debates. I highlight the importance for logical thinking and the separation of faith from empirical evidence in discussions about religion and society.
Excerpt(s) from: “The Redemption of Time: A Three-Body Problem Novel” ― Baoshu
“There is a cause for every effect, but not all causes are responsible for all effects. To trace all causes and all effects is to end up in a twisted web with no end.” “We are moved most not by the grand mysteries of the universe, but by the emotional personal truths that define our individual pasts.” “No single person can make decisions independently; every choice is the result of changes and inputs from everyone else.” “I wish you all to remember that time is a precious gift from the Creator. Don't waste it! Everything ultimately will return to nothingness, but you must enjoy every time grain, every time node, every time strand- that is the true meaning of life.”
As we watch this story unfold, remember that behind the politics and the passions, there are real lives at stake. There are real people on the ground paying this price. People ask me all the time why I don’t believe in God in the ways and/or context that everyone else does? AND its stuff like this, examples like this, over and over again. All through our history there are examples that this one belief has done way more harm than good. Follow the data… What does the data say? That is your truth. Learn math, not scripture… Learn logic, not prayer… Learn to problem solve, not kill in your God’s name… Learn Love, not Hate… “As the World Falls Down…” ― David Bowie
Eradication (Latin)
by David-Angelo Mineo
3,926 Words
Below are some of the resources here that I viewed, read, paraphrased to write this blog. Since I took a more College Research paper approach to the writing of this blog I thought I would give you all the resources I used to compile this blog. The Science Fiction elements here are a coincidence. That I just so happened to read these books during all this and the existential horror the narrative suggests really has helped me over the months of making sense of how perverted Religion, and an overly strong belief in the one God creation myth can be and it is a myth, not fact, but myth: