Democratic Survey

So I got an
email survey from the chair of the Democratic Party here in Charlotte County.
Big mistake to send me a survey with a Feel Free to Tell Us What's On
Your Mind” textbox.
🙃 😉 😜
This Is What I Had To Say After I Did The Survey…
• Question 1) Have you ever registered as a Democrat or Republican?
Yes, as a
Yes, as a Republican
Yes, as a Democrat and as a Republican
a No
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
I would never register as either a Dem/Rep. Both are terrible for freedom and the steady growth of societal normalcy between all peoples. Both parties paint the other as wrong/bad/evil, not some of the time but rather all-of-the-time. Neither will take accountability nor come with solutions that help us first and them last. It is always them first.
• Question 2) What do you think of the Republican Party?
Very Bad
a 3
Very Good
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
When it comes to the Republican party fighting against the Democratic party they do pretty well with the exception of putting religious belief as high as it is as the moral foundation for freedom. All politics should not include faith, God or Religion of any kind in its principals. That is what a Theocracy is. We do not want to live that way. That is what Freedom is all about. To separate peoples of all kinds away from faith as a way to govern. One or many can believe what they want but even the LAW is above that when it comes to governing peoples.
• Question 3) What do you think of the Democratic Party?
Very Bad
a 1
Very Good
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
Right now the general public looks at the Democratic party as out of touch, liars and cheaters that do not respect the scientific method of how real facts are generated. That simply saying something in the tone of truth makes it fact by default. That the law is above them and we, its citizens, are supposed to feel glad they are in charge. I am not going to go into the specifics as to why I personally think this as many of the general public looks at the Democratic party as something that is not good for human societal growth of freedom. It’s seen as anti-Utopian. The Republicans are not much better either.
• Question 4) This question is about safety. When you are shopping or out in public for other reasons, how safe do you feel?
Very Unsafe
a 2
Very Safe
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
People are on edge. People are insecure. People are afraid of the future if this ship doesn’t ride itself. People are looking to go off on someone if they are rubbed the wrong way. It isn’t safe to be you anymore. One either has to be Blue or Red. One has to be in compliance with other people’s wills even if those wills are unjust or violates someone else or their rights. Granted this is not California but it wouldn’t take much for the Democrats here to do the same things here that they do there. How is that working out for the people, the state, for the state of Government in CA? I go out of my way to not disrespect people in public or start trouble but why do I have to give trouble a pass because they cannot control their outbursts or their disrespect of any one’s personal space or property. Be it physical space or aggression of any kind?
• Question 5) This question is about guns. Gov. Ron DeSantis has made it legal for anybody to carry a gun, without a background check, a license or training. Do you think this is:
Very Bad
a 1
Very Good
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
GUNS, people should have a background check done and if they are a habitual violent offender, if they have a habit of committing violence on others and it isn’t self-defense, why should they own a gun? We should not enable these people. If one cannot operate a gun properly they also should not be able to get a gun without these things. Simply saying 2nd Amendment is fine and dandy but in 2023 we need a little more common sense and logic behind that. If we are in war-time, that may be another matter. If residents require firearms to fight/defend against enemies of the USA foreign and domestic, citizens should be able to obtain firearms, but if it is peace time and they keep getting into trouble with violence. They should not be able to just walk into a shop and purchase a gun. I don’t hate the 2nd Amendment but responsible people should be able to get firearms where irresponsible people should not.
• Question 6) This question is about abortion. Gov. Ron DeSantis has made it illegal for anyone to have an abortion after 6 weeks, which effectively makes abortion illegal because most women would not know they are pregnant. Do you think this is:
Very Bad
a 3
Very Good
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
Abortion… Make it 12 weeks and I am fine with the law as it stands. I feel like 6 weeks is way too subjective a bench mark for how it was put in this survey as: “effectively makes abortion illegal because most women would not know they are pregnant.” a) abortion is not illegal and the law does NOT effectively make abortion illegal. That is strictly opinion. b) Not all women that get pregnant know in 6 weeks and/or they just might. Not all women and not all pregnancies are exactly the same. They only have things in common on the surface. A one-size-fits-all approach is exactly what is wrong with both sides of the coin in government, in general, but this subject specifically.
• Question 7) This question is about the rise in racist and anti-Semitic groups and sentiment. How concerned are you about the increase in the frequency of racist and anti-Semitic incidents and comments in Florida?
a 1
Very Concerned
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
There is always going to be racist people out there. There are always going to be sexist people out there. The more we point to a person, any person, and either take away or give them a better quality of life, due to their skin color, sex and even creed that in and of itself is what racism is. Granted some of the times it is valid but not all of the time and not even most of the time. You know who does that? People in large cities, people that play the victim card as their main argument and the national media. They are the only very large groups of people that show outright racist tendencies. You cannot blame the individual human that has the predisposition on skin color, gender and creed. They are gonna believe what they believe. It is all our jobs to show people this isn’t a thing over trying to find something, anything, anywhere, that one could say: “Oh, this is racist.” I don’t know. Is it racist if the assumption is correct and has factual data to back that assumption up? I myself am a minority… Minority means, minor, not many, not all, not most, but “some.” Racist and anti-Semitic groups and sentiment are the minority…
• Question 8) Which party do you think is better for the economy?
Republican Party
a Neither
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
See question/answer #1 or read up on my blog(s)…
• Question 9) If a Democratic candidate was focused on solving economic problems, would you vote for him/her/them?
a No
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
Democratic candidates have tendencies and all I see from the party as a whole is narcissistic-sociopathy with self-projection sprinkled onto it.
• Question 10) What is your primary news source? Cable TV news (MSNBC, CNN, Fox, etc.)
Local news
(w.g., WINK TV)
a YouTube
I don't follow the news
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
I no longer watch most of the news on TV these days. I will usually go on YouTube and look for something on the subject from an independent source, with their own independent opinions, thorough research and as long as they follow the scientific method during the fact-gathering process I will trust what I see there as truth or attempted truth.
• Question 11) Have you signed the Reproductive Freedom ballot initiative? Download Petition
a No
• Question 12) Have you signed the Right to Clean Water ballot initiative?
a No
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
11 & 12) I don’t even know what the Reproductive Freedom ballot initiative and Right to Clean Water ballot initiative are. Its things like this that make me question what you all actually do for the job title and paycheck you all get for this stuff. It is like when someone asks what you do for a living and the response is entrepreneur. Like, what does an actual entrepreneur actually do? Or what that person actually does. Like the response of entrepreneur is supposed to answer all those detailed questions. Nope. Entrepreneur is both the answer to the question and the end of the conversation from the answerer’s point of view.
• Question 13) Do you support the Recreational Marijuana Use ballot initiative?
Feel Free To Tell Us What's On Your Mind:
Recreational Marijuana, I am not really sure how I feel about that. I have my medical card. Marijuana is a big part of my treatments along with being in my life for longer than I can remember. Like alcohol, it needs to be regulated. We need to have common sense and logic protocols involved. Real objective science and not some quack who smoked it once, lost their mind for a few hours and now is an expert on the dangers of Marijuana… I am sort of tired of seeing all this misinformation out there on the subject about it being a gateway drug, about it being dangerous in other areas of life. Show me the examples. Show me the science. As someone that has worked in the IT field most of their adult life I am going to say here what I say to everyone that makes any claims based on almost nothing other than opinion and poor contextual articles on the subject. What does the data say? Follow the data… Show me the data and I might have a stronger opinion on it either way.
If you would like to know more why I do not support both the Republican and Democratic parties and tend to vote for the person I feel isn’t full of opinions and faith to make large claims about what they can do for us, you can go to my very public blog/website where I tend to say what I feel with no restraint. Where ideas and concepts can be hashed out in more full and complete contextual ways. This survey only gave me a chance to voice my concerns but most of what I have said here is under the assumption that you all know what I think already because of these written blogs… Good Day,