voluptas indignationis

This all stems from a series of bulletins posted on the social media platform SpaceHey.com where I was attacked by multiple people; doxed and also they went after a family member. Not okay…
"Passive-Aggression: An infuriating behavior where people express hostility indirectly, leaving you puzzled and annoyed. They cloak their resentment in subtle sarcasm or backhanded compliments, making you question your sanity. It's a maddening dance of veiled hostility that drives you up the wall." -ChatGBT (Joe Rogan Persona master prompt).
"Believing Their Feelings Come Before Common Sense,
Critical Thinking and Logic."
That one line is what I am being
attacked for, as far as Snarky and Heath are concerned.
"Why Are Conservatives the Biggest Snowflakes of Them All?" Passive Aggressive title to a bulletin by Heath ‘the brief’ - [SpaceHey Conservatives Are Weird] - Blanket Statement, he means ALL and shows no actual examples or even explains himself in an articulate way...
He uses passive aggressive tendencies using words/phrases like “a 'certain someone,'" where "certain someone" is a link to my profile. Again more Passive Aggression. Heath ‘the brief’ says he is a chill dude, doesn't start trouble. Yet, talks about people in a condescending way, but really means me personally in the negative. Doesn't call me out by name, but then says ‘a certain someone’ with a link to me in it. Could be sarcasm, but to me this is a prime example of being a petty beta male practicing all they know in the form of passive-aggression and for a man to be "this much" on the passive-aggressive scale is just such a Pussy-FK'n-move. Like no testicular fortitude whatsoever...
Testicular Fortitude: A metaphorical term praising bravery and courage, traditionally associated with male resilience. It signifies inner strength and fearlessness in the face of challenges. It's not about physical attributes, but the boldness to persevere despite adversity.
Heath ‘the brief’ does not practice any of this from his
ramblings about me. Even girls that like me never pay me this much goddamn
attention, Jesus LOL…
I did try to have a civilized conversation about all this, which I could have handled better, but I was pissed all to hell. We did have some dialog, but Heath ‘the brief’ is an under handing little coward that talks to me from a position of "who, me, what did I do?" I have my opinions. I over explain these opinions to such a level of a degree that if someone wants to challenge me on them, one is gonna have to match the energies, intelligence, logic, time, patience and research I put into those efforts. Heath ‘the brief’ cannot do this, so he takes to the bulletins and starts all this madness that later becomes hostile when a misogynistic SpaceHey user named RILLO posted my home address on the platform, all while Heath shrugs his shoulders and is all coy about it.
He says I blocked him. I do not believe I did, as we are messaging, but I actually do not know if I did physically block him from before or not. I doubt it since he was able to comment on another thread where this all started. He did start this. He just cannot handle it and had to have a comment about it and now we are here. Again, he commented on my comment, then I told him off and he throws a fit on his bulletin about it. He literally states this: "He's exactly the kind of riff-faff that should have stayed on Facebook and left us alone." ~Heath ‘the brief’
HUH? He commented on my comment and then went and wrote a bulletin about it. Leave you alone? What? All he has to do is leave me alone and poof, done... Yet, he calls me all these things, but I am not leaving him alone? At what point is it NOT okay to defend myself, my character, my conceptual value here? Especially, when my reasoning for my words is embedded in nearly 8 years of writing, research and development of these blogs… At no time has anyone here on the SpaceHey ever paraphrased my exact words and then come to me and tell me these things. It is always some half ass insult with no evidence, no breakdown, no nothing. Just a Twitter-like insult.
I was never blocked, I did remove him as a friend not long before this because of his radical concepts of equality and no explanation at all outside of: agree or be called a bigot, again with no explanation that defines his reasoning on the subject. Hence the name Heath ‘the brief,’ because he only talks in little tweets and cannot have big-boy conversations with some articulation behind it. He tells me to go back to Twitter. Yet, his whole persona is that of a ‘tweaker’ (Twitter addict). He will play the game like he can, but then say hateful shit to justify why he cannot. I wonder what he is trying to cover up by that lack of personal resolve?
That is how they operate, no debate, no dialog. I am too brash, I too toxic. I am too masculine. I get that. However, brash or not you cannot turn logic upside down and tell people up is now the new down and if you do not except that, we'll get you...
A Handful of Concepts That Were Shared in This Bashing of My
Snarky Brewster: Hates anti-pedos…
Snarky hates me for something so petty. I removed her and blocked her for not using a real pic of herself and basically being a Karen. Oh look at how she does her business and you tell me if this isn’t a Karen? She really took my rejection of her to heart to spy on me for over a year using an alternative profile or friends like Heath, RILLO and Tooterz.
I absolutely do not support adults that prey on children for sexual gratification whatsoever, is what pedophilia is. I also distrust and loathe the extreme opposite of that and chose a really bad word to describe what I meant, which I have explained a few times now, but will explain it again.
I am not perfect. I make mistakes all the time. Especially,
in grammar and word choice…
I hate the anti-pedos on SpaceHey, specifically, the adults pretending to be kids, pretending to be an adult, reverting back to a kid to attempt to trap people into having sexually charged conversations with minors. Not Okay...
Especially when these adults are not targeting potential pedos but rather targeting people with
conservative-leaning, opposing viewpoints. Again, NOT okay...
I do not have a problem with people gatekeeping to protect children as long as their goal, mission, core belief is to actually catch pedos on this platform. However, to target people who have a healthy sexual appetite, loves to talk to women, younger, but adult women should not be the target of these often radical thinking gatekeepers who say they are trying to protect the innocence of children on here but really just want me and people like me, gone. They want my voice gone. My Points-of-View gone. I do not hate liberals in general. However, those radical, WOKE liberals that live online in these INTERNET subcultures that do not actually believe in equality, but yet, preach a version of it that caters to radical thinking minorities, the weak minded, the attention whores of the social spaces we call equal, but really should be called “shut up and obey.” They will look for anything in my writing style that they find could be a loophole to get me into trouble with the Admins on here and in every instance they have been shutdown. Because for all their efforts all they have to stand on is made up stuff and opinion, which is NOT evidence of bigotry, racism or even me having inappropriate conversations with females on here.
SpaceHey should be now titled “Eggshells…”
SpaceHey caters to these weird INTERNET-subcultures. One cannot just be celibate without being a cel of some sort. One cannot be just Trans without parading around like an idiot and yelling it to the world. One cannot enjoy the nostalgia of SpaceHey without calling themselves ‘a scene kid.’ 40+ year old scene kids? Really??? ALL the trans/gay people I know do not do this. They actually do not do anything to show their pride. It is pride month and all and the dozen or so LGBTQ people I am close with, do not celebrate this. Their pride is their life. Their pride is being able to live in a free country where they can be this way. Real LGBTQ people are not glory hounds, desperately seeking attention for their efforts. Most of them just want to exist with their partner. Go do stuff within both their living community and their specialized community of people in LGBTQ. What I am saying is real LGBTQ people do not ALL except the LGBTQIAA+/- community as a community that is looking out for them.
If I were Gay or even Trans and I saw some straight people parading around, mocking our lives, pretending to be trans, yell, scream, cry, hold up traffic, clog our social medias, invade our safe spaces, take our sponsorships, pollute our American grown businesses and do it all on the LGBTQIAA+/-‘s behalf, I'd tell them ALL to go FK themselves and find their own group to belong to. Most people that are real LGBTQ like this do not feel the LGBTQ community actually cares about the community. Just like BLM doesn’t actually care about Black Lives Mattering at all, but all about money, money and distraction. It is a FK'n scam for bizarre INTERNET-subcultures to exist in the first place.
“People are addicts… The real problem with a lot of what's going on –on Twitter. There's a bunch of people that I follow on Twitter that don't have anything to do with me they're just negative people and I don't even follow them follow them. I bookmark their page and then I go visit them because they're so FK’n crazy and I see them 12, 13 hours-a-day tweeting. It's straight Madness and it's 100% an addiction and the amount of interactions that they have that are negative. The amount of expressions they have that are negative are overwhelming; that is an addiction. It's an outrage addiction they're addicted to recreational outrage and the response to their recreational outrage. It's constant and consistent it doesn't vary. They're not learning anything. They're not growing… They're not expanding the way they communicate with me, with people, and becoming better human beings and more –more-kind human beings…” Joe Rogan
That above Joe Rogan quote summarizes what is happening here
to my account on SpaceHey to the letter. Heath/Snarky/Rillo
are the literal translation of this:
• Defined as "Outrage Addicts" - They're
addicted to recreational outrage and the response to their recreational
• People I have nothing to do with.
• People I do not follow or have blocked or have me blocked on here.
• I do not visit their page or care about what they have to say. Besides the
doxing and going after family members.
• The amount of interactions that they have that are negative? Be
interesting to know wouldn’t it…
• They are addicted to being angry with people with
opposing viewpoints.
The key thing isn't the response from these people. They are free to do so and should be responsive. However, how do they respond most of the time? "Believing their feelings come before common sense, critical thinking and logic." That one line is what I am being attacked for, as far as Snarky and Heath are concerned.
Snarky also makes another comment to a mutual
friend where she says I was never doxed and that it was never there. Rillo is also claiming the same thing. However, why am I
looking at a screenshot with the [a href="link
to my home addressDOTcom"
target="_blank" – “meet his brother that lives in the same house” /a]
tag. If you all know some HTML coding, you know what this rough texting code
is. In the photo the direct link is not expressed, but it is in the meta tag. The text is slightly blue, meaning it is a LINK
and I have that link handy and it goes directly to my home address. That
is doxing. Posting the direct quotes here, along with links to their
page is not. I have it, it is here. Snarky boldly and openly lied and not just
that, she did it knowing she was lying about it and still tries to sound
innocent. That is the sort of broadcel she is.
Haha, Broad-cel.
– A middle aged Karen that lived in the days when men called women broads. ‘She
was a skanky broad.’ –example.
Snarky “Karen” is an UNDERSTATEMENT…
Tooterz - is RILLO's mate and her mental health issues are a lot of the reasons RILLO/Tooterz/Snarky are so well hated on this platform and on discord and they actually are... Just their little cel club of people think they are neat and cool... I have been messaged by so many people over the last year talking about these 3 people, specifically…
Others That Jumped In to Have Their Ignorant Say:
Matt – “This guy blocked me months
ago, he's a racist and a sexist. He's against anyone that questions what he
likes, and he's against anyone who wants the world to change. He's happy with
the state of America and thinks anyone that wants it to change is wrong.”
Andy Anarchy - Says I use words like “WOKE to
hide my bigotry.” He also likes Volbeat.
Where exactly do I NOT properly define the concept and word WOKE in my blogs? How do I hide any concept in my writings? Find the phrases where I demonstrate I am a racist and a sexist and it isn’t a sarcastic joke... Find the phrases in my writings where I am against opposing viewpoints? Show me where I say I am happy with the state of America and think anyone that wants it to change is wrong? Find the exact wording. Oh, wait, you won't find it. I Wonder Why That Is???
“WOKE is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’” I love when these TROLLS make these claims, but cannot ever actually define where/when I stated these things... Amazing... Yes, FK, I love OLDER Volbeat before the radio got to them. Must be a crime... Head check, not…
My BLOG can be seen, free, on my website: mineofilms.me/blogs anyone can go there anytime and find my words with the full context laid out. Any of those people, at any time can go there and look for themselves and they will never find that stuff because it isn’t there…
Please report these 3 accounts for slander and doxing. Thank
You for all that still support me and listen to reason…
RILLO - https://spacehey.com/darkstar_
Tooterz – https://spacehey.com/q2tr
Snarky Brewster - https://spacehey.com/SnarkyBrewster
(Latin for recreational outrage)
by David-Angelo Mineo
2,526 Words
Amendment: Since I posted this on SpaceHey.com
Due to more Trolling, Personal Attacks Fueled by malicious intent, by extremist
outrage actors or EOA's for short or perhaps Outragecels on there. I had to
remove the blog a few times now, blocked both Rillo and Heath. Rillo has
elected to post a series of screenshots of a personal conversation between
Heath and I, related to the doxing of my address. I know of the posts
about me with the screenshots. I won’t lie. I said those
things or at least “some” of those things. ????? However, context
is so very important I have written large portions for years about
context or intention of the written word is even more important than the
definition of the written word. Those images were all taken after Rillo Doxed
my personal address, which he lies about, even now and never, at anytime did he
or Heath attempt to challenge or counter the claims I made in my blog, which
has that proof in it. All he did was comment back in short Tweaker (Twitter)
bursts full of language that sounded like it was written by a 10-year-old. What
are you gonna do lol? ????? ??
So, yes, I did say those things. However, those things, the intention or
context of those words were for Heath, personally. The things I said to him
were to offend him, personally. Not anyone else other than perhaps Rillo and
the EOAs. So what. I talked some shit in a DM? Who else has done that ever in
their internet history? Raise your hand… So whatever crazy jaw-droppin’ shit I
might have said in a DM that should be protected by the privacy policy in the
TOS of SpaceHey.com was just that. Some crazy shit that people who are pissed say to each other
in haste and anger.
I am not apologizing for it. I will NEVER
apologize for it, as the blog and everything I did since was a counter to what THEY DID TO ME FIRST… I know I
am better than that but I have issues myself. I absolutely will make mistakes
and have made mistakes and probably will make more mistakes; but I did learn
something here. Rillo literally has no brains and it is pretty obvious he only
operates in Troll mentality. He doxed me people. It was removed and then they
tried to lie about it in the same thread. It is in the Blog. I presented my
evidence and allowed Rillo to come challenge me on it and all he literally did
is talk in Twitter-banter-baby-talk-insults and tries to slander me in the
hopes that he could keep getting a rise out of me.
Every single time I tried to make it real and have to talk about what is actually real all I got was retarded Twitter talk. So yeah, he can go kick trailer-trash rocks and use his 1990s html to talk BS about me. Who cares… He has no power outside of what I give him, which is now over… Do whatever you Narcissistic-Sociopathy Cancer of a Human shell. If SpaceHey doesn’t do anything, fine. Whatever… Both these people did nothing to counter what I presented. All they did was show how stupid they really are. As in UNINTELLIGENT…
Oh and those screenshots… I cannot say for certain due to my poor vision, if these have been photoshopped or not. I cannot say that, but I can suspect it. I read these and something looks off to me… ????? ?? Look at my words here and on my blog and then look at the language in the DMs. Believe what you want. Whatever shit I talked before all this got out of hand, never warranted the amount of harassment and doxing that I have received. What he says about me is classic Self-Projectionist or a person that trashes other people and the details of that trashing are things the trasher actually is, supports, believes in and attempts to paint on the person they are trashing.
You see this a lot with heavily jealous people. I am sure most of you know people like this. I have had to deal with a few in my day of working in music, being on tour and dealing with all those egos. Even novices on Photoshop can alter a screenshot of text in the background that has a unique color code. It is fairly basic. I have over 20 years with Photoshop. I would have done it if I was a little mentally ill beta boy with no testicular fortitude and has only a few hundred fake friends on the platform where only a handful are active users or perhaps they are alternate profiles? Be even funnier if all the trolling is one person under 4 or 5 accounts.
So yeah, he is sooooooooooooo cool. ??????
I believe that direct messages were safeguarded under the privacy policy in the terms of service of SpaceHey.com, but clearly, that notion has been shattered. It is such a pussy move to exploit private conversations, take the context, throw it out the window, could be photoshopped screenshots to challenge my evidence against these clowns, which was me defending myself after I was already harassed and doxed for NO REASON in the first place. I practice my right of freedom of speech daily. Pick your poison…
My blogs are not to be taken literally or maybe they are. Does it matter? This has happened before and from some of the same people. 2 years later here we are. The events have been documented in my blog above. This latest attack is from them because they do not want to address the elephant in the room that I was doxed. Where venting frustrations and engaging in casual banter have now been twisted and taken out of context for no one's benefit. This egregious misuse of the DMs, the doxing of my address prior, the harassment prior to current, here, should warrant some response from SpaceHey… If SpaceHey would bar Rillo, Snarky, KLCY, Star Lord Bryon and Heath from the platform for life. I would agree to leave of my own accord, also never to return, but not before… I do not believe I need to explain this anymore than I have already… If you have something to input feel free to contact me. I and this is transparent... We can chat about it.