Politica ... EXERCITUS... Logica…

“Why do we accept small segments of society to object ALL of us to this bizarre, weird delusion that is happening EVERYWHERE.” ~Gutfield
What is WOKE?
The Right hijacked the word WOKE some years back and use it to describe the extreme left. WOKE was officially added into the dictionary in 2017 and its definition is listed as “to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism.” However, the word and its use date back to at least a 1962 New York Times article; “phrases and words you might hear today in Harlem.” A black-novelist, William Melvin Kelley, wrote the earliest known use of the word under its new definition in an article titled, “If you’re woke, you dig it.” In 1972, in a play by Barry Beckham, “Garvey Lives!” a character says, ‘he’ll “stay woke,” with the line: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk.”’ In the modern-day the word also was used by Conspiracy Theorists to describe they were “in the know” on a subject or theory. Other close definitions are “well-informed, up-to-date.” These two are still accepted as definitions of the word. You can see how crazy this one word’s journey through existence has been. It was used by a black writer, in a black story. It wasn’t used again in relation to race till 2014 during the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In the play, the word is used in incorrect English to describe the past or pre-tense of awake, waken, awoke. Not all English is worded correctly when spoken aloud, especially by the uneducated (in this case, used by blacks that didn't have any schooling and just talked how they talked). Should be noted I am not being racist by saying this. It’s true. It’s a part of black culture in this country and still is. Hood-talk is a real thing that is discussed within the Black American community. Black America makes its own English slang for words and how they spell names and pronounce them. All the minority races do this. This isn’t new, its cultural diversity. I see no issues with this at all. Is it correct English, no, but who cares. They know what they are saying. It’s us, people, who do not know, who are not educated in "hood talk" that lose the meaning in it all.
WOKE is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’ Try to take a bad idea, that is already widely accepted as a bad idea, change some of the attributes that define the idea as bad and make that seem good and chastise others who do not follow suit.
There You Have It…
I say one, anyone, cannot demand a thing to be real just because they want it to be real. That isn’t how concepts are brought into existence to become part of our reality. There is a process for that and the WOKE ideology does not want to learn, work in, towards, the process. They want to invent their own process that fits the path of least resistance. Herded tribalism cannot reverse engineer critical thinking, logic and common sense to fit different groups’ narcissistic delusions; that whatever they feel like when they wake up in the morning dictates what truth, a “FACT” is, what right and/or wrong is, conceptually, on a daily basis. Just because a person or group either identifies with a thing or not is absolutely irrelevant. It is why we are taught or at least used to be taught at a very young age not to react emotionally to very serious/important things. Because in most cases we cannot use our thinking brain to react correctly.
When culture decided demanding feelings come before logic and teaching kids to lash out using their feelings in a militant way is the extreme opposite of what we should teach young humans how to behave to become adults. Sure, one can blame social media and/or the misinformation that is displayed on social media, but it isn't the misinformation on social media. The misinformation of pure concept on the news networks pretending said misinformation is real life, everyday occurrences, that are teaching the young, the hypersensitive WOKE Culture, that if you want to be heard you must be loud, expressionful and militant. This includes acts of defiance, hateful words like reverse racist comments and now perverted into violence with these people gaining access to firearms or destruction of property. We need to vote those very few that rule over the many out with people that really will choose logic, problem-solving, common sense & critical thinking first over "using their feelings in a militant way" to get a society to respond... They change the meaning of a word by using it over and over again in the media and social media all while using it out-of-context. If you challenge them at all, you are either bullied, canceled or forced to change or things, luxuries are slowly stripped from you till one complies.
That Is Exactly What WOKE Is…
The problem lies in both political parties and the two party system in general. Both lie, cheat, steal from us. Both attempt to manipulate us and the media. Both have their own version as to what a “FACT” is, even though there is only one authority that deems a theory into a fact and that is the scientific community. Both do not care if said thing they spew is even accurate as long as it paints the binary opposite bad, evil, wrong. Both sides believe themselves to be right or righteous, as in correct, even if they do not have the evidence to suggest what they just said or did was actually correct or not. How much more would you like to see from this before Right/Left just get blurred so heavily one or many cannot even tell a difference anymore, besides the hue of the same color into two different shades? Red or Blue... Red and Blue are the same exact color just different hues, equals A-One-Size-Fits-ALL...
Gov't itself attempts to apply one-size-fits-all mentalities as their justification for the concept of right and/or wrong, but there is no wrong on each side as both sides believe themselves to be right at all times and the latter, wrong at all times. Like Religion, humans have outgrown the two party system when both systems practice these things as their main attributes for membership. If both parties did what they actually said they were gonna do. Worked more together than against one another and didn't lie/cheat/steal from the American People; most of these problems would not be where/how they appear NOW... Now the simple answer one or many CANNOT make a thing, anything, true or real in this reality solely on belief/faith alone. One or many must have the tangible thing to show said belief is real or just that, a belief. They must put the work in... Something else both sides makes large claims about that their facts are facts but when people who know what facts really are and how that process works, they go a lookin' only to find that these things that are said to be facts have no legs to stand on. All their attributes are built upon belief/faith solely and not any other thing that could/would prove its existence to be real in the first place.
How Does WOKE Die?
1. Move
to Florida.
2. Logic.
Me: (to Chat GBT) What are the steps to being a LOGICAL being?
ChatGBT: (to me) Being a logical being involves using reason, critical thinking, and sound judgment to make decisions and solve problems. Here are some steps you can take to become a more logical person:
• Learn the Principles of Logic: There are many books, courses, and resources available that can help you learn the basics of logic, such as; how to identify and avoid fallacies, how to construct valid arguments, and how to evaluate evidence.
• Practice Critical Thinking: Critical thinking involves analyzing information, evaluating arguments, and making decisions based on evidence and reason. You can improve your critical thinking skills by practicing regularly, questioning assumptions, and seeking out diverse perspectives.
• Develop Your Problem-Solving Skills: Logical thinking is essential for effective problem-solving. You can improve your problem-solving skills by breaking problems down into smaller parts, identifying the root causes of problems, and generating multiple possible solutions.
• Pay Attention to Details: Logical thinking requires paying attention to details and being able to identify patterns and connections between different pieces of information. Practice paying close attention to details and looking for relationships between different pieces of information.
• Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflecting on your own thought processes, biases, and assumptions can help you become more aware of your own thinking patterns and identify areas for improvement.
• Seek Out Diverse Perspectives: Exposure to diverse perspectives can help you challenge your assumptions, broaden your understanding of different viewpoints, and improve your critical thinking skills. Seek out opportunities to engage with people from different backgrounds and perspectives.
Remember, becoming a logical thinker is a lifelong journey that requires consistent practice and effort. By following these steps and continuing to seek out opportunities for learning and growth, you can become a more logical, rational, and effective thinker.
Me: (to Chat GBT) Thank ChatGBT on your insight…
“In the United States if you made bad decisions or if you did stupid things; this did not make you a victim. What made you a victim was an immutable characteristic and then people picking on you for the immutable characteristic. Instead we have decided is you make bad decisions or you make false claims and if people don't agree with you now you're a victim of American society.” ~Ben Shapiro
If you want a more detailed view of what I think about our two party system there is my “Diatribe” Trilogy where I wrote three blogs equaling 16,631 words on the subject of “why a woman should have total rights to her body, including the child.” It should not even be up for debate, but it was or is. I had my NON-coin perspective and it took me seven-straight days of writing to hash this out for myself. Links Provided:
Mortui Infantes
Translation: Dead Babies
Emendatione ad Infantes Mortuos
Translation: Amendment to Dead Babies
Viene una tormenta
Translation: A storm is coming
This is where I start to get into the journey of exercising binary thinking from my perception as “normal behavior.” I start to talk about both sides as one-in-the-same, but with different hues (digital photography word for different shad/tint of the same exact color).
Serenitas Nunc
Translation: Serenity Now
Next is the evolution of Serenity Now with breaking down what a “real” and “fact” actually are and why “anyone” saying “air-quotes, ‘FACTS’” doesn’t make what they just said a “real” and “fact.” I again, point to the current cycle we are on with our current system and how things have been going.
Dormiens excitavit
Translation: The Sleeper Has Awoken
My last reference will be my shortest entry attempting to define what WOKE is and why it is dangerous. After two years of writing about the WOKE; I think I really got a good solid definition of what this “thing” actually is… I do not know if anyone likes ole movies or not but “They Live” comes to mind…
experrectus locos communes
Translation: woke clichés
Enter at your own approval…