duos trilineum nummum

This BLOG came from two sources: 1) Dialog with a friend about her journey to un-Christianity herself and her reasoning for leaving not just this faith-based standard but ALL-OF-THEM. 2) I have been having dialogs with ChatGPT about the inconsistencies and fallacies of the Christian faith and the Bible in general. This BLOG serves as a starting point for that discussion while continuing my probe into binary information systems and what they are and why they severely hinder spiritual/societal/social growth in the Human species as a whole.
“Young people raised to believe that God is in charge are much harder for the government to control as they grow up. They won’t worship the government. But by contrast, as a child is raised to be a narcissist; someone who thinks, ‘I could change my gender.’ he will grow up, confused, weak, and reliant on the people in charge of the state. It's a very simple principle. It's why the Mullah’s Government went after the Tibetan monks. Anyone who sincerely believes in God is a threat and that is the measure of the free country in the end. Are you allowed to believe that there is an authority higher than the people in charge of your Government? That is always been the hallmark of America. Religious liberty; it's in the first amendment.” 'Tucker Carlson Tonight. 3/2/2023'
What is a FACT:
“But the Bible's true because it says it's true, because it's been accepted as the truth for generations, because some events described match historical events in other texts, because God is perfect and therefore his word is perfect and without error.” ~ glamcat
This quote is similar to something I just said in another message to another person on a different topic, but yet closely associated with this… Breaking down what a “real” and “fact” actually are and why “anyone” saying “air quotes, ‘FACTS’” doesn’t make what they just said a “real” and “fact.” “They say” the bible is based on truth, but we know what “truth” and “facts” actually are based on and when we associate that to the bible we find out that most if not all the “facts” labeled in the bible are based on a foundation of belief, not fact. Facts are based on/from the scientific community, which is now completely independent from most religions. This now, very well-established practice, of what a fact is, directly contradicts what the bible stands for, TRUTH...
“Maybe God just works in mysterious ways.” Maybe it isn’t God or a god at all; “perhaps” something, a being of sorts, an entity, that latches onto concepts like this to either communicate or invade our minds. Perhaps for food/sustenance or other purposes. Maybe… This is just as plausible as it being a real God. We say we know stuff cause of science, but our science is incomplete, just like our understanding of religion and the bible. Reality itself is open for interpretation and since there is no other self-aware/intelligent beings around to bounce ideas off of we are stuck with our own imaginations.
The Atheist and the Agnostic:
Even though we have thoroughly defined the differences it should be stated that an atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of a God or gods, while an agnostic is someone who is unsure or uncertain about the existence of a God or gods. Atheists typically hold the belief that there is no evidence for the existence of a God or gods, and therefore see no reason to believe in them. They may also argue that the concept of God is contradictory or incompatible with scientific evidence and rational thought. Agnostics, on the other hand, acknowledge that there may be a God or gods, but they do not claim to know for sure. They may see the question of God's existence as being inherently unknowable or beyond the scope of human understanding. Agnostics may also be skeptical of organized religion, but may not necessarily reject the idea of a higher power altogether. In these definitions, I tend to lean more as an agnostic than an atheist, but also feels atheism has grounds on the impossibility of a God or gods.
Binary Thinking and the MATRIX:
I feel the first two and the newest Matrix movies explain this so well. That whatever it/they are that control this flow of information pertaining to religion and the one God creation myth, and it is a myth; that they do not care if you love the Jesus being or the Satan being, but you must embrace one. Either side cannot exist without the other. Either side cannot agree/disagree on which is right/wrong. Either one cannot fathom one existing without the other or even fathom their own existence in their belief as false.
That is why I feel it is ok to flip/flop between Atheist and Agnostic. If we are talking specifically Christianity and/or the Christian God over a-god-like-being or beings. My reasoning behind Christianity is very close to the same as “I’m neither a democrat nor a republican.” Binary information systems are only logical if both sides of the coin keep believing one side is right/good and the other is wrong/bad. Once you eliminate that as the-be-all-end-all it is very easy to see a triangle as a pyramid, a sphere rather than a circle, and/or the puppet master pulling the strings of the coin’s favor. Is it a heads or tails? No other options exist! What do we know about that? It is never that simple nor will it ever be, but we still play the pretend game and forget that God is an imaginary friend for grownups.
People ask me all the time what side I am on. I am on the side of logic… Bad answer if ones’ believe good/bad, right/wrong exist as the only choices. That if you eliminate Human Beings then the concept of Good and/or Evil no longer even exists in the Universe, from a Human's point of view. Evil only exists in nature because humans exist. The same can go for good. Take humans out of the equation then nature exists as it is, unfiltered and everything tends to make sense in that Universe.
Hypothetically; what if we messed up the math and the Sun won’t turn into a red giant in five billion years engulfing the Earth and turning it to gas. Nothing will survive, not even our iron core. What if five billion years was five years? Now if this happened would this be an act of good or evil? It’s God’s will, right? So why is God destroying all life on Earth and the Earth itself? From human’s point of view all life on Earth and the Earth itself is all the life in the known Universe, as we actually have no evidence of life outside of Earth. Again, remove humans, now there is no one here to label this thing good/evil. Is it still an act of good or evil? It must be one of these if we follow the ideology.
This has always stumped people I have talked to about this. Just like politics; one asks a serious question and gets a very runaround answer that can be applied to just about anything or everything, doesn’t make much logical sense, and never at any time was the answer of the question actually presented. It is a simple answer. Is it an act of good or evil?
You apply man (humans) to the equation and see what we have now? Unbalanced, confusion, good, evil, love, hate, codependency, clichés, delusional, deteriorating, emergence, entropy, erratic, hubris, kugelblitz, narcissists, sociopathy, pariahs, pseudoscience, body dysmorphia, gender dysmorphia, identity dysmorphia, dysmorphia and lack of understanding. The Indians, the Vikings, had a better sense of existence than modern-day man does...
Humans wrote the bible. If those humans really believed their words, motivations for writing the words were from God, we, us, regular folk, will never know. We have to trust in non-facts and belief. I say non-facts because belief is not a measurement of making a theory or belief a fact. It is in there, sure, at the theory stage, but just because one or many believe a thing to be real and/or true doesn’t really make said thing real/true. We, us, humans, decide what is good and what is evil. Now we have never agreed on what a fact is and that is clear since this WOKE shit happened.
Cancel Culture and the Reclassification of Language:
Definitions should only change if we revisit a concept that is called ‘a fact, based on belief,’ but then we applied the scientific method to how beliefs/theories are converted from that to real facts. If we learn something new from that revisit and prove we were wrong that the belief does not in-fact equal fact then we can redefine a thing. We cannot redefine a thing because we want to redefine a thing. That is what WOKE teaches… Does not require any other effort whatsoever other than belief to make it real. Christianity also tends to share this belief across its core teachings.
You cannot question politics without questioning the belief structure it is based on. You cannot question faith without questioning the foundations it is built upon. The more we look into these things with a logical mind. A mind that is inquisitive like Mister Spock or Data from Star Trek. When one sees binary in terms of logic you can see where/when/how/why it can be acceptable in some cases, but in other cases it severely hinders spiritual/societal/social growth in Humans. We try to look at politics and religion in modern terms and they do not make any sense for the present and what is happening, now. Yet, here we are. This shit is still being projected onto us like a codependent relationship with a narcissist and we have all been there before and no one wants to be there again, but people settle. They would rather be comfortable with being miserable than making those hard choices and putting in the work. I will say this again… They would rather be comfortable with being miserable than making those hard choices and putting in the work. If one tries to grow faster than society will want us to. We may find that a lonely place, but the few we have close to us will be worth it and probably be more beneficial and enduring than being a part of this WOKE cancer…
Last year I wrote a blog about why 2D thinking can be bad and I used Star Trek II to describe it. When Khan attacks the Enterprise: “He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.” ~ Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982 – In reference, to Khan’s military strategy in ship-to-ship combat. A man of the 1990s, hyper-intelligent, but doesn’t understand that one can fight ship-to-ship combat on a plane with three and four dimensions, as Khan’s inexperience in ship-to-ship combat looks as if he is playing an RPG on a flat surface, like a board game. Spock says; “two-dimensional thinking,” which translates to; Two-dimensional thinking implies concepts that are flat or only partially representative of the whole. Three-dimensional thinking implies the first part of 2D thinking conjoined with intersecting dimensions rendering a deeper field of meaning. A triangle as a pyramid, a ball/sphere rather than a circle. Kirk proves this when the Enterprise drops below Reliant, then rises up to be behind her, as the Enterprise unloads a barrage of phaser shots and completely renders the ship powerless. Khan finally understands his mistake and his last ditch effort for revenge is to detonate the Genesis device in hopes the explosion will destroy both ships. Kirk and crew survive, but lose Spock to self-sacrifice to save the ship. alta versus brevis
Conceptual Awareness:
This whole scene demonstrates a paradigm shift in logic-practitioning from 2D conceptual awareness to 3D and 4D conceptual awareness. In this scene, it is like boom, boom, boom with these possibilities and the choices made. We gotta dump this binary, flat, 2D thinking as a normal part of the decision-making process. Binary choices have their place, but they should not be the main, normal, used all-of-the-time ways to find answers to problems. To those that hold onto faith as a be-all-end-all of decision-making, I never have the expectation my words will change their mind. I know they won’t, but not because of “my words,” but more their slavery or loyalty to the faith. Albert Einstein said; “Never stop asking questions.” Faith/Religion says, “shhhhhhhhhhhhh, its God’s will.” Well, what about my will or our will? You cannot base a fact, a real fact on faith and/or belief alone. There must be real, tangible things, associated to the concept to make it real and that is where this all comes from. What can you prove to exist and what you can only believe to exist, but cannot give any proof of said concept’s existence to begin with…
If we were more like the Vulcans and lived our lives based on logic instead of faith/belief then perhaps we would have dismissed all religions for what they are. ‘Good for some, but let’s not get too crazy here as to what is real and what isn’t.’ If religion gives a person peace, great for them. If they twist that inner peace and say, ‘all must obey to this or else,’ the message has been lost. If God is real, God would be way above human ethics, human sense, yet, we see pettiness, we see things in the book that kind of say; ‘man, this God fellow sounds like a silly little narcissist and needs a good slap in the face…’
People still feel they need to belong to something, some ideology, a group. Joe Rogan says it all the time about tribalism. One of the things the WOKE saw and ran with it. People want to belong so bad you see young minors making huge claims based on almost nothing, all so they can get attention, likes, hearts and be accepted by some group, any group. You see this in politics all the time now. This is why the Florida gov’t is working very hard to try and get all this gender identity stuff sorted in a way that protects young impressionable minds like this. No one here in Florida is saying do not be trans, do not be gay, do not be drag or whatever. The bill is to protect young minors from using things like this for these purposes. No one is saying if one is born a man and they want to be a woman they cannot go and do that. What they are saying is, be an adult about it, be of sound mind, make good judgments, seek Doctors of both gender reassignment and mental health officials to make sure one is of sound body/mind. The only way we currently make that understood is by making them adults first. To be an adult one must be 18 legal years of age. That is all I am saying with that. Probably a poor example and would need its own thread to discuss but you can see where this is all going and where it stems from. Faith/belief is terrible when trying to make really big and bold choices, which should be available to all that live in the USA. As I said during all this communication. You cannot base a fact merely on belief/faith alone. One or more must have that tangible real thing to hold up and show everyone or it won’t be considered real to the people that still hold onto what reality actually is and means.
People were more gullible in biblical times, sure, but only because they based facts on belief over proving the belief to be true/real. People are still like this today, but replace ‘belief as fact’ with ‘if it is on the INTERNET then its real/true’. When the peoples’ that created the faith/book planned this out its attributes are like that of "von Neumann architecture." It has the ability to spread itself on its own with little to no help from nature itself to help populate the concept. That isn’t the best definition here, but I am defining this based on how it can be applied to how the belief in religion spreads like a virus. Off topic; but AI is Hubris or will be; a species of mental illness that is defined by the delusion that causes people to mistake themselves for god. They imagine they have power, wisdom, foresight, insight and superpowers. They can never be wrong. They float between Sociopathy and Narcissist. A Hubris personality are unwell. They are crazy. There’s nothing more dangerous than that. Many involved in politics, and religion can be labeled as Hubris…
Being a skeptic or someone who needs more from the fact gathering process to deem a thing real in our reality within the confines of Christianity can be deadly. The creators again embedded the answer in their description. Skeptics are to be turned or burned and history shows that is exactly what Christianity has done in and around the last 5,000 years on Earth. The second humans were left to their own vices and had the power along with the faith to back it, humans ability to prosper, grow and move forward as a society has slowed down, even with the technological growth of the past 75 years. We have moved forward more in the past 75 years than we have in the last 2000 years thanks to the microprocessor.