experrectus locos communes

Welcome to another edition of trying to figure out what in the hell is going on in the world of today. Konstantin Kisin, a political personality in the UK, recently spoke at Oxford Union about WOKENESS going too far in society…
“The only thing that WOKENESS has to offer is to brainwash bright young minds to believe that you're victims, to believe that you have no agency, to believe that what you must do to improve the world is to complain, is to protest, is to throw soup on paintings. We know that the way to improve the world is to work, is to create. It is to build and the problem with world culture is it has trained too many young minds to forget about that.”
I say one, anyone, cannot demand a thing to be real just because they want it to be real. That isn’t how concepts are brought into existence to become part of our reality. There is a process for that and the ideology does not want to learn, work in, towards, the process. They want to invent their own process that fits the path of least resistance. Herded tribalism cannot reverse engineer critical thinking, logic and common sense to fit different groups’ narcissistic delusions that whatever they feel like when they wake up in the morning dictates what truth, a “FACT” is, what right and/or wrong is conceptually, on a daily basis. Just because a person or group either identifies with a thing or not is absolutely irrelevant. It is why we are taught or at least used to be taught at a very young age not to react emotionally to very serious/important things. Because in most cases we cannot use our thinking brain to react correctly.
“Exploitation is a nasty business. It’s a game of evil inside the game of evil. If a person or a group of people use a, or this tragedy to exploit their political, religious concepts to the masses those are the ones we need to be weary of and make sure they never get to make laws or govern others, ever. They cannot even have their own mind in check, their own house in check, but we’re gonna allow them to tell us what right is or wrong is as a conceptual paradigm? It’s not about being on the right/wrong side of history. It’s about being philosophically moral in a society where we are taught at a very young age right/wrong with false data displayed as facts in order to gain a perspective of the concept of right and wrong. We are taught that if one isn’t being heard: stop, scream and have a very public and emotional, but yet, militant approach to expressing one’s self. The very foundation of learning how to disseminate raw data into concepts as right or wrong is at war… Instead of thinking what others can do, like politicians, and even God, perhaps people should look more inwards and make the changes there. A child must learn these fundamental building blocks of learning from the parent, not society and all its ease of access of data traps of false narratives.” ~David-Angelo Mineo 5/27/2022
“We live in a society in which adults are afraid of children, young people in particular, and so when you see somebody who is an adult talking to young people and being straight with them and saying, ‘look, if you care about certain issues in the world. If you care about climate change or racial injustice, whining and complaining is not going to fix that problem.’ We need young people to step up and actually work and build and create things. Create the technology and the science that is gonna help solve all the problems of the future.” ~Konstantin Kisin
You have both young people and the people that watch over them in colleges and even high schools and elementary schools pushing crazy concepts that are not real, as real, or cannot be proven to be real without taking a lot of "liberties and/or leaps of logic," warping and indoctrinating our young people to see the world as something that requires radicalistic militant change in the form of emotional outbursts.
When culture decided demanding feelings come before logic and teaching kids to lash out using their feelings in a militant way is the extreme opposite of what is widely considered the wrong approach to teach young humans how to behave to become adults. Sure, one can blame social media and/or the misinformation that is displayed on social media, but it isn't the misinformation on social media. That does have its part to play, but not as much on the pie chart as say the misinformation of pure concept on the news networks pretending said misinformation is real life, everyday occurrences, that are teaching the young, the hypersensitive WOKE Culture, that if you want to be heard you must be loud, expressionful and militant. This includes acts of defiance, hateful words like reverse racist comments and now perverted into violence with these people gaining access to firearms or destruction of property. We need to vote those very few that rule over the many out with people that really will choose logic, problem-solving, common sense & critical thinking first over "using their feelings in a militant way" to get a society to respond...
“What I started to realize, this ideology is anti-human. The narrative goes something like this. ‘We are evil, particularly westerners, especially straight white men, but actually all of us are evil and we must be punished.’ That's why some of the solutions don't make much sense.” ~Konstantin Kisin
People Are Comfortable with
Being Miserable…
There is a Disease Out There.
Peoples' expectations of becoming important/famous in their own minds far outweigh the work they actually did to give them that perception of reality having that sort of an inflated sense of self; all based on nothing or at the very least, "not much at all." So now they use false narratives to buy into and throw a huge emotional, but public and very militant response to prove their point. Which isn’t about proving anymore. It’s about how many likes/clicks/subs they can get for their outrageous take on a subject that has a very clear definition of what said thing actually is. They cannot convince people it is true so they try to time travel and change the definition at the source. They change the meaning of a word by using it over and over again in the media and social media all while using it out-of-context. If you challenge them at all, you are either bullied, canceled or forced to change or things, luxuries are slowly stripped from you till one complies.
Try to take a bad idea, that is already widely accepted as a bad idea, change some of the attributes that define the idea as bad and make that seem good and chastise others who do not follow suit.
That is exactly what WOKE is…
The US really needs to go back to pre-WWII mentality of being isolationists, at least for a while till we breed the WOKEness out of this country. Then we will be in a better place to help with Europe’s joke of combatting global warming, terrorism and racism lol. I too am exhausted from the banter from other countries about how we should be. Whenever someone is being like that I start sending pics of dirty busted up shoes and tell them, “wear those some bitches for 72 hours and tell me what you think?”
My greatest fear is being a human Cliché… Walking, talking, classless, self-centered, dresses like a fuckin’ Cliché of the very thing I am bitchin’ about… END OF LINE…