Interrete Subculturae

This came to light from a post about Femcels toxic AF Internet Subculture. “A Femcel is a female incel or ‘involuntary celibate,’ not necessarily celibate, but tends to blame all men for their struggles in relationships instead of themselves or their partners. They say things like ‘all men are trash’ or ‘kill all men…’” The problem with Internet Subcultures are Internet Subcultures. You already see how the media and most of the general public that do not have Internet Subcultures in their face all the time or even understand what Internet Subcultures are, treat people that treat Internet Subcultures like it is everyday life. They are treated as social pariahs by the lot. The memes, the butt of the jokes. Being closely associated to the WOKE mob. I have recently attempted to redefine WOKE Subculture into a smaller phrase that, could say, fit on the Twitter, which is as follows...
“WOKE is both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS...’”
This is under the pretense that the definition of minority equals; minor, mini, micro, small, non-majority.
The definition of majority equals; major, many, macro, large amount of, non-minority.
There are many many examples showing that WOKE goes to great lengths to display ALL DATA that is dealing with minority issues as majority and normal. If we followed this logic to the letter we would assume based on the media, TikTok, Discord servers, YouTube Channels that Black, LGBTQ+ people are everywhere in our culture.
This is not true and here is an example of why that is...
The population of the United States in 2021 is/was around 331.9 million. The population of Black People in the United States, (I will never call them African Americans, they are not literally from Africa, so that is incorrect English), is/was 41.6 million (2020). The population of LGBTQ+ in the United States is/was 23.5 million (2021).
Take those numbers and tell me whether these groups are minority or majority? Just for shits and giggles, the population of White people in the United States is/was 191.8 million or 57.8% of the 331.9 million in 2021.
Are these "exact" numbers? No, of course not, but they are very very close to being what the numbers actually are and I am just using this as an example. I am not saying America shouldn't care about minorities. I am not saying that Black Americans and people of LGBTQ+ are not part of our American-Societal-Culture. I am just saying based on the math both groups do not make up the majority of the 331.9 million but merely a small fraction on the pie-chart that is the demographics in this country. My issue has always been the WOKE mentality [insert my definition from above here].
We cannot act like minority is really majority and act like that is normal and a part of everyday life in the United States. That has always been my issue. Just like groups cannot change the definition of concepts because minorities may not fit into the concept. So to force them in, they change the definition.
NOPE... That isn't gonna work and we are seeing this now.
Back to Internet Subcultures... The point of all that is to show that Internet Subcultures are just that; minorities of the Internet. There are just a bunch of them out there, but at the end of the day. They are small, micro, mini when compared to all the people that use social media, that use the Internet in general. Most people do not know what some of them even are, let alone most of them.
Woke, Incels, Femcels, Kevin, Karen, Trolls, Tweakers (Twitter Users), Binary, Non-Binary, Gay, Straight, Trans, Hindi, Middle-Eastern, Twitch Gamers, Otakus, Anime Cosplayers, Otherkins, Antigun Groups, Neo Nazis, Environmental Activists, Scene Kids, Religion, Conspiracy Theorists, Flat Earthers, Hollow Earthers and Racists.
Each group acts entitled as if their group warrants equality and respect by default without the majority of us even knowing what they are about. Their expectations from the rest of the lot, "us," the rest of the 57.8% of 331.9 million are not just gonna shrug their shoulders and say; “ok” to all that. It's just not gonna happen. Look at what happened in the southern states when blacks in this country were fighting for equality back in the 50s and 60s. Eventually, most of it worked out. At first, it was not a great place to be, even if you were white. There were plenty of white folk that said, "its about goddamn time." With respect to giving blacks in America equality. Even in the 50s and 60s the media mainly displayed this news in the negative. Again, just using this specific example here. I am not linking race issues with Internet Subcultures, but you can throw a label on that if you so wish…
Another NEWS Flash...
If less people were fighting for these rights would they have been granted? That's right... There were more people, both black and white that fought alongside one another to get these laws passed than the racist slang being thrown around in the public eye. However, the media portrayed this in another light. They didn't do it as much or at the level they do it now, but it was being done even then. People, in general, especially, Internet Subcultures has a terrible understanding of real, history. It seems to me, they only look at history when it suits their rants but with not much actual, real, understanding, conceptually. It is that foolishness, excuse me, their obvious, foolishness that makes them a target for memes, jokes, getting bullied and so forth. They are the butt of the joke most of the time, online, or in the real world, because they are blinded in triggering rage. One or many cannot think or articulate clearly when they are pissed off. Now give them a medium, like the INTERNET, where they can literally say whatever they want and have very minimal backlash for it in the real world. Granted if they are in an Internet Subculture and spout off with the keyboard warrior-type-rant, sure. That can harm their traffic. If they have followers, likes, hearts, comments, clickbait, ads. All that can be harmed if you are in an Internet Subculture and say the wrong stuff to where others in that Internet Subculture turn on you. The triggered keyboard-ranter. It happens all the time. People with mental health problems feel accepted by a group only to have that acceptance shattered and the people fall into a really bad depression and off themselves. It happens every goddamn day. Most people just do not see it but it happens daily.
This was meant to be short, but with me I cannot do that. If I were to shorten this up to just the key points without explaining the context then I am basically opening myself up to a clutter of Internet Subculturers trolling my shit and making large claims about my personality. All because they cannot articulate the concepts in which I explore and the way I attack them. The reasons my thoughts, opinions, writing style is so widely praised is also the same reasons the Internet Subcultures hate me and are triggered by what I say. Mainly the mentally ill, former or current Scene Kids on here that are either too dumb to understand or too young to process actual, real, logical concepts; because all their education on subjects like this come from Internet Subculture opinion’s and beliefs based on emotional outbursts, faith and belief.
What I continue to preach is knowledge, knowing, truth and facts do not come from faith and belief. Because faith and belief are not attributes of knowledge, knowing, truth and facts. They can be at times. However, ALL FACTS start with believing this [whatever thing] to be true but we have to test it first, many times over, to see what actually comes of it. This is just the scientific method. You have a theory. You test your theory many many times and if the answer comes back the same in the “majority, major, most” of the tests/time then you can say that is a ‘FACT.’ A ‘FACT’ is something that can be labeled as truth and cannot be proven to be “un”true. Simply believing in something, because you want it to be real is fine, but that one thing does not make it true or real.
That is just it. You have to prove something to be wrong. You have to match that effort and most won’t. Especially those in Internet Subcultures. They say it’s a safe place, whatever that is supposed to be and mean? There are no safe places on the INTERNET. Some are beginning to just now learn this.
Incels is just a newer word to describe the MGTOW Internet Subculture (Men Going Their Own Way) from the mid 2000’s. I remember a guy friend of mine who tried to sell me on the concept way back in 2007. I guess MGTOW’s are called Incels now, lol. Femcels, again, just a new word to describe very angry feminists that are more interested in getting attention with the aesthetic of toxic sadness than the original meaning of involuntary chastity… Ok… Different word, different world, same thing…
As stated before, this was supposed to be semi-short, but ended up being an entire blog worth of material. This is both a reply to the original post and my own words on the subject. Context for me is so very important. We have nearly 2,000 words on the subject. If one is triggered by this, sorry not sorry. If you are that angry over my perspective anyone can leave at any time. The time it takes to hash out these things conceptually using common sense, logic, real research, math, trouble-shooting, problem-solving just shows this isn’t some angry triggered rant. This is a serious opinion on how Internet Subcultures look to the outside world who do not ever see this stuff and now all of the sudden are exposed to it and how it is displayed. If you live on the INTERNET, as I do much of the time, stop for an hour. Put the game on pause, sign out of TikTok, throw your Spotify on or a book or something and go for a walk. Walking clears and centers the mind. It is also great for your circulation and one may even lose some weight. Shit… Just take some time and be one with nature. It helps me. It could, potentially, help others but it won’t if you do nothing.
“If one seeks change and does nothing to make said change happen then nothing will happen and nothing will change.” ~me (7/30/2022)