Proodeftikés Énnoies

Progressivism - Progressive politics generally wants to change government in a new way. Unlike conservatism, which wants to keep government similar. It most often refers to a political movement in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, called “the Progressive Era.” In the United States, these people want to change politics, which tends to be believed as run by big business and corrupt political machines. (From Wikipedia, Progressivism)
As this is just a rough definition of Progressivism. When you start to look at Webster’s dictionary definition of Progressivism it takes you down a rabbit hole of other definitions. The first points you to the definition of Progressives, which is about ten definitions of different nonsensical variations of the same thing. On average, most people tend to believe Progressivism to be in part of the brief wiki definition above and a radical group of “yes” people. A group that does not want to upset their voters so they just push nonsensical agendas that steer the human race backward, with less freedom and more control. Additionally wanting to take your free speech and right to bare arms away all under the ruse of Progressivism.
How I interrupt Progressivism is more associated to the root word, “progress,” as it is generally defined as; forward or onward movement toward a destination or a goal. It should be noted that when one or a group moves forward that is what progression means. When you literally go backward, one or the group cannot say they are being progressive. That isn’t at all accurate. That isn’t progressive. Going backward is not progressive…
I have made it very well-known that I find both sides of the political coin just variations of the same disgusting monster. How I tend to define “Cancel Culture” and how both sides try to sell us on their version of AIR QUOTES, “FACTS.” The LEFT/RIGHT both tend to take poop, redress it up, change the smell to sweet apple pie, and tell people it is good for human consumption with the expectation all the sheepeople, (us), will accept that blindly because it comes from people we either voted in or trust with our well-being, our freedom. Anyone who actually eats the poop without question is the idiot. Not the ones that question where this “food for human consumption” came from and what it was before they dressed it up. You cannot blame the politician for being a politician, which is what they do. However, at the end of the day, dude, you just ate poop. No doubt about it, you’re a poop-eater.
Is that
Is that being progressive?
What direction are you going?
What direction are we going?
Like everything… Things change… Perspectives change… Point of views change… “FACTS” do not change… They are deemed “FACTS” because one or a group cannot take said “FACT” and argue that it is not a “FACT.” Sure, they can argue it, but arguing it and proving it are not one in the same. This goes hand and hand with, just because one or the group want something to be real so badly that just wishful thinking makes it real by default. With no effort whatsoever to make the thing they want real, in fact, real. That is what delusional means…
I ask; how can one or a group of self-proclaimed “progressive thinkers” say we are progressing when the actual thinkers, the people that did the work, did the research, studied for decades to take concepts of things and turn them into things we interact with in our reality, which we call “FACTS.” How can they be progressive, when they are going backwards? And it is very clear they are leading us in that direction. Not forward, but backward. This group and/or the one cannot change the definition of backward; because they identify with that concept as progression? It’s not about being on the right/wrong side of history. It’s about being philosophically moral in a society where we are taught at a very young age right/wrong with false data displayed as “FACTS” in order to gain a perspective of the concept of right and wrong to begin with all in the name of being progressive. If you're a Left Lifer or a Right Lifer you will never see, experience, or adopt new concepts, which is the textbook definition of progression... Going backward can never be associated with progression, it is literally the opposite. Both sides go backward, but try to tell us/sell us that is what “progression” actually is. Progression is when one or many “progress and go forward.” The opposite cannot be associated with progression, yet here we are…
We keep going backward as a culture under the ruse of progression.
Why do we do this?
Why are we allowing it to happen?
Are we so afraid of being canceled on social media?
Social Media is now the number one source for news in the world. BAD IDEA… Most of the articles posted are from News organizations the public no longer trusts, FAKE NEWS sites pretending to be real news sites, or opinion sites. That isn’t credible in my opinion. So take a subject, any subject. I read an opinion piece on it assuming its “FACT” and not opinion. I do no other research or look up on the subject. Then I post my own personal thoughts about it. How much of this is actually FACT? I do not know really. That’s right, you don’t know… You are having an opinion of someone else’s opinion; you do not know how much fact checking they did.
Answer me ALL that?