Dormiens excitavit

The problem with the Media is “political personalities” – A realityTV personality that emphasizes politics, but delivers it as comedic banter. The problem with politics is politicians. Get rid of many of the politicians and political personalities and poof… Most of our problems vanish… Are any of these people honest, not a self-proclaimed expert at anything and qualified in any of these areas they dictate to us?
These people try to be entertainers over being critical thinkers and logic practitioners, and it is both sides. This isn’t me hating the Left or the Right, nope, it is both of them; a frickin’ shitshow…
Both sides embellish opinion displayed as fact. Facts are generated one way and one way only. Facts’ foundation is not one based on faith and/or belief. Faith and/or Belief is not a measurable attribute of the fact gathering process. Facts are generated one way, the scientific method. For something to be true or a fact it must be proven to exist in our reality as true, as fact. Speculation is not proof. Speculation is a guess based on belief. That isn’t even a theory.
Let’s ask Google what a theory is… “In everyday use, the word "theory" often means an untested hunch, or a guess without supporting evidence.” In this definition belief/faith can creep in, but that isn’t what a theory actually is. From Scientists; “A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts.”
To not insult anyone’s intelligence’s I am gonna assume you all know what the actual definitions are of laws, hypotheses and facts, related to science.
Short n’ Sweet. Get rid of career politicians that have a false sense of science based on their own beliefs and faith, because faith and belief are not a measurement of truth and/or knowledge. People that promote this is fine, but they shouldn’t be in a position of power where they dictate their opinions, faith, beliefs as truth, knowledge and facts.
If you try to walk on the clouds, you fall right through, every time. Not once or once in a while, but every time you do, you fall. If you walk on concrete your foot is planted on solid ground. This would be an example of a fact. 1+1=2 is another fact. One or many cannot disprove this in any format or explain it as rhetoric to be anything other than what the fact demonstrates.
Stop voting for people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has a seriously low-IQ and TikTok’r who just so happens to serve in congress. Not only is she a Sociopath but she is clearly bi-polar AF. You know who else is like that? Amber Heard and we all got to see how terrible a human being that female is. Yet, AOC puts a lot of bad information out there, all based on zero facts, and all speculation and opinion driven. People like this should not be in any position where they are in charge of the well-being of any other humans. If she owns pets, hey, someone should be doing a wellness check on those animals. Just sayin’. If you see her TikTok videos you can see her Sociopathy at work. Just look into those crazy, soulless eyes of hers. So much hate and contempt for all mankind…
Politics should not be driven based on personal preferences, opinions, beliefs and faith. Politics should not and cannot dictate, create, not explain their logic whenever they see fit or it fits their voting cycle. Career politicians that literally do nothing in office for decades and do not even show up most of the time shouldn’t be there.
If one seeks change and does nothing to make said change happen then nothing will happen and nothing will change. If someone goes on TikTok and tells the world they are right about this/that and we all have it wrong then I guess what is seen, what is shown and what is actually projected never are the same things or even closely associated together. Yet, that is what is expected of us. To simply comply, agree and obey… If we disagree, show why we disagree, and most importantly, prove nonsense to be nonsense we are labeled as conspiracy theorists and/or domestic terrorists. We get our phones confiscated and/or arrested. We lose our jobs, get banned on social media all because we do not give social/political retardation a pass…
Get rid of news media personalities. These are realityTV people, comedians and people that are entertainers, first; yet they are telling us more stuff about politics and spin it in such a way that we are to believe what they say is true and/or fact all because it is funny and entertaining. That doesn’t make a thing right and/or wrong. Same deal. We are not getting the information the way we should so we can absorb it and make an informed objective decision for ourselves. Both sides do this and are doing this, daily… Both sides have blurred the lines between opinion and fact that now both sides have their own term for it, “air quotes, FACTS…” "When does the hurting stop?" ~The Thunderlizards, Bill… Remember that show? That quoted catch phrase always stuck with me.
It has now gotten to a point that I can no longer even follow what either side is spewing as their “air quotes, FACTS” mentality these days… It dominates the air waves all while both sides wanna keep kicking down the thinkers that think, critically. The people that do things based on logic over how they feel in the morning and making decisions based on that feeling. Yet still assume things will change on their own with only their own input and opinions on the situation.
If I did that, I would never get my ass out of bed, even to take a piss. We all have our own information systems that we stand by. Some people hold faith as their main one and that is fine. Nothing wrong with holding a God, any god, up on your to do list for life. However, as strong as the power of faith and belief can be it should not be a tangible definitive source for facts, knowing and knowledge. If that is what a person wants to believe, cool. Just do not tell me you have facts because you do not. Faith is not a measurement of how facts become facts. Facts are true because we can prove them to be real. Things that deal directly on belief and faith do not. That is what speculation actually is.
This changing of the definitions of words is getting very dangerous to our young people. “Most decisions are not binary, and there are usually better answers waiting to be found if you do the analysis and involve the right people.” ~Jamie Dimon
The division of this Left/Right approach to politics, binary thinking, goes against everything this country was built on and stands for. Most people are either Democrat or Republican and in most cases none of that matters. You get up for work and stop at Tim Hortons or Starbucks and get your morning java. Does it matter what label either company stands for? Does it even matter what political affiliation the person who takes your order and serves your coffee to you with a smile? Most Democrats/Republicans work together each and every day. No one really cares what others believe in unless you are in a major city or DC where everything is based on one’s political affiliation.
Like I said above; the problem with politics are the politicians. Get rid of them and poof, most of our internal political problems vanish… These are the people, the people of this country need to hold accountable. Not one of them and not even all of them but most of them.
“The human brain works as a binary computer and can only analyze the exact information-based zeros and ones (or black and white). Our heart is more like a chemical computer that uses fuzzy logic to analyze information that can’t be easily defined in zeros and ones.” ~Naveen Jain
This is because most of reality isn’t on or off, it is in a state of both, almost constantly. If one is a zero or a one most of the everyday reality is in this state of quantum superposition of being both the zero and the one simultaneously. It isn’t black and white, but a fuzzy grey. Yet, the politics of it wants us all to be either one or the other. Some things can be handled with binary thinking, but not all and not even most. Like I also said, most people in this country work together and deal with each other’s differences, daily. This crap we see on both FOX and CNN is just really shotty fictional entertainment displayed as truth and truth is not an opinion or speculation or even a theory, it is FACT…
“But you see, our society is still trapped in this binary, black/white logic and that has had some very positive implications for our generation. It’s had some very negative ones as well and one of the negative ones is that it creates enormous identity problems for people.” ~Henry Louis Gates