quam quod sumus

“People having an uninformed opinion about something they don't understand and proclaiming their opinion as being equally valid as FACTS is what is ruining the world… No one wants to do any research… They just want to be right…” ~Sciencephile the AI
For those who do not know, “Sciencephile the AI” is a YouTube channel where the speaker is meant to be an AI that has a science-based YouTube channel. The AI talks in a tone as if it were a sarcastic asshole of a human intelligence. It’s a parody channel, but they do post about real science topics. It is always told from the point of view of the fictional AI character, Sciencephile, and it is funny as hell.
The rest of this is more or less my lack of understanding as to why people crave either attention or have that sort of an attitude/mindset towards their social media. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my 100th career blog on this topic, but this is exactly why I write these. To sort out things and thoughts that do not jump off the page at me. Rather than walking through life faking it to make it in that understanding I choose to try to make sense of it all.
In this case some have disguised their opinion about “whatever subject matter” as experience, but really it is just an opinion. Sure, experience creeps into the subject matter here and there. However, how much objective experience can you receive when said person suffers from extreme depression and other mental health aspects that do not get treated, because they hide them well or planted whatever, “they’re an alpha” flag in the ground and do not recognize/identify the problem lies within themselves? Some see this as mental health. Some see it as pure narcissism, which of itself, narcissism could be thought of as a mental illness all its own.
Just because someone is doing well in life on the outside doesn’t mean they are doing well in life. More times than not you see the extreme opposite play out.
I know that sounds a little vague, but people today in this country are more mentally messed up than we all will lead on. We all believe ourselves to be more than what we are. My point of view is that I tend to take a lot of the emotional value out of things. Specifically in and from people I actually know. I have had my expectations in life, love, friends, business and a passion for these things so stepped on over the years that I sometimes show a lack of empathy towards other people and their grievances. Even more so in people I know in real life.
Some I would call friends and others are unlucky passersbys in life that are too busy talking about everything, but mostly saying nothing of worth. For all their talk all I feel the message is -is incredibly superficial, yet they “tend” to get angry at other superficial people the way they will talk about their morning routine like a current day influencer would. Talk about life choices and moral high ground as if it were a honey almond body scrub; the way they describe daily mantra routines is much the same. Throwing out quotes, out of context and not even know where/who/what the quote is even about, but yet throw it out there like it is a valuable lesson they daily live by and needs to let their audience know that, usually in some condescending way.
Hey… I do it to. I just try to know what the FK I am posting and talking about. I attempt to be much deeper about it. Find a deeper meaning in it over just being another generic voice with an attitude about this or that. No real metaphor for my life as I tend to be more literal than metaphor. I see this on TikTok now a lot. It is either this kind of fake/phony trash bag talk or fake money shark loan people lol. They talk and talk……and talk. Monologues/Reaction videos from other two-step flow-theory practitioners, what other thinkers say and regurgitate the thinker’s beliefs as their own original ideas without even looking into the validity of said concepts.
The best places to get reservations, which salons to visit, where they got this dress or swimsuit. Where they purchase their bodybuilding supplements, etc. Their constant obsession with being seen in the right places, with the right clothes, with the right people. Their constant need to be better than everyone while seething rage gets posted under the context of self-love, self-awareness and moral high ground, over simple things such as feelings about where our culture is heading and relationships or their lack of.
While this seems so much that it is both oddly entrenching and entertaining AF, but also incredibly shallow. Their world is one where simply copying what everyone else does on social media (influencer mentality) with an inflated belief in themselves based on nothing concrete other than their belief of it is much more important than the chatter from their mate planning their wedding or what to do for the weekend with their partner.
Their desperate cry to be positive ends up just being a shallow self-serving attempt to be normal when they have yet to accept that they are not the norm. That isn’t always a bad thing, even here. This whole blog was an afterthought after I saw a “WTF happen to this movie” video about the 2000 film, “American Psycho.” I really need to sit through that movie again and I am highly considering listening to the audiobook version down the road once I finish some other stuff I want to hear first. There were a string of films that really talk about societal change in the negative around the turn of the century. Fight Club, American Psycho, Rules of Attraction. There are a bunch of them. I feel like they hold up pretty good 20-something years later and all. Probably even more so now than they were then. Fight Club was 1999. American Psycho was 2000. We are talking 2 decades and some change ago now.
The point I am trying to make here is; I just do not see enough creativity in these efforts by others, especially on social media. Mostly, I am directly talking about people I know somewhat personally that I have been friends with over the years and I have watched them descend into a sort of controlled madness on their social media. There have been times when even I consider this for myself. Am I contributing to this and at what level am I doing this at? All along with what I am doing to correct it and/or understand it better.
If I was closer to these people I would probably have different feelings about the logistics of their efforts and where they are coming from. How severe their mental health is, which I know is at play here with most of them. I post these thoughts in places where they all would have to make an effort to see them. So I do not worry about that; nor even if they did take offense to it. It is my opinion, on my platform, which is both mine and not theirs. I never mention names/accounts and I am also including myself and my short comings into the conversation as well. No one knows, but me and them (if they were to make the effort to see/read those comments and have some insight about their own lives.)
I mean what are the odds that I would see their TikTok rants the morning after I saw the video on American Psycho the night before and to make the correlation between the 2 different types of direct media and their messages that are presented and not associated together directly? I do not wanna catch too much, “Mineo, WTH are you talking about” heat? So what I am trying to say is; aren’t you all just as tired as I am? Seeing people you actually know contribute to the influencer mentality of life, moral high ground, superficial talk? Words are said but the concepts seem extremely vague and narcissistic. I get it. I should probably remove Meta services and TikTok to get these things out of my area of perception. Hey, I get all that. It is a little hard for me because of what I got going on inside these services at the moment.
The best efforts I have made is just let sleeping dogs lie. “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” can be associated with change. The thing about change is, it sucks, it’s uncomfortable, it’s painful AF and it’s HARD. Even with all the good intentions, others may not share that. They have their own intentions. Be it to love or be loved, to live and let live or live alone with nothing. Change is never easily embraced. Change is always these things. If you can accept change you have already begun moving forward.
The levels of toxicity people tend to project onto others via their own social media these days really has made me pull away from being social with people in the real world that I already know. Their posts make me not wanna follow them or even support their endeavors anymore be it professional or personal. I have disconnected from them and their mentality of trying to be the superior moral high ground alpha person in the room. I see this in both sexes. This isn’t just towards dudes I know or ladies for that matter. I want to help, I want to be there for others in my circle that now appears to have been blindly accepted upon. I am very limited and even more limited with patience/faith in other people. They simply never do what they say they are gonna do. Ever… Not some of the time or once in a blue moon, but all of the time. They never complete what they set out to do or at the very least make that transparent enough to not question or not if that person is firing on all cylinders.
Having faith in people and that faith transitioning to expectations held on other people. The expectation has to be based on something other than wishful thinking. It has to be built upon. With real tangible things. Like action. Action is real truth. If someone says they are coming over and they don't show up. What was said and what was actually done are not one in the same. The expectation must be built upon from action. What we do... Not say, but do, matters… That is why I say people never do what they say they are gonna do. Because they say, but what they do are not even close to the same thing in most cases.
“It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.” ~Claude Bernard; because everyone already knows everything already and they need no more education, insight or perspective. They believe themselves to be master. The thing about mastery of anything is no one is ever the master. Always the student and never the master should be the perspective, but it hardly ever is.
I am trying to have more INTENTIONALITY in my life or (to be about, represent, stand for, or be directed towards some object or state of affairs). Intention isn’t enough if one does nothing about it and that is where my crossed roads end. If one seeks change and does nothing to make said change happen then nothing will happen and nothing will change. If someone goes on TikTok and tells the world they are right about this/that and we all have it wrong then I guess what is seen, what is shown and what is actually projected never are the same things or even closely associated together. Yet, that is what is expected of us. To simply comply, agree and obey…
My advice to people like this is stop talking about it or projecting it onto other people because you want it to be real so bad, but lack any of the actual attributes to make it real and tangible. Stop changing the rules of the game and get better at playing the game. The question of your existence isn't solely about what you are. It is about who you are. Lead by example, lead by action, which is the only real truth out there.
I ask, don’t you get tired of having to cycle through your friends every few years, because they drop you because of this “better than you influencer of moral high ground mentality?” Going on social media and complain about that and tell everyone how wrong we all are and how correct you promote yourself to be. Is it an accident people leave you? That people around you leave you high and dry, which now seems like it is a constant theme in your life? Take that WOKE stick out of your ASS and grow the Fuck Up… If you want respect from others for your moral high ground, walk the walk. It isn’t an update status. It isn’t a fad. It isn’t a reaction video on TikTok. It isn’t something you can copy from someone else’s social media and post as your own original thoughts.
You Have To Be This Yourself.
No matter how many LIKES, HEARTS, ReTweets you get will not make you more than what you are right now. You want these things. Then suffer alone and quietly like all the others that came before you and picked themselves up and discovered what you are trying to discover now. PEACE… You have to endure unmet expectations. Lots of them… Here is a thought, don’t have any expectations at all. Be prepared, you may walk alone for a long while before the serenity of that peace finds you…
Nobody wants to be with or around a NARCISSIST…