Broken Vs. Damaged 2: A Lesson in Logic

“There’s something fundamentally wrong with the wiring of our brains, which makes human beings incapable of consistent logical thinking” ~Arthur C. Clarke; excerpt from 3001 The Final Odyssey
People assume that when I talk about Faith that I mean religion. I do not mean that. I am not a religious person. I do not claim to be from one of the major faiths. However, I am a very spiritual person. Probably more than the everyday devoted religious personality. I look at things from a Logic Point-Of-View… I look at words, there meaning and whether it is a True/False, Fact or Not.
Like what I said in the 1st Blog “,Broken Vs. Damaged.”
Broken means Unfixable and Damaged means Repairable. People use the word broken a lot like they truly understand its meaning. I put it like this. BROKEN = A BLACK HOLE… A black hole in space is a collapsed star that implodes on itself due to its own massive gravity. It swallows anything/everything and not even light can escape its grasp. Nothing can escape its gravity, nothing. That is its final decision. So look at the word broken as something very permanent. When someone tells me they were lost and broken. No, they were not, they might have been lost, but they were merely damaged. If they were broken it would be a very dark place and they would not be coming back in any capacity. Be it some kind of emotional pain, or addiction with drugs or anything that would permanently destroy a person for good. Even Death…
Broken is the darkside, but infinite… FEAR…
“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” ~Yoda… I am talking about the fear consuming a person and they hate themselves for it. Yoda’s teachings… “Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.” ~Yoda was created based on the spirituality of a Buddhist Monk. The words hold some truth to them. The 1st step is to educate each other in communication and using words that have an actual finite meaning and not words that are, “open to interpretation.” A mind can be easily poisoned these days with all kinds of irregular concepts of false logics. Using specific language as their tool of destruction.
For all those that are religious dominant in/with your faith.
Good, you’ll need that, but it is not the only way to think and even that cannot save you from “Broken” The Black Hole. Once your spirit is broken, it’s broken… It’s infinite… If you actually believe in God then infinite should make sense to you. If you are lost/damaged and you find some sort of solace in Faith/God then you were never broken, just lost, just damaged. Understand this… Understand your wants… Understand your needs… Never get them mixed up and stray away from things that confuse the lines. You cannot need something and want something at the same exact time, in most cases.
That will poison your mind.
I know. We all can think of a few things that we need/want at the same time. Again, not the time/place to find holes in this logic and pull them apart. That is not the purpose of this. In Most Cases, The things you need/want at the same exact time have to do with your spirit/love/growth as a spirit. Think of those things as the exception to the rule. There is a mind sickness that goes with wanting/needing something at the exact same moment. It hits you and puts you in a darker place every-single-time one goes there.
Yeah… That is called ADDICTION folks…
A psychologist will give you all sorts of ways to describe an ADDICTION. My version is way more simpler to understand. If you cannot control it and do it without regard for you or anyone else, its an ADDICTION.If you need it and want it simultaneously its an ADDICTION or will be one in short order. I have been hinting at it in other blogs, but the human species is lost/damaged on a spiritual level. We are more parted than ever before spiritually. We bicker about the silliest of things like bathrooms… We argue about gun laws… We complain about who should be President of the United States. United… States… That use to mean something. Again… The lesson is the words and what they really mean. United States… Are we United as of late? Do you remember in the 80’s when every classroom had a portrait of our President on the wall, with pride and respect I use to look at that photo of Reagan? Do we have that now? No, we do not… We might be States, but we are very far removed from being United. Our mentality back in those days would have never stood for these kinds of things that are going on in our Country today with education and how people treat people. It is a real shame what has become of our NOW Dummied-Down-Society…
I mean we’re freakin’ idiots that would rather Instageek out and Tweak it up on Tweaker (Twitter). Take selfies with no real reason to take one other than showing off. Over getting educated and doing the small things to make our species, not our country, our species great… Now… I am totally guilty of this myself. The only difference with me is my Social Mining/Social Media has a purpose. I spend countless hours writing; trying to plunge into a writing career so I do not have to work like a dog in the hot sun for pennies on the dollar. I take selfies so I can see my results in the gym. My social media output is nothing “average/typical” of the sort of your casual user. I have a reason and a purpose for everything I do.
I am not generic…
The people that refuse to download messenger because of their private info being tapped into. Reality Check, it already is. Every single APP you download leaks out your data to said software company. Everything is on autopilot. Skynet is listening. Skynet is watching. The Matrix has you. Blue Pill, Red Pill, they take you to the same place. Your choices are slowly vanishing and replaced with choices that take you to the same depressing conclusion. You won’t know it, because we’re all too busy updating our status updates and trolling on your ex’s pages. All our behaviors are being tapped into or recorded, stored for later analyzing for whatever usage a company, entity, race, group will want to use it for. This is not science fiction, this is science now. If there are any Battlestar Galactica fans out there, the spin-off show Caprica, the AI that would become the 1st Cylon, which kills off most of the human race in the show, was built on that very premise. Data gathered through search engines and internet/phone usage. All that data made up like 85% of that person’s psychological profile. I thought it was a really interesting idea on how to create a digital mind from scratch.
We’re distracted people, obviously. I can’t even stay on topic without going into Battlestar this and Terminator that… So much distraction we don’t even know of our spiritual death. We need to go back to basics… The Seed of Life, The Flower of Life… Look up the mathematics of what the Flower of Life is and what information comes from it. It might wake some of you up. If you claim to be more intelligent than the last person you talked to about creation/evolution you owe it to yourself to learn all that is learnable… “Find the Creator and Join with It.” ~Star Trek The Motion Picture. Stop being comfortable with being miserable. Its so easy to just bathe in that concept. People are absolutely addicted/comfortable with being “miserable” that is why some are not open to new/pleasurable experiences and/or people in their lives… Every time someone tries they panic attack right the hell out and have to take some sort of anxiety pill, have a drink, do a drug to make the anxiety go away.
I say bathe in it.
That anxiety is your subconscious telling you. “Hey… This is really new and not pre-programmed, what do we do?” Do not cheapen the Human Experience, because one doesn’t wanna deal with it. We are supposed to be high strung and uncomfortable most of the time. Its called being Human… It’s called Life… Deal with it. I say this a lot to people about being “COMFORTABLE WITH BEING MISERABLE!!!” I say it in almost every discussion about philosophy and psychology. People are terrified of change… They absolutely are… Even me… I have been for years. I do not deny it. It is my motivation…
Understand the concepts of words and what they mean. Call people out on it if they do not know any better. Pass on knowledge… Ignorance can no longer be accepted as “Blind-Bliss…” The things I talk about with quantum philosophy, sacred geometry are real-world applications as to coming to terms with one’s life, one’s self and creating harmony where there wasn’t before. Build your confidence back up. You don’t have to pay anyone. You don’t have to pray. You don’t have to go to a specific place at a specific time. That is all Human Intervention, not Universal Intervention. You don’t owe anyone anything when it comes to repairing most of a life that has been damaged and needs spiritual fixing.
Understanding the math and concepts of how the Universe has positioned itself will lead to a better existence than listening to what idiot Democrat or lying Republican will tell you about life. What CNN/FOX spews out as nonsense they call news trying to sway your opinion to make choices that will lead to the human race eradicating itself is not the way to make humanity better. This is not about making a person better to bully and belittle other people; because they do not share your version of clarity, but by making you happy so you can in-turn make others happy. You cannot go around trying to be a hero when you yourself are DAMAGED and needs to be fixed. Remember, how bad you might have it. If you are reading this and life is very difficult for you and you are unhappy. You are not BROKEN. Just merely damaged. If you have a dream and forgot it, go out and find it; as dreams are what reality is based on…
All stems from Spirit…
You have one. I have one, we all have one.
That is why we are all BROTHERS and SISTERS because we really are… Your Happiness Is The Greatest Revenge Against Those Who Bring You Down! People who can’t or won’t will always judge/hate people who can and will…
I Highly recommend watching these two – 12-minute videos on Sacred Geometry. They will open your mind like they did for me. It’s not about Facts its about being open-minded and understanding knowledge they typically do not teach to us in schools… These concepts do not affect your faith, your religion, your God or your love for any and all. These are embedded in all the religions of the world. They have been from the start. They didn’t just pop up last year…