Zen Kick

So I have been on a real positive Zen kick lately. I have been looking at fundamentals much more closely. Fundamentals like:
• Good • Evil • Positive Energy (the Flow of it) • Love • Spirit • Consciousness •
These things have been on my mind lately. So much so that it is time to let go of all that hate, rage, frustration, confusion that is in my life. As much as I use these tools to fuel my workouts. I don’t feel like it is doing my soul all that much good. I use the negative to do positive things, but those negative thoughts are still around.
They are still there…. After the fact…
Last night I did a late-night workout with all the energy/fuel from things that are Zen. I tried this as an experiment. I do not like the fact I have to take a chemical to get up for a workout or take a pill to go to bed. I should be able to do these things naturally.
I feel like its fake when I do these things. That it does not come from within, but rather these outside influences to fuel me. Supplements, booze, medication. None of these are natural and all of them give a person a false sense of exposure of what these things are supposed to do for a person; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually.
Not just supplements, but my life as well. I want to rid my life, my social networking life, my love life, my body of all negative energies.
I don’t want to be part of some solution to heal mankind or get the right guy elected, or make other people money. I am just wanting to go in a direction that is more spiritually satisfying for myself.
Enlightenment is where i want to go, not a false sense of entitlement. Some want to stay here and continue with the High School mentality of negativity.
I love my friends…
love my Facebook friends…
Well, most of you.
Some of you I am not even sure why and even how we became friends. My old school durty port friends, ha…
HOWEVER; Starting now, if I SEE negativity on my page and that person does not add anything positive or a solution to it. If you are just hating to hate and it is a regular theme I will have no choice but to remove you from my page.
I have been on some groups lately and I have seen an OVERWHELMING amount of positivity on these pages. No HATING. Like on my page, where that is pretty much all I see nowadays. These people are complete strangers, but are very nice to people.
Why can’t we all be like that? Its really freaking easy…. Really… It is… Don’t follow… Lead… Don’t stay down, get back up, dust yourself off, push forward.. Do this: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and, yes, even sexually…
your Jedi Powers…
“Do or Do Not There Is No Try…” ~Grandmaster Yoda
David A. Mineo
500 Words