
I look at it like this. Life is that of a beat up car. It’s old, very old… It runs, but at any given one time it could quit on you. You never really know when that time is, but you know it will happen. If the Car is life, the engine is fate or destiny.
who drives the car? You do…
You are the driver…
dictate whether or not, where, when, how you go to your destination(s).
It is up to you…
Now if the car quits on the way there, you only have so much control over that. The best you can do may not always be a winning situation. Yet, then again, are you supposed to win, that situation over another or even win at all? Perhaps, for who are we, supposed to know that? We do not, we go on faith…. Not necessarily religious faith. I will be the last one to ask God for anything, ever again after what I have dealt with this past year.
Rather Faith in yourself. The only one that is going to get you up out of bed and continue to live at the highest level you possibly can is you. No one else is going to do that for you.
A quote I use over and over again and it’s one of my own…
Mineolore – My strength did not come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down! Adversity will never be the core of my demise; but rather the tool that allows me to dominate! That is some truth right there… I want to dominate, to conquer, to always move forward. Perfection is not a thing one can obtain but someone can always strive forward for it…
That is the process of success in my opinion. As Rocky said, “that is how winnin’ is done!” Another thing that always stuck by me, hard, was what Yoda Said in “Empire Strikes Back.” Granted I was about 3-4 years old, but man some things just stick with people at a young age.
“Try not… Do… Do or do not, there is no try…” ~Grandmaster Yoda
If you want something… Find out what it will take to get there and DO……Have no emotion about it either way just keep pluggin’ away at it till you reach that goal. All Goals are doable! The work to get there is what scares people off. The shirt I am wearing today is of Bruce Lee… It says “Fear is for others!” It is… It’s for all those people we know that quit in life. That used lies, or cheated or manipulated. Took short cuts in life to get the things they think they needed at that time, but really were just wants… I always think to myself, well, not lately…
“Hey, how is that working out for you?”
Yeah, exactly, it’s not!!! They know who they are! You can only have feelings about things you can control. Find out what those are and get those feelings out of the way so work can be continued, so those goals you think about can be achieved.
“If you have lost your dream… You need to go find it…” That is a bodybuilder quote… Kai Greene… Guy is the Yoda of Body Building, changed my thought process on how I attack goals… As always my door is wide open… The hard part, the people that live in fear and question their own thoughts of wants/needs in life, always tend to be afraid to walk through that door… It’s easy… Do, one foot in front of the other, you do it with confidence. You do it without fear. Do it with Passion! Even if those steps mean you will be no more in this life, so what…
people in this life have that kind of control over their life…
I am very grateful for my focus, my control, my resolve…
by David-Angelo Mineo
663 Words