The Monster Mash…

So this blog will be just a mishmash of thoughts tonight. I had a good solid idea of what I wanted to write about on Saturday, but I was late and on my way to the gym.
I saw a lot of things over the weekend (4/2).
1st I’d like to say my fitness is going pretty well right now. I am about 142 lbs, probably under 10% body fat. I don’t feel small though. I really feel pretty jacked as of late. Might be the preworkout, mesomorph from APS… I do not know about all their product line, but the preworkout is the bomb. I am also taking their Test booster Testogen, which I think is a fairly decent product. Right now you get a bottle FREE if you order a bottle of Mesomorph. So I am saving money using their line right now and feel pretty good about the quality.
My workouts are epic. I start most of them with picking an area and pre-exhausting it. Then go into my workout. Do my abs and I am done. Usually around 2 and a half to 3 hours. Right now, 6 days on, 1 day off, but I have been sort of cheating that system pending on my beach life. SWFL baby. Who doesn’t wanna be at the beach?
I saw this quote on my feed and I really liked it so I posted it. “I want to infect you with the tremendous excitement of living, because I believe that you have the strength to bear it.” Tennessee Williams, The Selected Letter: 1920 -1945. That is kind of how I operate. I lead by example. I know I talk/say/show a lot, but it’s my resolve that makes all that look tiny and insignificant.
I also got to see the Kadaver Dolls play. It’s been about 2 or 3 years since I have last seen the band play live. It was amazing to see how everyone has come along. They came, they saw, they threw down and then we all drank beer. As it should be… Their album “Machines of Death” is absolutely amazing and if you like metal then go get a copy of it. It was worth the drinking money I spent on it. 2 workouts in and have jammed to it both times.
The whole weekend was filled with hanging out with musicians. Something I have not done in a while. It used to be an every weekend thing before I got hooked on the gym. Although I do miss the music and interactions. I do not miss the drinking or the smoky bars. One of the reasons I do this now as a treat rather than a hobby.
I got to meet one of my childhood heroes over the weekend. George Lynch. His music, projects, side projects over 30 years have inspired me, made me dream, think and imagine. My 1st taste of rock music that I wanted to listen to as a kid was Dokken… 1987… Dream Warriors, from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.
That is how I got into rock/metal. So I met a few other people too from other bands from the era and all I could say is…. Man, my 12-year-old self is flipping the FK out right now, lol. I have met famous people before and it’s all the same. I don’t get very excited or treat them famous. I treat everyone the same.
I always have…
However, respect… You know. Since I was 9 or 10 music has been a huge influence over me. Just because I grew up doesn’t mean I forgot what got me here, to begin with and how I thought back then. Hung out with the old bass player for W.A.S.P. Johnny Rod and he had an amazing quote on stage. “Getting old is enviable, growing up is a choice.”
This all comes full circle as I am in the line at the store on Sunday after the show. I see this little girl look up at me. She has down syndrome really bad. It was obvious. Kid was probably 2 or 3. She smiles at me… I smile back and say hello. I hold up my hand for a high five and this little girl slaps my hand like she just nailed the game-winner of the NCAA Championship Game.
For that split second, I made this really awesome connection with a kid, who most likely has the hardest of days and will have the hardest of days for life. Yet, she was able to smile and make a connection. I was just the receiver. I had to keep my composure. As I was about to cry in the store, but what a moment. I meet my hero, I get to say a few words to him and yet the connection I had with this little girl made that all seem, well, meh…
The Project Continues…
Monster Mash…
by David-Angelo Mineo
823 Words